- 1、对信念的偏执创造奇迹。历史是这样写就的,竞争版图是这样重划的,世界是这样改变的。
- 2、信念是储备品,行路人在破晓时带着它登程,但愿他在日暮以前足够使用。
- 3、Mybelief in the power of education keeps me motivated to pursue my dreams, despite any obstacles that may come my way.
- 4、Intimes of adversity, my unwavering belief in the goodness of humanity gives me the strength to continue spreading love and kindness.
- 5、The belief that every individual has the potential to make a difference in the world drives me to constantly strive for self-improvement and personal growth.
- 6、Despite facing countless failures in my career, my unwavering belief in my abilities pushes me to keep going and achieve my goals.
- 7、Inthe face of criticism and doubt, my deep-rooted belief in my artistic abilities allows me to express myself freely and create meaningful work.
- 8、Mybelief in the power of forgiveness enables me to let go of grudges and move forward, fostering healthy relationships and inner peace.
- 9、Despite the challenges of living in a fast-paced society, my belief in the importance of self-care encourages me to prioritize my mental and physical well-being.
- 10、The belief in the inherent beauty and uniqueness of every individual inspires me to celebrate diversity and embrace different cultures and perspectives.
- 11、With faith and determination, my belief in the power of love allows me to mend broken relationships and create lasting bonds with others.
- 12、My belief in the power of positive thinking drives me to see setbacks as opportunities for growth, cultivating resilience and a can-do attitude.
- 13、The unwavering belief in the importance of environmental conservation pushes me to take actions to protect our planet for future generations.
- 14、My belief in the power of teamwork empowers me to collaborate effectively with others, achieving collective goals and creating positive change.
- 15、Despite societal pressures, my belief in staying true to myself gives me the courage to live authentically and pursue my own happiness.
- 16、The belief in the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement fuels my passion for acquiring knowledge and personal development.
- 17、My belief in the power of forgiveness allows me to heal past wounds and create a brighter future filled with love and understanding.
- 18、Despite the challenges of pursuing an unconventional career path, my unwavering belief in my passion and talent drives me to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
- 19、The belief in the value of hard work and perseverance motivates me to stay committed to my goals, even when faced with setbacks and challenges.
- 20、My belief in the power of compassion and empathy towards animals fuels my dedication to animal rights and welfare, advocating for their protection and well-being.
- 21、父爱是一本无字的大书,读着,就有永远不竭的力量,在我生命的信念中升腾;父亲像一座巍峨的高山,不懂得真爱的人永远无法登上峰顶,当你明白他的用心良苦时,你就觉得他亲切和蔼。
- 22、让我们在考研的征程中坚定必胜的信念,一起努力吧!
- 23、小船在老师的引导下尝试着航行,小船在同学的支持中架起了甲板,小船在学习的压力下坚固了船体。小船在父母和老师的祝愿中出海了,小船满载着希望和信念出海了。小船在社会的大海中乘风破浪,小船在初航的成功中获得了力量。
- 24、信念只有在积极的行动之中才能够生存,才能够得到加强和磨炼。
- 25、把训练的目标定在永远达不到的地方,但还是要达到你会感到疲累,犹豫,甚至沮丧的程度,但你不许放弃,因为胜利不会是奇迹,有一种天才只从坚定不移的信念中诞生。
- 26、人生最重要的是坚持信念,保持积极,在逆境中也要坚持下去,不让环境击垮。
- 27、在荆棘道路上,惟有信念和忍耐能开辟出康庄大道。松下幸之助
- 28、如果一个人有足够的信念,他就能创造奇迹。
- 29、在这个世界上,没有人能使你倒下。如果你自己的信念还站立的话。
- 30、信念是石,信念是火。信念是热情,信念是希望。信念是前进的旗帜,信念是迷茫的克星。信念就是心中那盏不灭的灯!
- 31、一个人在他的信仰上站得越不牢固,他就越要用双臂紧紧抱住那些使之区分于其他信仰的教条不放;相反,一个人在他的信念上站得越牢固,他就越可以自由地把双手伸向那些与他信仰不同的人。
- 32、团结是希望之光,让我们携手成长,共同进步;团结是信念,团结一心,众志成城;团结是阳光,在苦难里的一抹真诚阳光。
- 33、您用汗水浇灌了这富饶的土地;您用勤劳培养了我们坚定的信念;您用呐喊宣布了旧时代的灭亡;您是我们生命永不停息的动力,您是儿女们远航归来的避风港!
- 34、人生是一艘船,漫长的旅途体现出你坚定的信念与执着的追求!
- 35、巨人之所以巨大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信念,他却下决心实现自己的目的。
- 36、苏醒吧,不朽的长城,你是中华儿女的信念,腾飞吧,中国龙,你是炎黄子孙的期盼。
- 37、喷泉的高度不会超过它的源头,一个人的事业也是这样,他的成就决不会超过自己的信念。林肯
- 38、对我协助最大的并不是朋友们实际协助,而是坚信得到协助的信念。
- 39、如果把人生比之为杠杆,信念刚好像是它的“支点”,具备这个恰当的支点,才可能成为一个强而有力的人。
- 40、坚定,执着,耐力与希望,在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚!力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗,在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮!时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。
- 41、信念是鸟,它在黎明仍然黑暗之际,感觉到了光明,唱出了歌。泰戈尔
- 42、我的一生始终保持着这样一个信念生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是接受,也不是在于争取。
- 43、梦想是永恒的信念,梦想是拼搏的精神,梦想是炽热的追求。
- 44、幻想的路总是为有信念的人准备着。
- 45、一个人要坚持“为自己而活”的生命理念,而绝不是成为“为他人而活”的机器,只有这样才能肯定自我、充满信念,只有这样才能找出人生的目标与愿望,然后努力去实现它,才不至于辜负上天所赐予的生命权利。
- 46、刚强的人尽管在内心很激动,但他们的见解和信念却像在暴风雨中颠簸船上的罗盘指针,仍能准确地指出方向。克劳塞维茨
- 47、春天最难过的是没有收获的耕耘;人生最难过的是失去信念的寂寞。
- 48、让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。
- 49、遇到挫折,要有勇往直前的信念,马上行动,坚持到底,决不放弃,成功者绝不放弃,放弃者绝不会成功。
- 50、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.