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公司合并造句 首页

  • 1、若甲方有限公司在未来有公司合并事务发生,则本合同项下的所有权利及义务转由合并后新成立的法人公司承担。
  • 2、那位报巨子决定与另一家公司合并,以扩展他的企业王国.
  • 3、The employees of both merging companies are excited about the opportunities that arise from the merger, as it brings together different talents and expertise.
  • 4、The strategic decision to combine forces through a merger has allowed our company to expand its market share and enhance its overall profitability.
  • 5、Although some employees may feel uncertain about the potential changes that come with a merger, it is crucial to embrace this opportunity for growth and development.
  • 6、The merger creates a synergistic effect, combining the strengths of both companies and allowing for a higher-level of innovation and customer satisfaction.
  • 7、With the recent merger, our company has gained access to a wider distribution network and a larger customer base, which will significantly boost our sales and revenue.
  • 8、The merger brings together two industry leaders, creating a powerhouse that will redefine the market and set new industry standards.
  • 9、The merger has been met with approval from shareholders, as it promises increased shareholder value and higher returns on investment.
  • 10、Through this merger, our company aims to streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, and improve overall efficiency to better serve our customers.
  • 11、The merger not only expands our company's geographical reach but also provides the opportunity to tap into new markets and diversify our product offerings.
  • 12、Despite the initial challenges, the merger presents a unique opportunity for employees to collaborate with new colleagues and learn from their expertise, paving the way for professional growth and career advancement.
  • 13、The merger represents a strategic move to capitalize on market trends and enhances our competitive edge by combining resources and knowledge.
  • 14、By merging with our rival company, we can leverage their strong brand presence to enhance our market positioning and attract new customers.
  • 15、The merger consolidates our industry's fragmented market, enabling us to negotiate better deals with suppliers and reducing costs across the board.
  • 16、The merger will undoubtedly result in the reevaluation and reallocation of resources and personnel, but it also presents significant opportunities for employees to take on new roles and responsibilities.
  • 17、The merger is a testament to our company's commitment to growth and long-term sustainability, ensuring our ability to adapt to changing market dynamics and remain relevant in a rapidly evolving industry.
  • 18、The merger allows us to focus our efforts and resources on areas of strategic importance, driving innovation and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • 19、中国铝业动用原始股入股,指望着阻挠两家公司合并,源自知之小工具是因为中国害怕把太多的铁矿石定价权集中在一家公司手里。
  • 20、在公司合并时,可能会出现这种情况,例如,组合两家公司的信息服务小组。
  • 21、名列世界企业500强的阿斯利康是1999年由瑞典阿斯特拉公司和英国捷利康公司合并而成,其行政总部和研发总部分别设在英国和瑞典,中国区总部设在上海。
  • 22、这是两年来第二例电信公司合并失败,也再次使横跨非洲、南亚和中东的移动电话巨头的诞生成为泡影。
  • 23、1996年,摩根士丹利CEO迪克·费舍和他的当然继承人约翰·麦克开始与添惠公司CEO裴熙亮认真商谈两家公司合并的事宜。
  • 24、我们的商号将与一家日本公司合并.
  • 25、航空业得困境还导致了参与航空公司合并者逃脱了反垄断审查。
  • 26、集团于2013年4月24日,由山西煤炭运销集团有限公司和山西国际电力集团有限公司合并式重组成立。
  • 27、在公司合并了之后,很多员工都选择了弃船另谋职位.
  • 28、伯灵顿北方圣菲铁路运输公司的起源可追溯到150年前,该公司由多家铁路公司合并而成.
  • 29、日本占领时期四家最大的国有糖业公司合并为*弯糖业公司.
  • 30、中国铝业动用原始股入股,指望着阻挠两家公司合并是因为害怕把铁矿石价格控制权过多的集中在一家公司手中。
  • 31、韦尔斯公司马上就要同国家钢铁公司合并.
  • 32、事实上,1996年年底的合并后的蔡司的利润表,就是衡量公司合并后带来的冲击的最好尺度。
  • 33、同年11月30日,四通利方公司与美国华渊资讯公司合并,宣告成立新浪网。
  • 34、豪迈集团计划将该部门与旗下的专业水质分析仪器制造商百灵达公司合并,以增强豪迈集团在该领域的盈利。
  • 35、阿斯利康是前英国捷利康公司于1999年同前瑞典阿斯特拉公司合并而成,其生产的药品销售至全球100多个国家和地区。
  • 36、1996年6月,随着市**菜篮子工程的实施,济南牧工商公司和济南市水产公司合并起来,组建起济南市农工商集团。
  • 37、1911年6月16日,计算制表计时公司宣告成立。该公司由一家制造量表的公司、一家制造上下班打卡机的公司和另一家制造其他机器的公司合并而来。