- 1、南方周末的一个评论员写道:“这些天整个中国都在扪心自问:这些人们的冷漠行径来源于天性,还是说这是公共道德丧失的表现?”。
- 2、人们从心里鄙弃那些不讲公共道德的人。
- 3、"Respecting others' personal space and refraining from intrusive behavior is an essential aspect of public morality, creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in our community."
- 4、"Kindness and compassion towards the less fortunate individuals in society is not just a moral duty, but also a way to build a more inclusive and empathetic public moral fabric."
- 5、"In order to foster a sense of harmony and unity within our society, it is imperative to prioritize public morality over personal interests, setting aside egocentric attitudes for the greater good."
- 6、"Striving for fairness and equality, regardless of gender, race, or social status, is a foundational principle of public morality, guaranteeing a just and inclusive society for all members."
- 7、"Upholding honesty and integrity in our daily interactions, from small gestures to significant decisions, is an essential pillar of public morality, ensuring trust and credibility within our community."
- 8、"In times of crisis, it is essential for individuals to prioritize public safety over personal convenience, demonstrating the highest level of public morality by following rules and regulations."
- 9、"Nurturing a culture of empathy and understanding, where individuals actively listen and seek to understand others' perspectives, is a testament to the strength of public morality and the growth of a compassionate society."
- 10、"Valuing and protecting the privacy of others, both online and offline, is a crucial aspect of public morality in today's interconnected world, fostering trust and safeguarding personal dignity."
- 11、"Being mindful of our words and actions, refraining from gossip, rumors, or harmful behavior, demonstrates a high level of public morality and contributes to the creation of a positive and respectful social environment."
- 12、"Demonstrating responsibility in the management of public resources, such as water, electricity, and public spaces, showcases a sense of public morality and a commitment to sustainable development."
- 13、"Taking personal accountability for our mistakes and apologizing sincerely when necessary exemplify qualities of humility and honesty, nurturing a culture of accountability and strengthening public morality."
- 14、"Embracing civic duty, such as voting, engaging in community activities, and volunteering, reflects a strong sense of public morality and a commitment to actively contribute to the betterment of society."
- 15、"Encouraging open and constructive dialogue, where diverse opinions are respected and valued, fosters a strong sense of public morality and enables the exchange of ideas for societal progress."
- 16、"Combatting corruption and bribery at all levels, promoting transparency and fairness, is a paramount duty to uphold public morality and ensure a level playing field for everyone."
- 17、"Instilling in future generations the values of empathy, respect, and integrity is crucial for the preservation and perpetuation of public morality, shaping a more harmonious and just society."
- 18、我们应该旗帜鲜明地反对那些损人利己,不讲公共道德的行为。
- 19、我们应该努力维护公共道德,改进社会民风.
- 20、社区矫正人员应当参加公共道德、法律常识、时事政策等教育学习活动,增强法制观念、道德素质和悔罪自新意识。
- 21、涉嫌违法或有违公共道德之留言将被本网站拒绝.
- 22、重庆市市民公共道德状况有喜有忧,整体情况不容乐观,成为重庆市发展的制约因素之一。
- 23、失业不是关键问题,真正的问题在于公共道德的衰败。
- 24、作为美德或个人修养、伦理规则或公共道德的现代诚信范畴,最终要通过社会的制度安排体现出来。
- 25、那些身居要位、从而对公共道德负有监护之责的人的情况就是如此。
- 26、公共道德标准的提高更应该取决于社会环境的改善以及教育的普及,而不是对故作正经之人的四处指点。
- 27、讲究公共卫生,爱护公共设施,维护公共秩序,遵守公共道德。
- 28、每个公民既要“独善其身”,自觉遵守公共道德;又要“相善其群”,积极维护公共道德。
- 29、他律规则是重塑或构建自律的外部基础,新加坡等国的公共道德,某种意义上不就是由严刑峻法培厚起来的嘛。