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休眠期造句 首页

  • 1、对处于休眠期的八个品种桑树韧皮部的过氧化酶和酯酶同功酶作了分析,未发现抗病性与同功酶之间有相关性。
  • 2、具有极强的生长竞争性。出苗早,茎长,分枝多,种子休眠期长。
  • 3、Like a dormant volcano, my creativity lay dormant during the winter months, waiting patiently for the right moment to erupt with a fiery explosion of ideas.
  • 4、Wrapped in a cocoon of solitude, I embraced the hibernation phase of my life, using this time to reflect, heal, and grow stronger.
  • 5、Just like the bear prepares for a long winter's nap, I embraced my own hibernation, disconnecting from the chaos of the outside world to focus on my inner journey.
  • 6、Inthe stillness of my hibernation period, I found solace in the silence, allowing my mind to wander, dream, and plant the seeds of future aspirations.
  • 7、During the hibernation phase, I became a student of patience, learning to embrace the slow, transformative process taking place within me.
  • 8、The winter's hibernation enveloped me in a blanket of introspection, inviting me to delve deep into the recesses of my soul, unearthing untapped potential.
  • 9、Like a dormant seed buried beneath the snow, I used the hibernation phase to nurture my hidden talents, ready to blossom when the time was right.
  • 10、The hibernation period became my sanctuary, a safe haven where I could shed the weight of the world and rediscover my own inner peace.
  • 11、Just as nature's creatures take shelter in their cozy caves, I nestled into my own cocoon of solitude, awaiting the metamorphosis that would bring forth my true self.
  • 12、During the hibernation period, I silenced the external noise and tuned into the symphony of my own thoughts, gaining clarity and direction.
  • 13、In the depths of hibernation, I discovered that true growth requires periods of rest and rejuvenation, where the mind can slow down and the spirit can soar.
  • 14、Like the changing seasons, my life embarked on a hibernation phase, a necessary pause to shed old patterns and embrace the new beginnings that awaited me.
  • 15、Like a dormant seed waiting for the warmth of spring, my passions lay hidden within me, gathering strength and gathering momentum during my hibernation phase.
  • 16、In the cocoon of my hibernation, time became a friend rather than an enemy, allowing me to dance with my dreams and paint the skies with wide brushstrokes of determination.
  • 17、Just as the bear emerges from hibernation, ready to conquer the challenges of a new day, I too emerged from my own cocoon, fully awakened and prepared to face the world.
  • 18、The hibernation period became my refuge, a sacred space where I could shed the layers of societal expectations and reconnect with my own authentic self.
  • 19、攀扎加工在休眠期为宜,多采用棕丝扎,讲究扎法,做到棕不露面,力求姿态自然,主干蟠曲,枝条虬屈。
  • 20、其次是对云杉去除枯枝;对连翘休眠期以整形修剪为主疏剪弱枝、萌蘖枝等。
  • 21、韭菜进入休眠期,而冬季韭菜基本上为大棚种植,11月下旬至12月上旬是扣棚的第三个危害盛期,地蛆大量繁殖,菜农使用大量高毒农药,造成冬季韭菜质量下降。
  • 22、春节前后开花的花卉,如仙客来、君子兰、蟹爪兰、杜鹃等,已度过了休眠期,开始进入生长旺季,故从秋季到春节开花应加强肥水管理,可适当增施磷、钾肥,以利于花芽形成。
  • 23、指出影响作物采前发芽的因素较多,但起主要作用的是内因,即休眠期短或没有休眠期.
  • 24、日夜不分,还容易导致植物的生长期延长,休眠期被延迟,树木的抗寒、抗病能力减弱。
  • 25、另一主因是中低档型楼盘都主要集中在房改末班车的促销之上,新千年后出现一个相对的休眠期
  • 26、休眠期安排平榛的晾晒试验,生长期安排水涝试验和榛子的生长规律动态测定试验。
  • 27、这样的复制水平足以感染临近的T淋巴细胞,使休眠期记忆性T细胞中的病毒潜藏库不断得到扩充。
  • 28、洋葱是一种无呼吸跃变的蔬菜,具有明显的休眠期
  • 29、剪枝最好在晚春时节休眠期进行,这样可以使得山茱萸切口完整。
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 31、火山喷发后有休眠期,脚踩刹车后有缓冲期,拌嘴吵架后有反思期。反思结论:我的脾气不好,今后好好改造,给个笑脸好不好!
  • 32、分株繁殖多在腊梅花后休眠期进行,选择有细根又距地面较近的分枝,先把周围土挖去,用快刀或细锯将分株从母枝上割下,要带有部分木质。
