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劳顿造句 首页

  • 1、舟车劳顿下,两脸被冻的果红,还未消散尽,头上梳着两个小辫角,张口说话时,还一颤一颤的。
  • 2、舟车劳顿,车里满满的都是齐飞的怨气。
  • 3、Despite his physical exhaustion, John pushed himself to finish the marathon, fueled by his determination to prove his strength and resilience.
  • 4、The intense workload and constant pressure had taken a toll on Sarah's mental and emotional well-being, leaving her in a state of complete physical and mental exhaustion.
  • 5、Inthe face of countless challenges and setbacks, the young entrepreneur continued to work tirelessly, his unwavering dedication and unyielding spirit driving him forward.
  • 6、The long hours and demanding responsibilities of her job had left her with a deep sense of fatigue, but she never let it diminish her passion and commitment to her work.
  • 7、Asthe soldier returned from the battlefield, his body weary and battered, his eyes still shone with a flicker of hope and a sense of duty that could not be extinguished.
  • 8、The constant hustle and bustle of city life had left Amanda feeling overwhelmed and depleted, yearning for a moment of peace and respite from the relentless demands.
  • 9、The endless cycle of deadlines and meetings left Mark feeling burnt out, his creative spark diminished and his once vibrant enthusiasm reduced to a mere flicker.
  • 10、Despite facing countless obstacles and setbacks, the athlete summoned every last ounce of energy, pushing through the pain and exhaustion to achieve the sweet taste of victory.
  • 11、The burden of financial difficulties and familial responsibilities weighed heavily on his shoulders, causing a deep sense of weariness and frustration that seemed impossible to shake.
  • 12、The sweat dripping down his forehead and the ache in his muscles were testament to the sheer exertion and effort he had poured into his training, unwilling to settle for anything less than excellence.
  • 13、She had dedicated her entire life to serving others, sacrificing her own wellbeing in the process, and now, as she approached her twilight years, the accumulated exhaustion and weariness settled in her bones.
  • 14、The relentless pursuit of perfection had left him feeling drained and empty, realizing that true happiness could not be found in the achievement of success alone.
  • 15、The weight of expectations and the fear of failure had created a sense of chronic fatigue, a weariness that seemed to seep into every aspect of her life, suffocating her dreams and aspirations.
  • 16、The monotonous routine and lack of fulfillment in his job had left him in a constant state of restlessness, yearning for a change that would break the cycle of exhaustion and dissatisfaction.
  • 17、As the single mother worked multiple jobs to provide for her children, the physical and emotional strain became almost unbearable, yet she persisted, fueled by a love that knew no bounds.
  • 18、The exhausting demands of caring for ailing parents while juggling a demanding career had taken its toll on her, leaving her feeling perpetually overwhelmed and emotionally depleted.
  • 19、The weight of the world seemed to rest heavily on his shoulders, the burdens and responsibilities of life threatening to crush his spirit, but in the face of adversity, he found the strength to carry on.
  • 20、The grueling training sessions and intense competition had left the athlete in a state of complete exhaustion, physically drained but mentally fortified, knowing that hard work and dedication would ultimately pay off.
  • 21、三天前二人进了锦官城,先是觅了一处下榻,舟车劳顿,略作休整,合计了一下盘缠,省吃俭用也不能够熬到三个月后的会试,先不管那么多,美美的睡了一个觉。
  • 22、张邈远道而来,鞍马劳顿,即便他再急于夺回城池,却也不会当即就发起强攻。
  • 23、男人大多是不系之舟,逼急了我野渡无人也不愿意舟车劳顿
  • 24、苏格兰高地的优秀分子几乎全部都牺牲在克劳顿.
  • 25、*席布劳顿在会议上分享了自己对于球队未来计划的想法.
  • 26、同学们无须舟车劳顿、于奔命地赶上课,可以安坐家中专心学习。
  • 27、我一路上鞍马劳顿,权且歇息一下.
  • 28、连日奔波劳顿,所有的将士又累又饿,怨言四起。
  • 29、另外爷爷的身体这两年也越发不好了,已经经不起舟车劳顿了。
  • 30、有劳诸位同道驾临武当,我已吩咐膳房为各位准备下斋饭,诸位鞍马劳顿,还请用饭后早些休息吧!
  • 31、概诸家所言,备述建聪先生学书之不易,自童髫时勤习字帖,粗弄刀刻,忙碌劳顿,春秋易季,几无中断,凡四十余年矣。知之小工具
  • 32、大夫人真个是仪态万方,仪容大气,她款款走上前说:“大官人一路车马劳顿,辛苦了!妾身有失远迎,赎罪!”。
  • 33、旅行是最劳顿,最麻烦,叫人本相必现的时候。经过长期苦旅行而彼此不讨厌的人,才可以结交作朋友。
  • 34、10天,其中转车就四五次,舟车劳顿,着实辛苦。
  • 35、一个半时辰相当于三个小时,这些孩童一路行来舟车劳顿,早就呵欠连天,但畏于新主人,谁都不敢把困顿表现出来。
  • 36、皇上心疼他们舟车劳顿,让他们都早些回去休息。
  • 37、我还是那句话,无功不受禄,特使远道而来,鞍马劳顿,还请先去休息。
  • 38、请主人收下我,以后无论何时,我都愿意追随你身后,鞍马劳顿,绝无怨言。
  • 39、一路的舟车劳顿,站台上刚下火车的旅客都显得有些疲惫,大包小包的行李,更是成了一种负担。
  • 40、召开这次的紧急会议,各位舟车劳顿地从各地赶来,辛苦了!对于昨日突发事件的状况,想必各位也已经有所耳闻。
  • 41、利物浦*席马丁?布劳顿相信俱乐部可以说服托雷斯留下.
  • 42、爆竹声声除旧岁,祝福阵阵报平安。天涯海角盼团圆,舟车劳顿过大年。喜怒哀乐终平淡,苦辣麻香归于甜。龙飞凤舞贺新年,金蛇纳福降人间。祝您蛇年美满,团团圆圆!
  • 43、来到白龙潭边,仰望瀑布喷珠泻玉,飞流直下,仿佛白龙归洞,站在青绿、清幽的潭水边,山行的疲劳顿时消解了许多。
  • 44、瞧你这一趟,昼夜不息奔波劳顿的,累了个够呛,还行么?
  • 45、贫穷,张清来17岁时开始发奋读书,以把双脚泡在冰水里对抗劳顿与瞌睡的狠劲,苦读8年,终于在24岁那年通过公务员金融特考,被分到台北“考试院”铨叙部。
  • 46、由此再行两日,我们就可以抵达黄河之上,乘船顺流东下,无须再受这鞍马劳顿了。
  • 47、近日来,我们的演员舟车劳顿,需要休息。
  • 48、照照镜子晒黑了,摸摸钱包变瘪了,山水怡情甜美了,舟车劳顿累点了,长假归来心野了,按部就班归位了,生活调剂到位了,心无旁鹜上班了。平安盛世太好了!祝您节后愉快!
  • 49、在下忝为一等武清伯江宁郭氏嫡孙,郭烈,恭迎众位老大人光临,英烈候爷随后就到,各位老大人鞍马劳顿,还请先入内稍事。
  • 50、夜政是拖着疲惫的身子回府的,并不是车马劳顿之辛,也不是案牍劳形,只是那颗心浮沉不定,沉重的那样吊在躯壳内。


劳顿 láodùn

1、劳累疲倦 2、烦扰 
劳顿 (汉语词汇) 劳顿,指劳累疲倦,如:舟车劳顿。也用作英语人名、地名的翻译。如:查尔斯·劳顿、密歇根州城市劳顿(Lawton)。