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不断努力造句 首页

  • 1、让我想想欣宜,她最初是个胖女孩,经过她的不断努力,最后变成了辣妹。
  • 2、面对困难、挫折、挑战只要你肯相信自己,不断努力的付出,哪怕你现在的人生是从零开始,你都可以做得到。
  • 3、Through constant efforts, he overcame numerous obstacles and finally reached the pinnacle of success in his career, becoming an inspiration for many.
  • 4、Despite facing repeated failures, she never gave up and continued to strive harder, eventually achieving her dream of becoming a renowned artist.
  • 5、With unwavering determination, he persisted in his studies day and night, constantly pushing himself to excel academically and expand his knowledge.
  • 6、The team's relentless efforts and unwavering commitment led them to win the championship, proving that hard work and perseverance always pay off.
  • 7、She embarked on a journey of self-improvement, constantly challenging herself to become a better version of herself, both physically and mentally.
  • 8、Driven by an unyielding passion for innovation, the company consistently pushes boundaries, always striving to create groundbreaking products that revolutionize the industry.
  • 9、Overcoming numerous setbacks and challenges, she transformed her weaknesses into strengths, leveraging her experiences to succeed in her professional and personal life.
  • 10、Despite facing criticism and doubt from others, he remained steadfast in his goals, constantly improving himself and proving his critics wrong.
  • 11、Through constant learning and self-reflection, he continually evolved as a leader, inspiring and empowering his team to achieve greatness.
  • 12、With an indomitable spirit, she persevered through adversity, embracing each obstacle as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • 13、Undeterred by initial failures, she continuously refined her business strategies, adapting to changing market trends and eventually establishing a thriving enterprise.
  • 14、Embracing a growth mindset, he approached challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences to expand his horizons.
  • 15、Fueled by a burning desire to change lives, she tirelessly dedicated herself to philanthropy, ensuring that every effort made a meaningful impact on those in need.
  • 16、Throughout his journey, he demonstrated unwavering resilience, bouncing back from setbacks and disappointments, and continuously pursuing his dreams.
  • 17、By consistently setting high standards for himself, he pushed his limits and exceeded expectations, setting a shining example for others to follow.
  • 18、With an unwavering belief in his abilities, he pushed past his comfort zone, taking risks and embracing failures as valuable lessons that propelled him towards success.
  • 19、我们的目标应该是不断努力成为更好的人,并借着更远大的梦想扩张自己的界限。力克·胡哲
  • 20、只有我们内心坚定希望,才是我们保持不断努力,不断争斗,不断勇往直前的力量来源。奥巴马
  • 21、为了自己的梦想不断努力,即便战死沙场也是最棒的英雄。戚薇
  • 22、学习的时候就要不断努力谦虚学习,中途不要骄傲自满或者辍学了,否则你之前的努力就前功尽弃了!
  • 23、他天分虽然不高,但凭着细水长流的不断努力,终于成为一位优秀的作家。
  • 24、尽管有人不断努力以图撤消这项法律,联邦法院始终坚持执行这项法律中的主要条款.
  • 25、无论处于什么环境,都要不断努力
  • 26、要抹去懊悔,终究只有继续不断努力
  • 27、他先是安安静静地和大家说着话,谆谆嘱咐大家要不断学习,不断实践,对于一切生活中尽善尽美的看不见的原则,要不断努力理解,理解得越深越好。
  • 28、当今几位企业精英的成功秘诀,就是不因小有成就而自满,反而不断努力,精益求精。
  • 29、2011年,星牌人还将不断努力,创造更多的出色!
  • 30、因此,酸并不是静止地停留在对立里,而是不断努力地去实现它潜在的本性。
  • 31、学习要不断进取,不断努力,就像逆水行驶的小船,不努力向前,就只能向后退。
  • 32、自成立伊始,我们不断努力于构建一个兼具国际视野、高质量水准、融贯时尚和文化的精英团队。
  • 33、我一直为这些价值努力着,也大概会为了不同层次的成功而不断努力下去。
  • 34、MEDICOM?美钓家以生产钓竿产品而闻名挪威,是酷爱钓鱼之人的首选产品,通过长达半个世纪的不断努力,现已步入世界领先的钓具生产商行列。
  • 35、总是肯定自己,即使再不好的事也要通过不断努力变成好事.无论做任何事也都不要忘了肯定自己,以这种态度生活下去。金俊秀
  • 36、成功的方法唯有殚精竭虑,不断努力,没有别的捷径。
  • 37、人因为有理想、梦想而变得伟大,而真正伟大就是不断努力实现理想、梦想。
  • 38、这个世界只要有梦想,只要你不断努力,不断学习,不管你长得如何,不管你是不是有钱,不管是这样还是那样,你都是有机会的。
  • 39、每个人都不断努力为自己所能支配的资本找到最有利的用途。当然,他所考虑的是自身的利益。但是,他对自身利益的关注自然会,或者说,必然会使他青睐最利于社会的用途。这就像“有一只无形的手”在引导着他去尽力达到一个他并不想要达到的目的。亚当·斯密
  • 40、奥巴马总统称他将为了成为最好的父亲而不断努力知之小工具,同时他也号召全国所有的父亲都一起努力。
  • 41、风色华尔兹讲述了两个孤儿通过相互鼓励和不断努力而创造一个又一个奇迹的故事,文中饱含了我对爱情友情和亲情的诸多遐想。
  • 42、梦想是经不起等待的,只有你不断努力地执着于一件事,才有可能会成功。芥末绿
  • 43、中华捐书会拥有一支富有活力、孜孜不倦的杰出团队,正在为把这个世界变得更加美好而不断努力着。
  • 44、公司注重质量控制,不断努力为客户提供具有一流品质的产品。
  • 45、“神童”和“天才”,如果没有适当的环境和不断努力,就不能成才知之小工具,甚至堕落为庸人。维纳
  • 46、唯有立定志向,不断努力,才不会玩岁愒时以致一事无成。
  • 47、我以前只是想不断努力,增加比赛经验,学习更多的技术以及在比赛中运用自如的能力。
  • 48、真敏木业将不断努力,本着“踏实,诚恳,创优”的经营理念,与各界同仁同舟共济,共同开拓美好的明天。
  • 49、然而,体积更小、重量更轻、效率更高的电源产品仍是人们不断努力和追求的目标,因此软开关技术的应用成为通信电源的发展方向。
  • 50、谨以这些琐屑的文字,送给和我一同风餐露宿的“战友”,送给一直在家里牵肠挂肚的父亲母亲,送给那些为梦想而不断努力的可爱的人们。