- 1、为什么爆的装备会掉地上,而不会飞到天上去?万有引力!
- 2、事实上,我们上节课提到过,当时很多的哲人都提出万有引力是晦涩难懂的,即便是机械论的因果关系也是非常难理解的。
- 3、The force of gravity, known as the universal gravitation, binds our world together and allows us to walk on solid ground, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.
- 4、Under the influence of the universal gravitational force, celestial bodies dance in the vastness of space, forming breathtakingly beautiful constellations and inspiring a sense of awe within us.
- 5、The concept of universal gravity not only explains the movement of planets and stars, but also emphasizes the intricate balance and harmony existing in the cosmos, truly a testament to the wonders of nature.
- 6、Just as the moon tugs gently at the ocean's tides through the force of gravity, so too does love pull us towards one another – a romantic reminder of the universal power that connects all beings.
- 7、The theory of universal gravitation revolutionized our understanding of the world, marking a breakthrough moment in human history that propelled us towards further scientific exploration and discovery.
- 8、When we look up at the starry night sky, we are humbled by the realization that the same force of gravity that keeps our feet on the ground also holds billions of galaxies together, instilling a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
- 9、The significance of universal gravitation lies not only in its ability to explain the phenomena we observe, but also in its capacity to inspire us to explore the depths of the unknown and push the boundaries of human knowledge.
- 10、Through the force of gravity, planets orbit around the sun in perfect harmony, reminding us of the delicate balance required for life to flourish and the importance of cherishing and protecting our precious planet.
- 11、Inthe presence of universal gravity, even the smallest particles are drawn towards one another, silently reminding us that every action we take, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has an impact on the world around us.
- 12、The astonishing power of the universal gravitational force allows celestial bodies to collide, giving birth to new stars and galaxies, reflecting the natural cycle of creation and destruction that permeates our universe.
- 13、Just as gravity bends the fabric of space and time, so too can love and compassion bend the trajectory of our lives, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and fostering empathy for others.
- 14、The theory of universal gravitation acts as a beacon of knowledge, illuminating our understanding of the world and demonstrating the transformative power of scientific inquiry.
- 15、The force of gravity not only keeps us grounded, but also propels us forward, pushing us to strive for greater heights and inspiring us to reach for the stars, both literally and metaphorically.
- 16、The universal law of gravitation serves as a reminder that, regardless of our individual differences, we are all united by the invisible threads that connect us, providing hope for a future marked by understanding and harmony.
- 17、Universal gravitation imparts a sense of wonder and curiosity within us, encouraging us to question the mysteries of the cosmos and pursue knowledge with boundless enthusiasm.
- 18、From the falling of an apple to the orbit of the moon, the principles of universal gravity govern the very fabric of our existence, serving as a constant reminder of the majesty and orderliness of the universe.
- 19、The knowledge that every object with mass exerts a gravitational force on every other object imbues us with a sense of responsibility to care for our planet and all its inhabitants, recognizing the interdependence of all life.
- 20、The force of gravity, acting tirelessly and ceaselessly, reminds us of the consistent and unwavering nature of the laws that govern our universe, offering comfort and stability in an ever-changing world.
- 21、Universal gravitation, with its ability to bridge the vast distances between celestial bodies, reminds us that even in moments of perceived separation, we are intricately linked and part of something much greater than ourselves.
- 22、在研究万有引力和微积分之外,牛顿花费了更多时间研究“嬗变、哲人石和长生药”。
- 23、我们的爱情是丘比特安排的游戏,还是月下老人他傻傻分不清,你说靠在我的肩膀有心电感应,说不清又不像是梦境,我们的爱情是两颗星星眯着眼睛,还是命中注定我们会在一起,牛顿说过有种东西叫万有引力,我因为你开始相信那些大道理。汪苏泷
- 24、战地记者以沉痛而欣慰的语气总结说,在长达14年的第一次恒星际战争中,支撑地球60万亿亿吨重量的,并非牛顿的万有引力,而是爱和希望。江南
- 25、青春是人类的黄金时代,伽利略十八岁发现了钟摆原理,牛顿二十三岁发现了万有引力,爱因斯坦二十六岁创立相对论。青春多么的短暂,智慧却无穷。珍惜时间就是拥抱青春,珍惜青春就是拥抱未来。
- 26、你是我的人工呼吸,你是我的万有引力,你是我的影子不离,你是唇间的蜜糖一滴,你是枕边的柔情蜜语,有你我幸福得天下无敌。527爱妻日,说声爱你。
- 27、牛顿被苹果砸了一下头,从此发现了万有引力定律。我被你的拳头砸了一下头,从此发现了爱情引力定律。这个情人节,希望我们的爱情,从“头”开始!
- 28、爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你;爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对。缘分,就是一个奇数,等待另一个奇数,来组成一个偶数。七夕佳节,愿还是奇数的你,早日脱单;已是偶数的你,幸福甜蜜!
- 29、我们为一艘太空船提供了一项设计,能藉由使用万有引力如一个拖绳般约束改变威胁地球的小行星的轨道。
- 30、新的行星是靠测量“径向速度”,或者恒星在周围行星的万有引力下摇摆的速度检测出来的。
- 31、有升起就有回落。地球上几乎没有人怀疑万有引力基本定律。
- 32、现在已知道的是,向内收缩的阴线,其作用力是万有引力,作用点在河之中心。
- 33、虽然标准模式理论如同上述那般的美好,但它毕竟是断简残篇,且描述万有引力的篇章也散失了。
- 34、你是我的人工呼吸,我是你的万有引力;你是我的影子,我是你口中蜜糖一滴;你是枕边柔情蜜语,有你我幸福无比;用我生命中最美的点滴凝集成晶莹露珠滋润你,祝你快乐到永久!
- 35、地球上几乎没有人怀疑万有引力基本定律。
- 36、还有扭秤测出的两个铁球之间的弱引力,那是分子力的叠加;物质根本就不存在什么“万有引力”。
- 37、牛顿在他开始于一六六六年的不朽的工作中,发现了有关万有引力的三个极其重要的事实.
- 38、苹果砸在牛顿头上,砸出了万有引力。苹果砸在你头上,世间多了个**。
- 39、爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对。缘分,就是一个奇数,等待另一个奇数,来组成一个偶数。七夕佳节将至,愿还是奇数的你,早日脱单;已是偶数的你,幸福甜蜜!
- 40、但是不存在后来牛顿的万有引力说里讲的那种超距作用。
- 41、爱情的数字,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对;爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。七夕节,真爱最无敌!
- 42、而且月球与地球之间微妙的距离,位置,以及之间的万有引力都维持着地球如今一个可以让人类赖以生存的的生态环境。
- 43、他曾用扭力天平验证万有引力定律,从而确定引力常数和地球的平均密度。
- 44、进而在传统升降机升降过程中,设计适当的弹性平衡器来支撑制动器,并克服万有引力作用而节省能量。
- 45、然而,青春亦是需要我们珍惜的,需要我们努力的。牛顿付出青春发现万有引力定律;爱因斯坦花费青春提出相对论;冯如让青春飞翔,成为我国第一个飞机设计师和飞行家。
- 46、爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力。爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对。爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。七夕节,真爱最无敌!
- 47、力的分解与合成中的三角知识;运动学中的二次方程以及根的合理性的判别;万有引力、人造卫星中的幂的运算、简单的极值运算等。
- 48、在实验室里,他发现氢氧化合成水,发现电阻定律,后来又验证牛顿的万有引力定律,确定了引力常数和地球平均密度。
- 49、生命如同电能及万有引力一样,是宇宙中的一种力量,生命的存在支撑着生命的延续。人可以被摧毁,然而生命力会与人的生命融为一体,就如同星星之火可以燎原的道理。享利·贝斯
- 50、根据万有引力,今天的这颗小行星的运动没有丝毫规律可言,它一直朝我们地球飞来,似乎是地球存在某种神秘的磁场吸引着它一样从而导致这种现象发生。