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全然不同造句 首页

  • 1、虽然计划中的项目依然急需资金,但除此之外,他们已经全然不同
  • 2、仙武纵横,直通绝顶的奇异武学,诡异莫则的饲妖之道,鬼神辟易的七绝炼甲,一个全然不同的仙侠世界就此展开!
  • 3、Our love story is like no other, it is a mesmerizing journey of two souls intertwined, a tale that is entirely different from any other.
  • 4、Standing at the edge of the world, on top of the towering mountains, I felt a sense of awe and wonder that was entirely unique, a feeling of being part of something infinitely greater.
  • 5、The taste of freshly baked bread, the aroma of brewing coffee, and the warm embrace of a loved one in the morning make my breakfasts truly unparalleled, an experience that cannot be replicated.
  • 6、The music flowed through my veins, taking me on a journey that was entirely distinct, with each note evoking emotions that were both haunting and beautiful.
  • 7、The acrobats gracefully defied gravity, twirling and spinning in the air with such precision and skill that their performance was unlike anything I had ever seen, a spectacle that left me breathless.
  • 8、The scent of spring flowers, the sound of birds chirping, and the gentle touch of a cool breeze on my skin made me realize that this season is absolutely unparalleled, a time of rebirth and renewal.
  • 9、The book I read last night took me on a journey to a mystical land filled with enchanting creatures and magical landscapes, a story so entirely different from reality that I lost myself in its pages.
  • 10、The taste of a perfectly cooked steak, juicy and tender, paired with a bold red wine, created a flavor combination that was truly unique, an experience for the senses that cannot be replicated.
  • 11、The feeling of sand between my toes, the sound of crashing waves, and the warmth of the sun on my skin made my beach vacation an experience that was entirely distinct, a getaway like no other.
  • 12、The play took me on an emotional rollercoaster, with laughter, tears, and a sense of wonder that was entirely its own, a theatrical experience that left me profoundly moved.
  • 13、The taste of exotic fruits, bursting with flavors I had never encountered before, was truly extraordinary, an explosion of tastes on my palate that made each bite an adventure.
  • 14、The scent of a summer rain, the sound of thunder echoing in the distance, and the droplets gently hitting the ground created an atmosphere that was entirely its own, a moment of tranquility and beauty.
  • 15、The taste of homemade pasta, cooked al dente and paired with a rich tomato sauce, transported me to the streets of Italy, a culinary delight that was entirely distinct.
  • 16、The intricate patterns of a snowflake, each one unique and delicately crafted, reminded me of the breathtaking beauty and complexity of nature, a miracle that is completely one of a kind.
  • 17、仔细观察那些荷杆,虽然外表已枯萎凋败,却仍能感觉其中有生命的力量在奔涌,只不过这种力量是收敛的,与春夏时的豪放全然不同
  • 18、没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从今日开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。
  • 19、两兄弟个性全然不同:一个是脚踏实地,本本分分;一个是充满梦想,总想一鸣惊人。
  • 20、和一个苦孩子出身的青年才俊在一起生活,所要面对的恐怕不仅仅是一个她爱的男人,还有这个男人背后,一个全然不同的家庭、一段全然陌生的背景、一群全然不是一个世界的人。叶萱
  • 21、四人的对话乍听只是些捕风捉影的街谈巷议,废话一般,可被本人张天翼听到了,则全然不同了。
  • 22、凡是挣扎过来的人都是真金不怕火炼的;任何幻灭都不能动摇他们的信仰:因为他们一开始就知道信仰之路和幸福之路全然不同,而他们是不能选。
  • 23、敞开的窗子可以看到外面的庭院,月光如水银匝地,微凉的与日间燠热全然不同的风吹在脸上,我闭上眼睛,在悠悠的琴声中,似乎还听到了……花开的声音。
  • 24、在孩子和成*之间有一道深渊;他们是分开的极点。孩子不明白大人在说什么,因为他生活在一个全然不同的层面上——游戏的层面。大人们不能理解孩子在做什么,因为大人是一个商人,他生活在为什么、原因、理由的世界中。奥修
  • 25、当一个研讨班宣称可以揭示“秘密”或者“全新的,全然不同的”结果时,通常会卖得很好。
  • 26、当时还是一名北京高中生的蔡先生回忆说:“你们总是穿着演出服,上演着全然不同的内容,这对我来说是一个全新的世界。
  • 27、一切法从究竟上来说,根本没有清净与染污的差异,那里还有所谓的东方西方之分别呢?然而在方便法门中,殊胜与浊恶的世界对于众生而言则有全然不同的感受。
  • 28、柯镇恶进来看了他几次,束手无策,他毒菱的毒性与冰魄银针全然不同,两者的解药不能混用,又怕郭芙溜出去,哄着她睡觉。
  • 29、没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从今天开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。愿你的今天充满希望和幸福,早安。
  • 30、三个大字,字体张狂,游龙走蛇,力透纸背,磅礴大气,与本命图里的柳体小字全然不同
  • 31、这让林宝可以用全然不同的方法去改进去升级去创造,而不会因为修为高强就固步自封,一切只依靠自己的精深法力来解决。
  • 32、我对欲望有着全然不同的看法。首先,我认为欲望本身就是神,没有任何企图、目标的欲望,纯然的欲望就是神。欲望的能量和神的能量是相同的。
  • 33、打破陈规戒律,在青岛开始一个全然不同的美食之旅.
  • 34、我的两个小孩个性全然不同,哥哥的房间井井有条,弟弟的房间却是杂乱无章。
  • 35、我想,假若天公作美,在初秋的丽日下访寻天池,看到的景物定会全然不同
  • 36、他们夫妻俩个性全然不同,先生优柔寡断,太太则是刚毅果决。
  • 37、孩子不明白大人在说什么,因为他生活在一个全然不同的层面上——游戏的层面。大人们不能理解孩子在做什么,因为大人是一个商人,他生活在为什么、原因、理由的世界中。奥修
  • 38、大学校长分文科出身和理科出身两类。文科出身的人轻易做不到这位子,做到了也不以为荣,准是干政治碰壁下野,仕而不优则学,借诗书之泽、弦诵之声来修养身心。理科出身的呢,就全然不同了。钱钟书
  • 39、继隆乳、丰唇、垫臀之后,全然不同的身体部位受到注目,整型外科医师发现耳朵整型手术大幅成长。
  • 40、文字传达,多一字,少一字,意义可全然不同;语言传达,语调高一点,低一点,意思亦截然不同;我们的认知,看多一点,少一点,产生的观念和想法也会不同。那我们所听所看,有甚么是全然是真的?
  • 41、继少年颓废派后,新披头士获得了一些全然不同的、回应力更强的观众。


全然不同 quánránbùtóng
