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偷猎者造句 首页

  • 1、偷猎者因在禁猎区从事诱捕而被抓获.
  • 2、大猩猩成为该地区内战的受害者,沦为偷猎者的目标,被采矿及伐木业的肆意开发赶出家园,在非洲各地已濒临灭绝。
  • 3、The poacher moved silently through the dense forest, driven by greed and a complete disregard for the wildlife that called it home.
  • 4、Inthe depths of the African savanna, the poacher lurked in the shadows, armed with a deadly rifle and a heart devoid of empathy or respect for the natural world.
  • 5、The hunter's hands trembled as he reached for the rhino's horn, fully aware of the painful consequences of this illegal act, but blinded by greed and desperation.
  • 6、The silence that followed the poacher's gunshot felt deafening, as the vibrant jungle suddenly felt muted and empty, robbed of its inhabitants by the relentless pursuit of profit.
  • 7、With the weight of his illegal haul on his back, the poacher trudged through the wilderness, leaving behind a trail of destruction that served as a stark reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty.
  • 8、The poacher's calloused hands bore the scars of countless illegal kills, a haunting reminder of his ruthless dedication to the black market trade that is driving wildlife towards the edge of oblivion.
  • 9、Each gunshot that shattered the tranquil forest air served as a rallying cry for conservationists around the world, who tirelessly work to expose and dismantle the networks that enable such poaching to thrive.
  • 10、Behind the poacher's cold eyes lies a tale of desperation and poverty, but it is a world deafened by the cries of the innocent lives he has severed so callously in pursuit of profit.
  • 11、The bloodstained hands of the poacher stained the pages of history, a shameful reminder of a darker side of mankind's existence, where greed and ignorance prevail over compassion and empathy.
  • 12、With each successful poaching expedition, the hunter's ego grew, blinding him to the irreversible damage he inflicted on the delicate web of life that binds us all together.
  • 13、The poacher's indiscriminate traps claimed the lives of countless innocent animals, leaving behind a haunting silence that resonated through the now empty landscape, devoid of the vibrant biodiversity it once embraced.
  • 14、The poacher's rifle echoed through the wilderness like a death sentence, as another defenseless creature fell victim to man's insatiable greed and ignorance.
  • 15、As the rain washed away the poacher's footprints, it also symbolized a glimmer of hope, a cleansing of the earth's wounds inflicted by those who exploit its resources for personal gain.
  • 16、镜头转向伤者,这时维埃拉的画外音又出现了,“偷猎者的尸体经常会遗弃在他倒下的地方,成为野兽的食物。”。
  • 17、从后视镜里,我看见杰拉德站在二手车停车场上的一辆银色轿车旁,冲着一位新顾客咧着嘴笑,活像一头逮住了偷猎者的北美短吻鳄。
  • 18、中部非洲的低地大猩猩人口遭受稳定的栖息地丧失,偷猎者捕捉和杀害,和交叉射击的内战在其范围内。
  • 19、人们聚集在被偷猎者非法猎杀的骆马尸体周围.
  • 20、这个季节也是偷猎者晚上偷猎汤姆森瞪羚的季节,但是保护区没有经费进行夜晚的巡逻行动,抓捕这些偷猎者
  • 21、马弗京野生动物保护区的管理员决定更加紧密地追踪这些犀牛。巧合的是,他们借助的正是偷猎者想要的犀牛角来追踪这些动物。
  • 22、只难产的雌犀牛被两只老虎所捕杀,为了防止偷猎者将犀牛角拿去贩卖,公园的工作人员已经将死去犀牛的角锯了下来。
  • 23、合之内,三界之中,有珍禽异兽,奇花妙草,世之仅有,令人心生爱怜,偷猎者应运而生。
  • 24、福凯与欧文斯曾经是并肩打击偷猎者的盟友,但后来因在策略上意见不合而分道扬镳了。
  • 25、中部非洲的低地大猩猩种群从稳定的栖息地已遭受损失,捕捉和杀害由偷猎者,和交叉射击的内战在它们的山脉内。
  • 26、偷猎者的桩桩罪行令人发指!
  • 27、为了保护那些濒临灭绝的生物,旺奇公园的首席督导员拥有准司法权利。他可以对偷猎者定罪,并对其实行最高达15年的监禁。
  • 28、现在的RFID,从防止非法伐木者到偷猎者,可能发展到用来防止更为普遍的犯罪者:你!
  • 29、现在南非马弗京野生动物保护区的犀牛正处在危险的境地当中。犀牛角在中医理论中具有很高的药用价值,偷猎者为了得到犀牛角知之小工具,今年已经捕杀了200头犀牛。