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  • 1、一年的忙碌即将结束,一年的付出变成收获,一年的理想终将实现,一年的岁月用快乐画下句号,元旦是新年的开始,愿你在新年里更辉煌,祝元旦快乐幸福!
  • 2、一事情已过,不要再解说;出自孔子名言,下句为“遂事不谏,既往不咎”。
  • 3、The weather was gloomy and rain started pouring down, soaking the streets and filling the air with a refreshing scent of damp earth - a true indulgence for nature lovers and a nostalgic comfort for those seeking solace in the raindrops.
  • 4、With each stroke of the paintbrush, vibrant colors came alive on the canvas, carrying the artist's emotions and immortalizing their innermost desires, a testament to the profound connection between art and the human soul.
  • 5、The first bite into a perfectly ripe, juicy mango transported me to a tropical paradise, where the refreshing sweetness tickled my taste buds, and the vibrant flavors danced in harmony, a tantalizing delight that can only be experienced and not adequately described.
  • 6、With her graceful movements and ethereal presence, the ballerina effortlessly captivated the audience, her every leap and twirl telling a story of passion, determination, and the undying spirit of human expression.
  • 7、When I held my newborn baby in my arms for the first time, a wave of overwhelming love and protectiveness washed over me, connecting me to the miracle of life and reaffirming the incredible power of a mother's bond.
  • 8、Asthe final chord of the symphony faded away, the lingering silence held the audience in awe, leaving them breathless and deeply moved by the orchestra's collective talent, dedication, and ability to stir emotions.
  • 9、The sight of cherry blossoms blooming in springtime brought a sense of renewal and hope, as delicate petals danced in the gentle breeze, creating a picturesque scene that symbolized the fleeting beauty and the inevitability of change.
  • 10、Despite the challenges and setbacks, the athlete's unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of excellence inspired generations to never give up on their dreams, showcasing the indomitable spirit of human resilience and the rewards of hard work.
  • 11、In the embrace of a loved one, I found solace from the chaos of the outside world, their warmth radiating through my being, giving me a sense of belonging and reminding me that love is the ultimate refuge in times of uncertainty.
  • 12、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air, intertwining with the sounds of quiet conversations and gentle laughter, creating a cozy atmosphere that welcomed all - a haven for those seeking both caffeine and human connection.
  • 13、As the waves crashed against the shore, the immense power and relentless force of the ocean echoed the unpredictability and vastness of life, a humbling reminder of our place in the grand tapestry of the universe.
  • 14、With every stroke of the pen, words transformed into a powerful weapon capable of igniting revolutions, evoking empathy, and shaping the very foundations of our society, proof of the enduring impact of literature on our collective consciousness.
  • 15、Agentle breeze caressed my face, carrying with it the whisper of blooming flowers and dreams yet to be realized, reminding me of the beauty and potential that lies within every passing moment.
  • 16、The sound of children's laughter echoed through the playground, carrying with it an infectious sense of joy, innocence, and boundless imagination, reminding us to cherish the purity of childhood and the wonder that resides within us all.
  • 17、诗的首联以“昔闻”“今上”一对而起,节奏迅快,流露出宿愿得偿的欢欣之情,并为下句蓄足气势。
  • 18、重抄以下句子,将括号中的词置于正确的位置。
  • 19、一自孔子名言,下句为“遂事不谏,既往不咎”。
  • 20、正对:事物的两个角度、两个侧面说明同一事理,在内容上相互补充。上句和下句在意思上相似、相近、或相补或相衬的对偶叫做正对。
  • 21、考生只要把握了上句话和下句话的逻辑关系,便不难答题。
  • 22、谁说过的誓言,被谁划下句点,被谁扔到了风里面。Xun
  • 23、将以下句子改成使役结构,保留用斜体印出的动词。
  • 24、这老板原本还谄谀取容的笑脸,瞬间变得一本正经起来,撂下句
  • 25、语文考试,有一题是古诗文填空,上句是“桃花潭水深千尺”,要求填出下句。一位同学正考虑怎样向爸爸要钱玩游戏,于是填上了“不及汪伦送我钱”。
  • 26、曲调则全部是上下句体、4句唱词分两遍唱完.
  • 27、其实很忙的时候我也想大喝一声掀翻桌子头发甩甩的走开,被上司训的时候也想怒拍桌狠狠丢下句老子不干了,一起吃饭也想争着买单,回家时也想带些礼物给家里,看到过得不好的人也想帮忙,可都打消了念头。不是缺乏勇气,是真的缺钱。
  • 28、正对。上下句意思上相似、相近、相补、相衬的对偶形式。
  • 29、反对。上下句意思上相反或相对的对偶形式。
  • 30、对对子,天空不空的下句是?
  • 31、我们的回忆没有皱褶你却用离开烫下句点。陈奕迅
  • 32、英雄的生命,最终在1895年8月台南曾文溪一役划下句点。
  • 33、胸中书富五车,笔下句高千古。冯梦龙
  • 34、当最后一个音符响起,想念被逼画上休止符,再美好的句子也要写下句号。
  • 35、贾静雯和孙志浩4年8个月的婚姻前日正式画下句点。
  • 36、只能说我输了,也许是你怕了,我们的回忆没有皱褶,你却用离开烫下句点,只能说我认了,你的不安赢得到你信任,我却得到你安慰的淘汰。陈奕迅
  • 37、当最后一个音符响起,想念被逼画上休止符,再美好的句子也要写下句号。然而,这并不预示着结束,而是代表着另一个悲伤的延续。
  • 38、女人们说这句话的目的就是给你一个说实话的机会,要是你不识相的话,恐怕她们的下句话就是“那好”。
  • 39、假如一个人每天吃一样的饭,干一样的活,再加上把八个样板戏翻过来倒过去的看,看到听了上句知道下句的程度,就值得我最大的同情。
  • 40、霜降了,降下片片霜花,带给你美景一片;降下串串快乐,送给你笑声连连;降下绵绵好运,留给你幸福满满;降下句句祝愿,送给你情谊不断。霜降了,愿你永远快乐,万事如意!
  • 41、日本鬼太鼓座则爬上公交车顶击鼓,震撼全场,替花季划下句点。
  • 42、李百双说,不要只顾着抄笔记,理解老师意图更重要,要尽可能在老师讲下句话之前就先想到老师接下来要讲的内容。
  • 43、打完后,该男子扔下句话“再吵吵还揍你”。