- 1、由于是高杠杆交易,保证金炒汇风险不小。
- 2、今年,茶王部落放开加盟,免加盟费、免风险保证金,再加上退货政策,他希望创业者能避开自己曾经掉进去过的坑,把创业风险降到最低。
- 3、Asa responsible landlord, I require a security deposit from tenants to ensure that any damages to the property are covered at the end of the lease.
- 4、The wedding planner asked for a deposit to secure the venue, ensuring that the couple's special day would be perfect.
- 5、Before starting any construction project, the contractor requested a substantial deposit to guarantee their commitment and cover initial costs.
- 6、The company demanded a sizable deposit from new clients to establish a sense of trust and assurance in their business relationship.
- 7、The car rental agency requires a deposit before allowing customers to rent a vehicle, ensuring that they will return it in good condition.
- 8、Inorder to reserve a spot at the exclusive vacation resort, a substantial deposit was necessary, providing peace of mind for the upcoming trip.
- 9、Toensure their commitment to the job, the freelance designer asked for a deposit from clients before starting any project.
- 10、The art gallery requested a deposit from the buyer to secure a valuable painting, ensuring that they would follow through with the purchase.
- 11、The real estate agent insisted on a deposit from potential buyers to demonstrate their serious intent to purchase the property.
- 12、Before starting medical treatment, the clinic required a deposit to cover any additional expenses not covered by insurance.
- 13、To secure a reservation at the popular restaurant, patrons must pay a deposit, ensuring that they show up and that the restaurant doesn't lose business.
- 14、The college demanded a deposit from accepted students to secure their place in the incoming class.
- 15、The travel agency asked for a deposit to secure a spot on the highly sought-after group tour, guaranteeing a memorable experience for the travelers.
- 16、To book a live performance by a famous band, event organizers were required to provide a deposit to ensure the band's commitment.
- 17、The wedding dress boutique insisted on a deposit from brides-to-be to secure the chosen dress, ensuring that it would be available on their special day.
- 18、The company required a deposit from new employees to confirm their commitment to the job and cover initial training expenses.
- 19、The furniture store requested a deposit from customers to secure a custom-made piece, guaranteeing that the order would be fulfilled.
- 20、In order to purchase a new car, the dealership requested a deposit to secure the chosen model, ensuring its availability when the customer was ready.
- 21、外汇保证金交易是一种国际通行的投资方式,在国内尚未开放,但随着中国金融市场改革步伐的推进,开放的时间是迟早的事情。
- 22、价差交易比方向交易安全多了,需要的保证金也低.
- 23、只有把**监管和自律监管适当结合,才能保证外汇保证金交易市场的健康,稳定发展。
- 24、本人因无法亲自到达台北新月商旅刷卡结帐,特立此书,请在以下信用卡帐号收取所有保证金、预付或帐单款项.
- 25、而投资者在交纳一定的保证金后,委托其公司进行的股票交易完全是被告人编造的虚买虚卖,与合法的股票市场并不发生任何交易关系。
- 26、以台北市为例,除了柯文哲、连胜文外,陈汝斌、赵衍庆等其他五位市长候选人因为得票率未达标,不仅200万竞选保证金被没收,而且补助款一分钱也领不到。
- 27、他们在日交易中频繁进出,结果导致保证金亏蚀;之后,他们又不愿意接受小额亏损。
- 28、请携带住宿保证金之缴费收据影本至生活辅导组办理。
- 29、近年来,黄金外汇期货投资受到越来越多投资人的青睐,部分不法分子借机在网上擅自开设炒金炒汇平台,非法经营黄金、外汇保证金交易业务。
- 30、可是他此刻提出,让一些购房者使用**保证金来庖代次级贷款。
- 31、保证金资产比率是投机者使用的一个术语,表示在任何特定时间,他们的交易资本额作为保证金被持有。
- 32、在若干情况下,你所蒙受的亏蚀可能会超过最初存入的保证金数额.
- 33、先前之规定保证金对日后之规定保证金并无拘束力.
- 34、我打算把钱放进一家经纪公司作保证金,然后能让我买多少,我就买多少。
- 35、私人的信用是财产,公众的荣誉是保证金。
- 36、承包经营期内,承包者须于每年第一季度内向合营企业提交承包经营风险保证金保函或风险抵押金。
- 37、5月至6月,雷楚年向胡某、巫某慌称自己可将彭州一块工地的土石方工程交给二人来做,骗取胡某工程保证金2万元,骗取巫某工程保证金3万元。
- 38、他说退钱可以,你花了多钱,一比一的保证金,给我打过来,我给你一分不少的退过去。
- 39、此外,当事件发生后,海航方面本可在第一时间向济州当地法院缴纳保证金解押,但却拖过时间,导致周末假日无法办理手续,甚至连起码的及时告知也未做到。
- 40、减少下定单购买时投入的购买保证金的比例。
- 41、临时反倾销税税额或者提供的现金保证金、保函或者其他形式担保的金额,应当不超过初裁决定确定的倾销幅度。
- 42、总机构在中国提供劳务服务而运进中国境内的工具等,由其常驻代表机构垫付的在海关缴付的押金和保证金。
- 43、番讨价还价之后,利用农行金穗信用卡或金穗借记卡,通过95599在线银行下定单或预付购房保证金,最后购房交割和成交。
- 44、所以我们暂时不付保证金而由JJ公司垫付.
- 45、他们曾以回乡证报团及登记入住酒店等,资料被骗徒仿造成假逮捕令,骗徒再诱骗受害人交出保证金汇款。
- 46、第五章对外汇保证金交易的监管进行概括叙述。
- 47、若未依规定办理退离宿手续者,住宿保证金不予退还。
- 48、上诉委员会驳回万成的上诉,并著令将其保证金没收及拨入赛事基金。
- 49、外汇保证金交易涉及高风险,未必适合所有投资者。
- 50、带已填妥之借书证申请卡至行政大楼出纳组,缴交保证金2000元及工本费100元。