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个性化造句 首页

  • 1、经过一年多精心培育,植物语自创的“N1”个性化定制模式风靡网络,建立了加盟商体系。
  • 2、了解如何缝上自制服装袋信件,个性化,从一个裁缝缝纫专家提示在此免费视频剪辑是各具特色。
  • 3、The rise of online shopping has led to a surge in demand for personalized products, allowing individuals to express their unique style and preferences.
  • 4、Asa teacher, I strive to create a personalized learning environment where each student's strengths and interests are celebrated and nurtured.
  • 5、Mypersonalized fitness plan takes into account my specific goals, abilities, and limitations, ensuring that I stay motivated and achieve optimal results.
  • 6、The fashion industry is embracing personalization by offering made-to-order garments that cater to individual body types and style preferences, allowing everyone to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.
  • 7、The personalized nutrition app takes into consideration my dietary restrictions and health goals, providing me with a customized meal plan that supports my overall well-being.
  • 8、The personalized travel itinerary created by the online travel agency considers my interests, budget, and travel style, ensuring that every adventure is memorable and tailored to my preferences.
  • 9、The personalized wedding vows that we wrote for each other reflected our unique journey and deep connection, leaving everyone in tears of joy.
  • 10、With the advancement of technology, we now have access to personalized healthcare solutions that cater to our individual needs, empowering us to take control of our well-being.
  • 11、The personalized gifts I received for my birthday not only showcased the thoughtfulness of my loved ones, but also highlighted the special bond we share.
  • 12、The success of personalized marketing lies in understanding and addressing the unique needs, desires, and aspirations of each customer, forging a strong and lasting relationship with the brand.
  • 13、The personalized language learning app adapts to my pace and learning style, allowing me to strengthen my language skills in a way that feels natural and enjoyable.
  • 14、Embracing a personalized skincare routine has transformed my complexion, as I now use products tailored to my specific skin concerns, resulting in a radiant and healthy glow.
  • 15、The personalized coaching sessions I received helped me uncover my true potential and develop a clear roadmap for success, both professionally and personally.
  • 16、The personalized mentorship program at my university pairs me with a mentor who shares my career interests, providing guidance and support that is invaluable for my future.
  • 17、The personalized technology in my smart home automates everyday tasks according to my routines and preferences, elevating my living experience to a whole new level of comfort and convenience.
  • 18、The personalized study abroad program I participated in immersed me in a foreign culture, allowing me to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for global diversity.
  • 19、The personalized rehabilitation plan designed by my physical therapist takes into account my injury and specific needs, ensuring a smooth recovery and a return to full functionality.
  • 20、文章提出,随着信息技术的发展、知识经济的兴起和经济全球化趋势的加快,柔性化的生产方式和个性化的消费品越来越受到消费者的欢迎。
  • 21、有一家公司,希望通过其“机器人美甲机”来改变世界;还有一家公司,推出了一个“个性化内容相关性平台”。
  • 22、现在洗手盆配合卫浴空间的整体色彩环境,加之材质的多样化,色彩更加丰富、个性化
  • 23、2009年,沈阳“结婚场”迎来大批“80后”,他们与以往新人大相径庭的另类个性化消费需求,让婚庆相关行业的脚步如逐风追电一般。
  • 24、用户之间可以互相切磋,聊天,也可以创建个性化的虚拟形象,交朋友,查看谁是最高分并且参与投票。
  • 25、彩铃业务以其新颖、个性化的特点,在国内得到了迅速发展。
  • 26、同时,也实现了学生学习的个性化,培养了学生的自主管理能力,激发了学生的学习内驱力,让学习真正变成学生自己的事情,让学习变成一种习惯。
  • 27、秉承一贯的品质标准,重视个性化服务,实为港中旅“维景京华”品牌中的佼佼者。
  • 28、有何特色?为你量身订制个性化线路。
  • 29、组合小木拼花地板,使家居地板个性化.
  • 30、现代集团与康佳集团昨天宣布,重磅合作推出“现代”品牌的智能电视,以“多屏互动”、“双频无线”等个性化的智能功能驱动技术发展,打造最韩系的电视。
  • 31、坚持质量第一,用户至上的宗旨,以城信立足科技创新的理念普客户提供最优性价比的产品,最完美的解决文案,最诚挚的个性化服务。
  • 32、推出三款特价个性化酒及三款贺岁版个性化酒。
  • 33、不论你是否正在用简单的声音对话,享受视频会议电话或是和朋友即时通讯,本产品都会让你跟上个性化通讯的新路程。
  • 34、高端牛仔裤品牌每一季都会各出奇招以求标新立异,要么利用个性化的材料,比如铆钉和粗大针脚,要么采用特殊的水洗和做旧工艺。
  • 35、本文以北京地区为例,探讨小学建筑的个性化建筑形式问题.
  • 36、四是制作个性化的错题集,通过这种训练提高分析问题思维的缜密性。
  • 37、南京旅游形象的个性化可概括为:长江之滨的十朝都会,生态健康的博爱之都。
  • 38、OCX880是一对带耳钩的混合入耳式耳塞,非常符合特别的个性化需求。
  • 39、兴华路街保中心通过四项举措,有效地推进了失业人员就业服务个性化、精细化。
  • 40、目前,我国住宅门的造型设计样式单一,还达不到美观和个性化的要求.
  • 41、燕青的武功,不似林冲、呼延灼之辈,立马横刀,统率三军;也不像鲁智深、李逵等人,蛮力盖世,排头儿砍人;燕青的武功有两个特点:很个性化,很有技术含量。
  • 42、青少年发展期的个性化与社会化既有矛盾又可以协调,对个性化个性化发展观应给以更深入的研究。
  • 43、在信息化建设中,随着IP网络应用的普及,宽带业务的丰富化、个性化、融合化和多媒体化已经成为用户新的需求趋向。
  • 44、童装设计文化中的“情趣性”符号语言符合这种个性化的流行趋势,具有重要的研究价值。
  • 45、在劳斯莱斯的个性化服务中,俄罗斯和中东客户大多要求做防弹车,中国客户多要求制造吉祥的红色和金色车。
  • 46、语文课程标准对中学写作教学提出了全新的教学目标和教学建议,其中对写作中的个性化感受格外重视。
  • 47、来自日本高知工科大学岛村和典教授则认为,2010年至2015年期间,普通老百姓将可享受到更多高质量、个性化的信息服务。
  • 48、如果内容的个性化程度过高,比如说,用户只能收阅有左翼或者右翼倾向的内容,结果只能是进一步强化其原有世界观,那也并非什么好事。
  • 49、所有建筑保持了原有的历史风貌,供入驻客户进行个性化装修。
  • 50、10月28日,四川日报集团与阿里巴巴集团正式宣布成立“封面传媒”,携手打造强调一个“个性化定制”的新型媒体。
