- 1、马克思主义一定要向前发展,要随着实践的发展而发展,不能停滞不前。
- 2、所以别再踌躇,不必太担心做错事,那向来是个问题:人们被教导千万不能犯错,于是变得犹豫不决,怕东怕西、深怕做错了什么,到最后停滞不前,唯恐出什么差错,所以他们变成一颗石头,干脆一动也不动。奥修
- 3、Despite his best efforts, John felt trapped in a job that offered no opportunities for growth or advancement, leaving him feeling stuck and stagnant in his career, with no sign of progress on the horizon.
- 4、The once vibrant and bustling city has now become a ghost town, with boarded-up shops and deserted streets, a clear illustration of how economic stagnation can cripple even the most prosperous communities.
- 5、Sarah's dreams of becoming a novelist seemed to be at a standstill, as she struggled to find inspiration and her writing remained stagnant, imprisoned by self-doubt and creativity blockage.
- 6、The relationship between the two countries has remained stagnant for years, with no significant progress made in resolving their long-standing disputes and improving diplomatic ties.
- 7、The company's outdated management style and resistance to change have led to a state of stagnation, with declining profits and an exodus of talented employees seeking growth opportunities elsewhere.
- 8、The political climate in the country had become stagnant, as corruption and inefficiency paralyzed the government, leaving the citizens disillusioned and losing hope for any meaningful reforms.
- 9、The artistic community was slowly suffocating under the weight of conformity and tradition, with creativity and originality being discouraged, resulting in a stagnant pool of uninspiring works.
- 10、The town's infrastructure remained stagnant and underdeveloped, lacking basic amenities such as reliable public transportation and access to healthcare, leaving its resident's quality of life at a standstill.
- 11、Time seemed to stand still in the small, sleepy village, where the passing years brought no significant changes or improvements, leaving its inhabitants trapped in a state of stagnation.
- 12、The student's motivation and enthusiasm for learning had faded, as they were constantly exposed to a repetitive and uninspiring curriculum, leading to a state of educational stagnation.
- 13、The government's failure to address pressing social issues has caused public trust to dwindle, leading to a stagnant political environment and a growing disconnect between the rulers and the ruled.
- 14、The once flourishing industry has reached a plateau, with innovation and investment stifled by bureaucratic red tape and a lack of forward-thinking policies, resulting in economic stagnation.
- 15、The artist's creativity seemed to be trapped in a state of inertia, with their work lacking the vibrancy and freshness that once captivated audiences, resulting in a stagnant career.
- 16、The once close-knit community had become fragmented and divided, with a stagnant sense of unity and cooperation, as individual interests took precedence over the common good.
- 17、The company's stagnant corporate culture discouraged employees from taking risks and thinking outside the box, stifling innovation and hindering growth opportunities.
- 18、The sports team's performance had plateaued, with no visible improvement in their skills or tactics, leading to a sense of stagnation and disappointment among players and fans alike.
- 19、一九三七年,中国经济方面才刚刚关税自理,工业方面几乎停滞不前,除了制碱业,其他行业几乎还保持着,二十年代末的水平。
- 20、拿美国中等收入阶层来说,20多年来,大部分人的收入都停滞不前。
- 21、明亡清兴八十年间,东方战乱不已,西方文艺复兴达致鼎盛、工业革命呼之欲出!自此,中国停滞不前的发展脚步开始落后于西方。
- 22、事物永远在变化发展,如果头脑僵化,缺乏辩证思维,认识停滞不前,必定会碰钉子。
- 23、这在一定程度上反应了为什么许多学生听力水平停滞不前,而他们的其它技能象阅读写作等却在稳步提高。
- 24、每个人都会犯错。让自己在每一个错误中成长,并且决不允许因为害怕犯错误而让你停滞不前。
- 25、悲观着,叹息着,这么做有什么用,停滞不前,即使是死人也办得到。可是,我活着,用自己的力量站着,终有一天会死的话,还是不要留下遗憾比较好吧。夏尔·凡多姆海恩
- 26、美国的世界霸权风光不再,美国海军规模减小、趋于停滞不前。相比之下,中国的经济与军事在增长,亚洲地区逐渐表现为多极的权力关系。
- 27、希腊这个“杨白劳”对债主的态度变得强硬,不接受审查、不寻求延长救助协议,与重要债权国德国的谈判停滞不前。
- 28、让自己在每一个错误中成长,并且决不允许因为害怕犯错误而让你停滞不前。
- 29、变化让我们不至于停滞不前,让我们的生活朝正确的方向发展,让我们实现我们期望和应得的伟大与崇高。
- 30、随后炎霄毫不含糊直接开门见山的说道:“父皇我的修为停滞不前,孩儿想出去走走,散散心,顺便去天宫学院瞧瞧,那里卧虎藏龙也许会碰到什么机缘也说不定”。
- 31、残酷的事实就是:开发进度可能会因设计师而停滞不前。
- 32、尽管投资发展迅速,但它需要不停地靠家庭财富部分补给,这样家庭消费占GDP比重仍将停滞不前。
- 33、审慎也是一门艺术,是能够把握适当的时间做出迅速的决定,但是这不是议而不决、停滞不前的借口。
- 34、在过去的一代时间里,最富有的美国人的收入程爆炸式的增长,然而普通劳动者的收入却停滞不前。华尔街的高收入是收入差距拉大的主要原因。
- 35、不要妄想一直停滞不前,原地徘徊等于自我毁灭。洛天依
- 36、好消息是,如果你感到生活停滞不前,希望在某些方面看到巨大改进,那么你也可以做一些根本性的改变来极大的改善你的生活。
- 37、但这次胜利,加深了中国朝野对于日本的蔑视,虚骄盈庭,导致北洋舰队多年停滞不前,正如伊藤所盼望的“又睡觉矣”。
- 38、事实证明,菲律宾人是一片流沙难于管理,但是美国人仍继续扩张。“要是停滞不前该多好,但是政治家们仍然坚决拥护美国扩张主义。”。
- 39、如果一直歌舞太平,执政者就会不体民情、固步自封,百姓将饱受剥削,国家将积弱不振,所有的文明、思想、科技、政治也将停滞不前。
- 40、在全球工资水平因危机或停滞不前,或不进反退的时刻,知之小工具中国的工资平均水平连续多年呈两位数增长态势。
- 41、可你的做法,是经常捏闸、刹车,说是在控制前轮,其实的效果是让你们俩停滞不前,这有助于你们的发展吗?
- 42、迈开脚步,再长的路也不在话下;停滞不前,再短的路也难以到达。行路不仅仅在于快慢,还在于是否能够持续;前进不仅仅在于速度,更在于能否保持正确方向。
- 43、超前意识以及重塑自我的能力,因为设计师不能老是停滞不前。
- 44、职场定律一个工作团队,必需相互支持彼此信任,更需团结互助共度难关,这样才能让每一个人都走得更远。孤军奋战只会影响士气,使自己停滞不前难以跨越难关。
- 45、或许你是在执行谈判中对女士说“我一定要准确无误”,纳闷为什么策略联盟会停滞不前。
- 46、这就是约翰.肯迪堵在停滞不前的高速公路上时所发生的事,匆忙间他霸占了一个16轮的大家伙,把州际公路变成了一场怪卡秀。
- 47、谁骄傲自满,谁就会停滞不前。
- 48、但是本科毕业的韦敏在这几年中既没有继续提高学力,也没有注意培养自己的某一方面的专长,所以到了第五年,她就开始感觉自己停滞不前了。
- 49、人总是要犯错误、受挫折、伤脑筋的,不过决不能停滞不前;应该完成的任务,即使为它牺牲生命,也要完成。
- 50、独孤剑因当年风头过盛,招来了很多人的嫉妒,如今他修为停滞不前,很多人自然跳出来嘲讽他,谩骂他,指责,抹黑他,从此他被冠上天才的废物称号。