- 1、在您关闭程序前,您必须停止当前任务.
- 2、与尼龙搭扣带的快速打开和关闭。
- 3、Ilosed the door behind me, leaving behind all the noise and chaos of the outside world, finding solace in the peacefulness of my own home.
- 4、She closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee, letting it awaken her senses and rejuvenate her soul.
- 5、With a heavy heart, I closed the chapter of our relationship, acknowledging that it was time to move on and find happiness elsewhere.
- 6、The sun slowly set on the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant shades of orange and pink, as if nature itself was closing the curtains on another beautiful day.
- 7、She wrapped the blanket around her tightly, closing herself off from the world, seeking comfort and warmth in her own solitude.
- 8、The final note of the piano sonata resonated through the concert hall, marking the end of the performance, and the audience closed their eyes in awe, savoring the lingering melodies.
- 9、Asthe last customer left the shop, the tired shopkeeper closed the register, counting the day's earnings with a sense of accomplishment.
- 10、Heclosed the laptop, satisfied with the progress he had made on his novel, and marveled at the power of his imagination to create new worlds and characters.
- 11、The final puzzle piece clicked into place, completing the picture, and she closed the puzzle box with a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
- 12、The autumn leaves fell gently to the ground, as if the trees were closing their eyes, preparing for a peaceful slumber during the winter months.
- 13、The cutlery and dishes were carefully arranged on the dining table, as the host closed off the last details, ensuring a perfect atmosphere for the upcoming dinner party.
- 14、With a heavy heart, she closed her suitcase, bidding farewell to her childhood home and embarking on a new journey in a foreign land.
- 15、The doctor's reassuring smile and gentle touch instilled confidence in the young patient, allowing her to close her eyes and trust in the healing process.
- 16、As the final chords of the symphony resonated through the concert hall, the conductor closed his eyes, feeling the music wash over him, and the audience erupted in thunderous applause.
- 17、He closed his diary, the pages filled with his innermost thoughts and emotions, a testament to his personal growth and self-reflection.
- 18、The bookstore owner closed the shop, reluctantly saying goodbye to the stacks of books that had brought joy and knowledge to countless readers.
- 19、The art exhibit came to a close, leaving the visitors with a sense of awe and inspiration, having witnessed the transformative power of creativity.
- 20、The courtroom fell silent as the judge closed the case, delivering the final verdict that would determine the future of the accused.
- 21、With tears streaming down her face, she closed the old photo album, cherishing the memories captured within, and vowing to create new ones that would bring her joy and healing.
- 22、只要不把儿童关闭在不透气,不见阳光的环境中,那么,纵便是贫乏的大自然,也能使儿童的心灵得到欢乐,受到感染。谢德林
- 23、罗马教练斯帕莱蒂已经关闭了奥卡卡离开的大门.
- 24、先选择报告菜单,点击春分点关闭,下次你打开表单的时候,即显示春分点开启。
- 25、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
- 26、如果阀因升压超过或降压低于设定压力值而动作或被扳开,它会维持关闭状态,直到技术人员或技工到达现场确定设备的完整正常。
- 27、菲利斯说,然而,人体的“BCL11A也会表达到其它类型的血细胞里。”这意味着假如治疗过程中关闭了它的作用,可能会引起其它目前在小白鼠实验中尚未发现的并发症。
- 28、和东京还要求英国关闭滇缅公路向中国然后作为重庆市知名。
- 29、在一台台电脑强制关闭后接连着的那些声嘶力竭的喊叫。
- 30、这里展示的是一个蒙面田凫瞬膜,因为它在它的眼睛关闭。
- 31、喜欢故乡的黄昏因为它温馨安详,喜欢深夜的星空因为它宁静明朗,喜欢那道弯弯的月牙,仿佛它是我曾经离别的情人,当太阳落山之时她就会挂在枝头,注视着那扇不愿为她关闭的窗棂,静坐窗前的我,一生为她守候着。
- 32、巴拉克拉拉冶炼厂于1911年7月终于停产关闭。
- 33、即使在目前危机的打击下,上海证券交易所就已经暴跌,小厂被关闭,**已经放慢的货币升值的速度以帮助出口商。
- 34、由于能见度太低目的地机场已关闭,我们的航班将转航至备降机场并过夜。
- 35、知道如何关闭煤气和水管的总开关。
- 36、因为已经选择关闭编辑器时保存更改,所以更新的语句会出现在交互CLP提示符之后,我们可以选择立即执行该语句。
- 37、出于安全原因他们关闭了核反应堆。
- 38、不过在关闭审案大门之前,主审法官必须考虑是否有任何可以排除威胁的其他方案,并且必须确定不公开审判将行之有效。
- 39、因此,公司现已决定关闭弗里堡酒厂将产品集中于莱弗尔登生产。
- 40、另一些基金将在投资者撤资前关闭。一些基金在2008年开始经营惨淡,一直在想方设法回到其辉煌时刻。
- 41、锁定:关闭的束缚和混排的束缚和混排的转盘.
- 42、而在二月,迪拜塔关闭其瞭望台,据闻是因为电路问题。
- 43、该页面包括一个撤销已关闭标签选项,一键搜索关键词,经常访问的网页快照,如果该网页有RSSfeed订阅服务的话还会显示内容标题。
- 44、如果一行中有必填项未填写,则表格无法关闭。
- 45、源宜朝抱有情,不宜直射关闭,去口宜关闭紧密,最怕直去无收。
- 46、在不知道正在运行的情况时,用户很可能会不断地点击相同的这个按钮,或者重新下载这个页面,或者关闭这个应用软件。
- 47、因此不要害怕生命,不要把你自己关闭在冷漠之中。冷漠将使你迟钝,你将失去所有的灵敏;你的身体将会变得迟钝,你的智力将会变得迟钝。
- 48、对污染严重、经限期治理不达标的唐山市津丰焦化有限公司,由所在区人民**对该企业责令关闭。
- 49、拉贾无视印度电信管理局提出的对电信牌照不设上限的建议,宣布关闭对于电信频率的申请。
- 50、一名铁路部发言人称,由于一大群年轻人在轨道上来回穿越,杜伊斯堡的一些主要车站已关闭。