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  • 1、他说,还没就这个尚未达成的协议中的全部条款取得最终一致意见
  • 2、多年以来,我们坚持团结在友情周围,以实现快乐最大化、运气最好化、幸福最美化为目的,加快融洽感情。世界问候日,想与你达成一致意见:常联络。
  • 3、Intoday's meeting, we reached a unanimous consensus on the importance of environmental sustainability, and we committed ourselves to taking collective action to protect our planet for future generations.
  • 4、Asa team, we all share the same viewpoint that fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity within our organization will not only enhance productivity but also create a more harmonious and fulfilling work environment for everyone involved.
  • 5、Itis heartening to witness the widespread agreement among the international community that access to quality education is a fundamental human right, and together we will work towards ensuring every child has an equal opportunity to learn and thrive.
  • 6、Weare united in our belief that promoting mental health should be a global priority, and we pledge to raise awareness, foster supportive communities, and break the stigma surrounding mental illnesses.
  • 7、Through open dialogue and mutual understanding, we collectively agreed that sustainable economic growth must be coupled with social responsibility, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of prosperity.
  • 8、The unanimous consent among the medical professionals is that preventive healthcare measures, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine screenings, are invaluable in reducing the burden of chronic diseases and improving overall well-being.
  • 9、Weare of one mind when it comes to the significance of investing in renewable energy sources, as it not only mitigates the adverse effects of climate change but also creates new job opportunities and drives technological innovation.
  • 10、Our collective agreement is that fostering a strong sense of community engagement and volunteerism can enhance social cohesion, promote empathy and resilience, and create a more compassionate society for all.
  • 11、The shared belief among economists is that fostering a fair and equitable business environment, where competition is transparent and regulations are in place, can lead to sustainable economic development and shared prosperity.
  • 12、It is abundantly clear that investing in early childhood development is of utmost importance, as it lays the foundation for a child's future success and contributes to building a thriving society based on equal opportunities for all.
  • 13、The unanimous consent among educators and parents is that a holistic approach to education, integrating academic and emotional development, is crucial in nurturing well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society.
  • 14、We all concur that promoting gender equality and empowering women not only benefits them but also accelerates socio-economic progress, fosters innovation, and builds more inclusive and resilient communities.
  • 15、The unanimous consent among policymakers is that investing in infrastructure development is essential for improving connectivity, fostering economic growth, and enhancing the overall quality of life for citizens.
  • 16、It is evident, through extensive research and shared experiences, that promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue can bridge divides, foster mutual understanding, and bring about a more peaceful and harmonious society.
  • 17、The united opinion among human rights advocates is that the protection and promotion of human rights are essential for building just and equitable societies, where every individual can live with dignity and respect.
  • 18、The consensus among diplomats and policymakers is that fostering strong international cooperation and dialogue is paramount in addressing global challenges and achieving sustainable development goals.
  • 19、因此,专利机构取得一致意见,对嵌入到XML申请书中的图片格式和大小有严格的限制。
  • 20、参议员汤姆达施勒也宣布了他对这个一致意见的支持;迪克格普哈特没有支持,但我希望一旦有机会重新审阅这个预算,他会回心转意。
  • 21、该说的话,李益明已经说到位了,徐鸿章不为已甚,微笑道:“后天投资商先到丰收镇,选定科技园的大致范围,再到县城与各位领导商量,争取这次就达成一致意见
  • 22、印度内部在气候政策上无法达成一致意见。“增长第一”的拥护者跟全球变暖批评者和被围攻的进步人士之间将决一胜负知之小工具。
  • 23、这个问题争论了半天,仍是仁者见仁,智者见智,没有取得一致意见
  • 24、因此,架构师需要将需求“推回去”,进而在涉众和架构师之间达成一致意见
  • 25、20多年前在长安厦岗租地建厂的“今欣”塑料五金厂,于去年接到“二手地主”涨租10倍的通知,双方无法达成一致意见
  • 26、在随同前往的塔巴德客店老板的建议下,这群朝圣者达成一致意见,每人轮流讲故事以供娱乐,让大家旅途愉快。
  • 27、经协商最后达成了同意兄弟分居异爨过日子的一致意见
  • 28、条约国在这些问题上取得了一致意见
  • 29、人介绍,此前天津、河北共提出了35条拟与北京对接的道路,经过梳理,三地达成一致意见的有10条,包括良常路这类的国道以及一些县道,比如通州的德觅路。
  • 30、如果不能套现,只能放在那儿当摆设,中看不中吃,又有什么意思?双方的目的不同,主张自然不同,经过多次激烈的争论,尚不能达成一致意见,一时处于胶着状态。
  • 31、由于这些作品日后的归属问题总是达不成一致意见,围绕在毕加索身边的亲朋好友经常争吵不休甚而大打出手。
  • 32、大家开诚布公,共同协商,很快就达成一致意见
  • 33、在签约仪式上,双方就技术合作事宜达成一致意见,该项目主要生产“企鹅牌”改装车。
  • 34、在你定义项目的时候,你要确保和项目发起人在项目应该完成的所有工作内容上达成一致意见
  • 35、因为,李敏敏和赵亮已经形成诺成合同,也就是说,当双方当事人对“送猫”一事达成一致意见后,合同就宣告成立了。
  • 36、他说:我们已经和国际伙伴们达成一致意见,决定下届20国集团峰会在伦敦举行。
  • 37、任何一天都有来自全球的几十位决策者和专家在总部或我们的实地办事处召开会议,就重大的粮食和农业问题达成一致意见
  • 38、一旦就奖金事宜达成全球性一致意见,各国大银行就应该遵守这项协议。
  • 39、如果出现争议,而且又无法通过友好谈判来达成一致意见,那我们就只能将争议案交由国际仲裁机构仲裁解决。
  • 40、双方就会谈纪要取得一致意见.
  • 41、在信中,乔治表明罗伊与杰克逊一家尚未对孩子的监护权和探视权达成一致意见
  • 42、该条约第二条阐述了两国在边界上的一致意见,即“两国边界应位于择捉群岛和得抚岛之间。
  • 43、而希拉里的这番言论,在美国国内也引发了广泛的争议,暗示奥巴马**外交团队可能在某些问题上并没有达成一致意见
  • 44、为此,甥舅之间有过多番争论,始终达不成一致意见
  • 45、现在专家的一致意见认为,这可能是由于抗血小板和抗血栓治疗不足所引起的。
  • 46、猜谜的一方再次交头接耳起来,显然他们对这场戏所表现的字或只言片语,无法取得一致意见。他们的发言人登特上校要来表现“完整的场面”,于是帷幕又一次落下。
  • 47、关于沧源崖画的制作年代问题,目前学术界仍有分歧,尚未取得一致意见
  • 48、行业的邮政管理局进行报备,第二跟网点加盟商承包区开会协商处理这个事情,第三就是协商达成一致意见以后,加盟公司网点赶紧来拉件,把客户的件先派下去。
  • 49、猜谜的一方再次交头接耳起来,显然他们对这场戏所表现的字或只言片语,无法取得一致意见
  • 50、本协定以及其所有附表,是协定各方在涉及到相关事项时的完整的唯一的一致意见