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修护造句 首页

  • 1、蕴含特润修护露的惊人修复力及防护科技,20项全球专利,减淡眼周每一道岁月痕迹,全能眼部精华霜,使用后眼部更显明亮、光彩。
  • 2、功能:适于特乾性、易缺水粗糙皮肤,有效形成皮肤表面之护水保存网,减少水份流失,完全具备修护滋润之功能。
  • 3、After the devastating earthquake, the community united to repair and restore the damaged infrastructure, bringing hope and a sense of security back to the affected residents.
  • 4、The kind-hearted volunteers tirelessly worked day and night, repairing the dilapidated orphanage, creating a safe and nurturing environment for the vulnerable children.
  • 5、Astime heals the wounds, love and understanding can repair even the most shattered relationships, allowing forgiveness and reconciliation to take root and bloom.
  • 6、Through education and empowerment, we can repair the damage inflicted by ignorance and intolerance, fostering a society that embraces diversity and celebrates inclusivity.
  • 7、Nature has an incredible ability to repair itself; the forest slowly regenerates, healing the scars of wildfires and reminding us of its resilience and beauty.
  • 8、With the support of family and friends, individuals struggling with addiction can find the strength to repair their lives, overcoming obstacles and embracing a brighter future.
  • 9、The dedicated team of scientists and engineers tirelessly works to develop innovative technologies that can repair the damage caused by environmental pollution, ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.
  • 10、Aeartfelt apology and sincere efforts to make amends can be the first step in repairing the trust and repairing a fractured friendship, paving the way for healing and growth.
  • 11、In times of conflict, diplomacy and dialogue can repair the broken bonds between nations, fostering peace and understanding on a global scale.
  • 12、The therapist's guidance and empathy provide a safe space for individuals to heal and repair their mental and emotional well-being, overcoming trauma and finding inner strength.
  • 13、The repair shop hums with activity as skilled craftsmen meticulously mend and restore precious antiques, preserving their historical significance for future generations.
  • 14、Time may not erase the pain, but it has the power to repair and transform it, allowing us to find meaning and strength in our experiences and move forward with hope.
  • 15、In the aftermath of a natural disaster, volunteers from all walks of life come together, not only to repair physical damages but also to mend shattered spirits and rebuild lives.
  • 16、Personal growth often starts with self-reflection and the willingness to repair unhealthy patterns and behaviors, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
  • 17、By investing in education and infrastructure, governments can repair societal disparities and provide equal opportunities for all, fostering a more just and prosperous society.
  • 18、The repair of a broken heart requires time, self-love, and the support of loved ones, gradually stitching together the shattered pieces to make room for new beginnings and happiness.
  • 19、The restoration team meticulously repairs the delicate stained glass windows of the historic cathedral, honoring the artistry of the past and ensuring its beauty for generations to come.
  • 20、全新推出的抗热浪成分能阻止阳光照射后令肌肤感到灼热的两种关键介体,配合乳木果油、李子精油及苦树树油,为日照后的肌肤及时注入舒爽、修护与舒适。
  • 21、水之蔻莹肌补水隐形面膜独特“3D定型天蚕丝”,超强定型工艺,更贴附、更透气,密集输送水漾修护成分,肌肤如畅饮甘泉般娇嫩欲滴。
  • 22、定期使用护发素可以修护开叉的发根.
  • 23、小山拿了钱买了一套“公司”提供的“爱美健”基因修护素共30瓶保健品,于是成为了“公司”的“业务代表”。
  • 24、汉方育发茶可以促进头皮血液的血环,使头皮恢复弹性吗,修护受损的毛囊,为头发提供充足的养分和必须的微量元素,彻底的解决脂溢性脱发的困扰。
  • 25、造型式的手部指甲修护要多少钱?
  • 26、雅诗兰黛即时修护眼部精华霜蕴含特润修护露的惊人修复力及防护科技,20项全球专利,减淡眼周每一道岁月痕迹。
  • 27、4月1日,希思黎妍采青春修护乳液在成都上市,封存肌肤年轻能量,卓效防堵第一道初老。
  • 28、近日,舒肤佳推出专效护理系列,包含:舒肤佳专效护理系列敏感型沐浴露、舒肤佳专效护理系列修护型沐浴露和舒肤佳专效护理系列舒缓型沐浴露。
  • 29、一名官兵指出,在空军战机妥善率一直无法提升状况下,后指部内的勤务中队与发动机修护厂内士官兵,居然在3月22日晚上公然聚赌,被军官巡查当场查获。
  • 30、记者了解到,本次公布的企业共3家,涉及的产品包括内分泌按摩油、塔芙妮薰衣草修护液、完美无瑕BB霜等。
  • 31、并修护唇纹,并于无形中勾勒完美唇线。
  • 32、本品也可用于焗油护理,30分钟后用水洗去,或隔夜以深层修护头发。
  • 33、汇美舍醒目薰衣草精油具有“双向平衡”特点,可以平衡修护脆弱肌肤能从肌低改善肌肤问题,薰衣草清澈淡雅的香气宁静心境,简单易用还可与各种精油调配使用。
  • 34、车其它的补水修护霜同时使用时,也按照此顺序进行.
  • 35、保湿剂,如黄瓜提取物和天然维生素E,滋润及修护功能,而天然薄荷清凉油提取物有助于刷新。
  • 36、如护膜液和免洗防晒护发乳,能形成一层保护膜,保护头发不受外界损害;另外清爽的喷雾式美发修护露或日光护理滋养水也是不错的选择。
  • 37、保湿滋养修护在一夜之间同步完成的睡眠面膜.
  • 38、迅速补充头发角朊蛋白质和水份,修护受损毛鳞片,加倍滋润秀发,令秀发柔顺光泽,易于梳理,如丝质般柔滑。
  • 39、当你在汽车修护工厂工作时,你必须穿上一双安全鞋。
  • 40、功效:修护粗糙的肌肤,使肌肤美白、柔滑、健康明亮,尤如花朵般的美丽效果“立刻拥有广告模特般光滑的肌肤”。
  • 41、对于拥有众多粉丝的DHC睫毛修护液,有一名自称是医生的网友表示,使用了之后黑眼圈越来越重。
  • 42、让您的造型都犹如超级巨星般,不含油脂的修护露,轻盈的亮泽产品。
  • 43、具有舒缓及洁净肌肤功效的互生叶白千层叶油成分,帮助修护因外部刺激及压力引起的肌肤问题,令肌肤倍受呵护,同时赋予清凉使用感。
  • 44、前段时间在Eskin上买了理肤泉家的安心霜,听说可以修护受损的肌肤,用了真的很不错。
  • 45、可淡化疤痕,防止暗疮印的产生,减少油脂分泌,修护肌肤,同时补充水分和养分,回复光洁无暇的美丽肌肤!
  • 46、特润修护露是你肌肤现在及未来更年轻、更健康的保证。
  • 47、另外,可以先擦一层嘴唇修护液,之后用接近唇色的唇线笔先勾出唇形,用唇刷推至自然。
  • 48、功能:滋润,紧实抗皱,保湿,修护,增加肌肤明亮.
  • 49、晚间修护露于睡前洁面后使用,能够为肌肤阻隔外界的刺激和干扰,使肌肤得到舒缓和滋养。
  • 50、农夫去修护店购买耕耘机汽化器修理零件组合。