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下限造句 首页

  • 1、这年代,成名算屁,多少屡秀下限的**也能粉丝绕膝。韩寒
  • 2、人民币兑美元27日再创汇率改革以来新高,亦是首次升破港元联系汇率浮动范围的下限水平。
  • 3、Snuggling under a warm blanket in front of the fireplace, I realized that the only way to truly appreciate the comfort of a cozy home is by experiencing the bitter cold and homelessness, which serves as the down limit of human existence.
  • 4、Despite the constant setbacks and adversity, she persevered and refused to let her circumstances define her. The down limit of her determination seemed nonexistent as she continuously defied expectations and achieved greatness.
  • 5、Asthe sun set behind the mountain peaks, its fiery glow painted the sky in vibrant hues, reminding me that even in the face of darkness, there will always be a down limit of beauty that nature generously offers us.
  • 6、Journeying through the treacherous depths of a cave, guided only by the dim light of our headlamps, we realized that fear had no down limit as its grip tightened with each slippery step we took.
  • 7、The down limit of innovation knows no bounds as scientists continually push the boundaries of knowledge, unraveling the mysteries of the universe and paving the way for new discoveries that shape our future.
  • 8、Standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the vastness of the ocean below, I was both captivated and humbled by the down limit of its power, reminding me of the immense forces that shape our world.
  • 9、Walking through the bustling streets of a foreign city, the cacophony of languages and cultures blending together, I realized that the down limit of human connection is truly boundless, transcending borders and barriers.
  • 10、Struggling to make ends meet, constantly living paycheck to paycheck, he found himself at the down limit of his financial resources, seeking out opportunities to break free from the cycle of poverty.
  • 11、As the tearful goodbyes were exchanged at the airport, I couldn't help but feel the down limit of sadness engulf my heart, knowing that physical distance would now separate us from the ones we love.
  • 12、Imprisoned within the confines of his own mind, he desperately sought a way to break free from the down limit of his doubts and fears, searching for the key that would unlock his true potential.
  • 13、Holding the tiny bundle of joy in her arms, she marveled at the down limit of love that filled her heart, knowing that it would forever transform her life.
  • 14、As the storm clouds gathered overhead, the thunderous roars and electrifying flashes illuminated the sky, reminding us of the down limit of nature's power and our own vulnerability in its presence.
  • 15、Exhausted and depleted, she pushed her body to the down limit of endurance, determined to cross the finish line and prove to herself that she was capable of achieving her goals.
  • 16、In the quiet solitude of the library, surrounded by countless books, she found solace and a down limit of knowledge that offered an escape from the chaos of the outside world.
  • 17、Though faced with overwhelming obstacles and hardships, the down limit of resilience within the human spirit enables us to rise above our circumstances and find strength in the face of adversity.
  • 18、The down limit of compassion is reached when we extend a helping hand to those in need, recognizing their struggles as our own and working towards a more compassionate and empathetic world.
  • 19、As the curtains closed on the final act of the play, the audience rose to their feet, erupting in thunderous applause, acknowledging the down limit of talent and skill displayed on the stage.
  • 20、临界盐度存在上下限,滤液的矿化度过低或过高都会造成盐敏损害。
  • 21、异世玄幻为背景,且看霸道英俊大师兄,如何无下限宠溺小师妹。
  • 22、捐款无下限,但我们期望是一人约捐500元。
  • 23、嗯……应该是当绘梨花说出第一晚是她干的那里吧。没有任何东西能比无下限的疯子绘梨花更强大了。
  • 24、面对这晴天霹雳,顾周周不得不带娃撒泼打滚,各种卖萌五下限
  • 25、洗涤分弱洗、轻洗、强洗;可设定3级水位设定,每级水位均设定水位下限;可选择漂洗次数。
  • 26、对土地手续的办理实行一条龙服务,简化办理程序,其土地补偿费、耕地开垦费、征地管理费等费用按规定标准的下限收取。
  • 27、对那些反应太慢又或者总是对我们的协议回复些秀下限的人,我们已经给了你们足够的警觉时间。
  • 28、过去,古籍善本是指经过严格校勘、无讹文脱字的古代书籍,时代下限,一般定为乾隆六十年。
  • 29、这一路上赵磊各种卖萌耍宝秀下限,搞得李宇满头黑线,在心里默默地问候了赵磊的祖宗。
  • 30、科特迪瓦能够在大部分情况下限制住葡萄牙,但在缺少德罗巴的情况下,很难穿透葡萄牙的防线。
  • 31、信赖下限;蒙地卡罗模拟法;涵盖率。
  • 32、本文提出的地层胶结指数法,引入了背景值和下限值概念,用它指示油气层,具有更高的分辨率和直观性。
  • 33、极限的上、下限之间的差称为公差.
  • 34、此外,暂存器可以访问的1个字节的上限和下限报警触发寄存器。
  • 35、论文在变电站变压器高压侧无功功率和目标侧母线电压的最佳变化曲线的基础上,给出了九区图电压无功上下限值的整定方法。
  • 36、晚上时望远镜放大率的下限是其孔径的3到4倍。
  • 37、然而,商场风云,变幻莫测,卓博这个一直标榜自己为一家“一直在创新”的企业,以他们的实际行动证明了两条亘古不变的真理:“智商无下限、敛财是王道”。
  • 38、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 39、极权的松动,不是靠个体英雄去触碰勇气的上限,而是靠无数底层民众,一点点抬高勇气的下限。代薇
  • 40、通过将集列分成有限个互不相交的子集列,给出了求集列的上限集和下限集的新方法。
  • 41、叛国、杀戮、刷世界、秀下限,欢乐无极限。
  • 42、我终于还是忍不住再一次秀下限了:“冰茶,你说这玩意真是生物?泥板科的?”。
  • 43、招股价下限和每股资产净值相若。
  • 44、曝光宽容度:以如下为例,它的下限为两条曲线的交点,曝光时间为15个单位。
  • 45、记下限制它们的因素,以弄清声学环境。
  • 46、利用参数的最佳线性无偏估计量及最佳线性不变估计量,估计出可靠度的近似置信下限
  • 47、临界频率是阻尼的函数,选择合适的阻尼可使临界频率尽量小,但存在下限
  • 48、不要以为你下限低就可以天下无敌,比下限我还没输过!国王陛下
  • 49、基于K型区间删失数据,利用样本空间排序法给出参数优良的置信下限和计算置信下限的递推公式。
  • 50、社保基数下限,养老、失业两个保险的下限是2317元,其他三险下限为3476元,若低于这一金额,则按照2317元、3476元来缴纳社保。


下限 xiàxiàn

下限 下限,一般是指函数的最小值或自变量的最小值,在数学分析中,在给定范围内(相对极值)或函数的整个域(全局或绝对极值),函数的最大值和最小值被统称为极值(极数)。皮埃尔·费马特(Pierre de Fermat)是第一位提出函数的最大值和最小值的数学家之一。

