- 1、开始标明生产单名称,这计划出厂日期和生产单优先权。
- 2、陈先生知道夫妻申购者很多,但以个人名义申请的他依旧抱着一线希望,“去年网上调查时,曾承诺给参加调查者优先权,想看看能否有希望”。
- 3、Having the right prioritization skills gives us the advantage to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively, ensuring our success in both personal and professional endeavors.
- 4、Throughout life's journey, it is crucial to prioritize our mental health, promising ourselves the much-needed self-care and emotional well-being we deserve.
- 5、Ina fast-paced world, it is vital to prioritize quality time with loved ones, cherishing the moments that create lasting memories and strengthen our bonds.
- 6、When it comes to education, we must prioritize a solid foundation of knowledge, empowering ourselves with the tools necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving society.
- 7、Investing in personal growth should be a top priority, as it allows us to continuously develop our skills, broaden our perspectives, and unlock our full potential.
- 8、Toachieve a sustainable future, it is imperative that we prioritize environmental conservation, protecting our planet for generations to come.
- 9、Prioritizing empathy and understanding enables us to build a more compassionate society, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance among diverse individuals.
- 10、Wemust prioritize our physical health, nourishing our bodies with balanced nutrition and regular exercise, in order to lead a vibrant and fulfilling life.
- 11、In relationships, always prioritize open and honest communication, as effective dialogue fosters trust, understanding, and deeper connections with others.
- 12、Recognizing the importance of self-care, it is crucial to prioritize relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing ourselves the necessary rest to replenish our energy.
- 13、When it comes to our goals and aspirations, we should prioritize perseverance and determination, for it is through resilience that we achieve greatness.
- 14、Balancing work and personal life is a skill worthy of prioritization, ensuring that we maintain a healthy equilibrium and avoid burnout.
- 15、We must prioritize financial security, planning for the future and creating a stable foundation that allows us to pursue our dreams and ambitions.
- 16、Prioritizing continuous learning and personal development keeps us adaptable and forward-thinking, equipping us with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world.
- 17、In society, we should prioritize equal access to education, opportunities, and resources, promoting inclusivity and reducing disparities among individuals.
- 18、Prioritizing creativity and self-expression allows us to embrace our unique gifts and talents, contributing to a world enriched by diverse perspectives.
- 19、Personal safety should always be a top priority, as we take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and those around us from harm.
- 20、Prioritizing a healthy work-life balance allows us to excel both professionally and personally, fostering harmony and fulfillment in all aspects of life.
- 21、在相同的正增益“次序的参量”作用下,其旺盛和衰弱程度与之相当的“五行”号球具有出号的优先权。
- 22、迈克迈康勒而说“有些问题在于拥有优先权的部门,通过这个团体相关责任部门要意愿合作及协作关系。
- 23、此角色经常会处于具有不同优先权的几个团队中间;部署管理员需要能够站稳立场。
- 24、网路管理者能将交换器的优先权设定成比预设值还小,这会造成BID变小。
- 25、实用主义在强调经验的优先权多于推理优先上,赞同经验论。
- 26、1914年法院撤消了一项起诉,宣布马可尼具有明显的获专利权的优先权。
- 27、在上述过程中,玩家都不会获得优先权,所以触发式异能不会进入堆叠。
- 28、我们知道,当然,气象学者说,弹簧开始第21个,但是我们给予优先权忽视那一个事实而且相信我们已经在三月风的厢房之上感觉弹簧屋脊材料。知之小工具整理
- 29、国际商会对与会员有关的最迫切主题享有优先权.
- 30、为了让更多读者能提前看到这部新编剧目,本报将于8日、9日两晚各邀请100位读者“尝鲜儿”,时报文娱俱乐部会员享有优先权,戏票数量有限。
- 31、在研究过程中,本文参照国外立法及有关国际公约,对我国船舶优先权行使立法规定存在的某些问题提出了完善建议.
- 32、有些国家已经建立了海事优先权公示催告程序。
- 33、奥坎波还表示,虽然国际刑事法院有审判赛义夫的“独有能力”,但利比亚在对案件的审判上享有优先权。
- 34、当然,基于我国的税收制度、信用制度等还不像国外那么完善,我们只能循序渐进,但最终取消税收优先权是个不可逆转的大方向。
- 35、典型的情况是,优先股具有在股利分配上的某种优先权,并且在公司清算时对资产有优先要求权。
- 36、与原税收征管法相比,新税收征管法增加了许多内容,其中之一是税收优先权制度。
- 37、带Alpha通道贴图的物体必须允许显示在它们后面的环境,但是如果背静是另一个Alpha通道,那么你需要通过另一个设定优先权。
- 38、摘要在担保物权制度中,以担保方式的不同可分为抵押权、留置权、优先权、质权等.
- 39、该协议在保证话音终端的优先权的情况下,允许数据终端在报文的传输期间在连续多个帧中预约多个信息时隙。
- 40、丙有享受集体劳动保险事业的优先权.
- 41、当你重新回到高压的工作中后,将会找到新的工作生活平衡感,并享有更大的优先权。
- 42、优先股通常收益是固定的,每半年的分红和超过普通股优先权;即如公司破产时的优先支付权。
- 43、分析科技论文收稿日期的确定、作用及其与成果优先权的关系,指出标注收稿日期时应注意的问题。
- 44、第二部分是对股东新股认购优先权的历史考察.
- 45、申请书应当载明船舶的名称、申请船舶优先权催告的事实和理由。
- 46、查看设备的程序将简化为首先查看优先权最高的设备.
- 47、据报道,韦世豪此次与费伦斯队签约一年,博阿维斯塔队拥有回签的优先权和部分所有权。
- 48、欧食多组织的自然生态旅游活动,享有优先权,享有适当的优惠.
- 49、在这“三千”多的美貌女子中,皇上召幸皇后和三位一品夫人自然都拥有绝对的优先权。
- 50、例如,视讯会议信息包需要几乎即时到达目的地,将接受比电子邮件信息高的多的优先权。