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一见倾心造句 首页

  • 1、武哥哥不但品貌非凡,待人温文尔雅,婷儿一见倾心,此生非他不嫁。
  • 2、多少次我再次坐下,一直追忆那天的点滴,不断回味那些飞纵的瞬间,从新领会一见倾心的漂亮。
  • 3、The first time I laid my eyes on her, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew instantly that she was the missing piece of my puzzle, my soulmate.
  • 4、When our gazes met across the crowded room, time seemed to stand still, and a powerful connection formed, igniting a flame in my heart that I had never felt before.
  • 5、AsI saw her for the first time, her captivating smile and the way her eyes sparkled like stars mesmerized me, leaving an indelible impression in my mind and heart.
  • 6、Inthat fleeting moment, I knew deep within my being that she was the one I had been searching for all my life, and I couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with her.
  • 7、The instant our eyes locked, a surge of emotions flooded through me, and it was as if the whole world ceased to exist, for all that mattered was the overwhelming connection we shared.
  • 8、From the moment I saw her, my heart whispered to me that she was my destiny, and I couldn't resist the magnetic pull that drew me closer to her, completely and irrevocably.
  • 9、When I first laid eyes on him, it felt as if a thousand fireworks lit up the sky, and I knew right then and there that this was the love story of a lifetime waiting to unfold.
  • 10、Asour eyes met, an electric current coursed through my veins, and I realized that the universe had conspired to bring us together, destined to embark on a remarkable journey of love.
  • 11、Inan instant, my heart recognized his soul, and I became enchanted by the way his laughter filled the air, creating a symphony of emotions that resonated within me, forever changing my life.
  • 12、From the very first glance, I knew I had found something extraordinary in her, a kind of love that transcends time and space, enveloping me in a cocoon of warmth and serenity.
  • 13、When our eyes connected, it felt as if all the colors of the world had become brighter, and in that moment, I realized that this was the person I had been dreaming of my whole life.
  • 14、From the moment our eyes met, a profound connection knitted our souls together, intertwining our destinies and promising a love story that would defy all odds and stand the test of time.
  • 15、Just one look at him, and I knew deep within my soul that he was the missing piece of my heart, the one who would complete me and make me believe in the power of love once again.
  • 16、The moment I laid eyes on her, it was as if the universe aligned, whispering in my ear that this was the person who would encourage me to become the best version of myself.
  • 17、As we locked eyes, time seemed to slow down, and with each passing second, I could feel my heart opening up to a love so pure and profound that it would forever change my life.
  • 18、From the very first glimpse, I knew he held a special place in my heart, and I couldn't help but be captivated by his gentle spirit, his warm smile, and the kindness that radiated from within him.
  • 19、The moment our eyes connected, an overwhelming sense of familiarity washed over me, as if our souls had danced together in a previous lifetime, and now they had finally found each other again.
  • 20、It only took one glance at her to understand that this was the person who would make me believe in the magic of love, who would challenge me to grow and inspire me to chase my dreams.
  • 21、As our eyes met, it felt as if a thousand chapters of our intertwined story unfolded before me, and I knew deep within my heart that this was the happily ever after I had always yearned for.
  • 22、一见倾心,再见痴心,终日思心,欲得芳心,相思苦心,想得揪心,你心我心,心心相印!白*情人节,亲亲,此刻我很挂念你,请为我好好照顾自己!
  • 23、我不埋怨你,我爱你,爱的就是这个你:感情炽烈,生性健忘,一见倾心,爱不忠诚。茨威格
  • 24、他俩一见倾心,没过多久,就定下了终身大事。
  • 25、怪只怪,她遇见了你,一见倾心。——东方不败。金庸
  • 26、在上次舞会上,他俩一见倾心,立即就建立了恋爱关系。
  • 27、朴有天饰演的新手船员东植对韩艺璃饰演的年轻女子红梅一见倾心,于是将红梅藏在温暖的轮机室中。
  • 28、一次回眸,惊鸿一瞥,一见倾心;一句誓言,海誓山盟,凝聚诚心;一缕青丝,绾住你我,白首同心;一份真情,缠绵悱恻,缘定真心。情人节到了,愿我俩心心相映,白头到老!
  • 29、御花园里一见倾心,从此开始了追夫之路!翻围墙、钻狗洞、闯青楼,就在林悦以为自己即将打动“佳人”。
  • 30、不要问我为什么会对你一见倾心,因为我是你流浪过的一个地方。辛夷坞
  • 31、狐朋狗友们也为我着急,四下为我张罗介绍,终于有一天,一个长得娇小玲珑的美眉让我一见倾心,于是相约开始拍拖。
  • 32、假如没有遇见你,我还是那个我,日复一日,在这喧嚣的人海里奔波;假如没有遇见你,我不会了解,这个世界还有这样的一个你让我心醉;假如人生不曾相遇,我不会相信,有一种人可以一见倾心、百看不厌。愿阳光暖一点,再暖一点;愿和你在一起的日子更幸福,更温暖!
  • 33、自从相公辱临寒家,一见倾心,密谈尽夕。
  • 34、“臻金”好礼如同一阙字字珠玑、情境悠远的好词,不仅要有夺目抢眼的外观,更能品出心灵相通的意境,令用户一见倾心、过目难忘。
  • 35、莫西子诗对一位日本姑娘一见倾心,再次相见之时却发现没准备礼物,就在路边采了一束杂草送上,这束杂草竟就成了他们的定情之物。
  • 36、真挚的持久的爱情,不是“一见倾心”,因为相互及全面的了解,思想观点的协和,不是短时期能达到的,必须经过相当的时间才能真正了解,才能实际地衡量双方的感情。
  • 37、一见倾心看到你;二话不说认定你;三头六臂讨好你;四海承风追求你;五脏六腑全是你;七步成章取悦你;八珍玉食滋养你;九九归一只为你!
  • 38、回想起来,我会对此地一见倾心并不足为奇:当年我是个来自化外之域的年轻诗人。年轻、诗、未开化,三者并不会互相冲突:在一个未开化的人眼中可看到纯真;在年轻人眼中是对生命的渴望,在诗人眼中则是惊奇。奥克塔维奥·帕斯
  • 39、一见倾心这种爱情并不一定可靠。
  • 40、只有秋荷,清新淡泊,不蔓不枝,不肥不瘦,富有饶趣,让人一见倾心
  • 41、何莉与吴大鹏于2000年年初经表哥介绍相识,吴大鹏对何莉一见倾心,何莉却觉吴大鹏说话太直,脾气太冲,怕婚后不好相处。
  • 42、他倒是一口温软好听的江南口音,但语气沉浑,眉目间更是充斥着一种喷薄欲出的正气,虽是布衣打扮,气度却令人一见倾心
  • 43、九月初九是重阳,一见倾心结姻缘,相持相伴到白头,老来登高忆满头。短信祝福呈吉祥,问候关怀暖心窝,愿你重阳心欢喜,健康快乐到永久。
  • 44、现代著名作家艾芜对冬日千佛山的风光也是一见倾心
  • 45、他一见倾心,再见忘情,重忆种种,誓不罢手。
  • 46、世上芸芸众生,有几个人是叫人一见倾心,又有几个人,会得出人头地。其实做普通人最开心。没有侈望,顺其自然,尽其本步而游于自得之场。亦舒
  • 47、李小白这边竟然还傻笑出了声,他现在却是想起来那个让他一见倾心的赵颖儿,哇塞,真的是极品标致啊,而且大家都是开酒楼的了,可以经常互通互通有无嘛。
  • 48、这就是四月。繁美丰盛的四月,一见倾心的四月,春意酥怀的四月,可以入诗入画的四月。她凝于画家的笔端,她流泻与歌唱家的音符,她缠绵于诗人的指尖。但是白居易却说“人间四月芳菲尽!”。
  • 49、宋夫人可能已记不起纪某,但纪某十五年前对夫人一见倾心,却无时或忘。


一见倾心 yī jiàn qīng xīn

宋 司马光《资治通鉴 晋孝武帝太元九年》:“主上与将军风殊类别,一见倾心,亲如宗戚。”
