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  • 1、米盖尔:我每天都给你写信,不管你回信不回信。
  • 2、丽迪雅临走的时候,答应常常给母亲和吉蒂写信来,详详细细地告诉她们一路上的情形,可是她走了以后,家里老是等了好久才接到她一封信,而每封信又往往只是寥寥数行。
  • 3、Dear Grandma, I am writing this letter to express how much I miss you and how grateful I am for all the love and care you have given me throughout my life. Your wisdom and kindness have shaped me into the person I am today, and I will forever cherish our memories together.
  • 4、Mydearest friend, I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how thankful I am for your unwavering support and friendship. Your presence in my life has brought me immense joy and comfort, and I cannot imagine navigating this unpredictable journey without you by my side.
  • 5、Mydearest love, as I sit here penning this letter, my heart overflows with emotions for you. Words cannot adequately express the depth of my love and affection for you. You are the light of my life, the missing piece of my puzzle, and I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life.
  • 6、Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing this letter to convey my deepest gratitude for your company's generous support towards our charity event. Your contribution has made a significant impact on our efforts to empower underprivileged children and provide them with better opportunities for a brighter future. Your kindness will forever be remembered and cherished.
  • 7、Mybeloved child, I wanted to take this opportunity to express how immensely proud I am of you. Watching you grow into the remarkable person you have become has filled my heart with immense joy and pride. Your accomplishments and determination serve as a constant inspiration to me, and I am forever grateful to be your parent.
  • 8、Dear friend, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much your friendship means to me. Through the ups and downs, you have been a constant source of support and laughter, and I am forever grateful to have you in my life.
  • 9、Tothe editor, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent increase in pollution levels in our city. The deteriorating air quality not only poses a threat to our health but also to the environment as a whole. It is imperative that immediate actions are taken to curb pollution and protect our city's well-being.
  • 10、My dearest mentor, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your guidance and wisdom. Your mentorship has been instrumental in shaping my career and personal growth. Your faith in my abilities has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams, and I am forever grateful for your unwavering support.
  • 11、Dear landlord, I am writing to request some necessary repairs to my apartment. There have been several issues, such as leaky faucets and broken windows, which have caused inconvenience and discomfort. It is my hope that you will take prompt action to address these concerns and provide a safe living environment for all tenants.
  • 12、To the local government, I am writing to express my deep concern about the increasing crime rates in our community. It is disheartening to witness the rise in thefts and acts of violence, leaving many residents feeling unsafe in their own neighborhoods. I urge you to prioritize the implementation of effective measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.
  • 13、My dear sister, as I sit down to write this letter, memories of our childhood come flooding back, bringing a smile to my face. The bond we share is unlike any other, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for always being there for me. Your love and support have been a constant source of strength and comfort in my life.
  • 14、To the company's management, I am writing this letter to express my deep dissatisfaction with the current work environment. The lack of transparency, communication, and opportunities for growth have led to a decline in employee morale and productivity. It is my hope that you will address these concerns promptly to create a more positive and conducive workplace.
  • 15、Dear teachers, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your tireless efforts in shaping the minds of our future generation. Your dedication to education and unwavering support for students is truly commendable. Thank you for going above and beyond to ensure our children receive the best possible education and guidance.
  • 16、六十岁那年,老伴死了。大闺女让俺学字,她想叫俺消愁解闷。她爸刚死,俺学不进去。当时她在北京读书,俺知道她心里难过,心想:要是俺会写信多好,能安慰她,逗她开心。再想:闺女叫俺学字,那俺就学着给她写信吧。姜淑梅
  • 17、多数人喜欢收到信件,但似乎没有人喜欢写信
  • 18、我们班的李阳同学很不讲卫生。为此,我多次写信劝说他注意保护环境,可是他依然我行我素。我真是在对牛弹琴啊。
  • 19、美国的宾利法尼亚州的马格宾?鲍特写信询问GRE普通考试和专项考试的区别。
  • 20、过去家贫如洗,他愣是靠摆摊算命、写信卖字养活了一家人,可他自己又不舍得吃穿,饥寒交迫,时常生病。
  • 21、接着,他写信给纽约主要的读书俱乐部,请他们以特惠价寄来他们的精选图书,并且得到文学协会和每月一书俱乐部的回应。
  • 22、这位山居老人粗通文墨,能读报和写信
  • 23、护送贾联络员一事,还请狼咬哥继续辛苦,我将分别给他们写信讲明情况,各部务必于十月底前,完成占据汉中所属各县、进军关中的所有准备工作。
  • 24、谁能猜得到我上次写信时的境况呢?
  • 25、英格丽特频繁地给女儿写信,不断地对女儿耳提面命,母亲的信成了贯穿整部小说的线索.
  • 26、如果你见到帕米拉,告诉她我会写信给她的。
  • 27、如果我知道他的住址,我会写信给他.
  • 28、我谋生的手段是从报社里乞讨些零活干,报道这儿的骑驴大赛或是那儿的婚礼;我曾替人写信封,读书给老太太们听,制作纸花,在幼儿园里教小孩子们念字母表,以此挣上几个英镑。这就是在1918年以前向妇女敞开大门的主要职业。
  • 29、老校长三番五次地叮嘱我们,到了目的地后马上给学校写信
  • 30、你可以致电、传真或写信给各考点索取更多信息.
  • 31、我这代笔写信的德丢,在主里面问你们安。
  • 32、乔写信去要一份免费赠阅的年历.
  • 33、艾诗琳和父亲据《赫芬顿邮报》14日报道,每年1月6日这天,美国加州少女艾诗琳都会在气球上写信“寄”给亡父。
  • 34、无论是写信人也好,受信人也好,心情都已和当初大不相同,因此,一切不愉快的事,都应该把它忘掉。
  • 35、我经常给她写信,她却从未回信,我真是百思不解。
  • 36、正准备写信让外舅过来,不想您这么快便到了,倒给了我个惊喜。
  • 37、还记得院子后的风铃,学燕子在飞行,我们俩长大后的憧憬,珍重的话很轻,你说想哭就弹琴想起你就写信。周杰伦
  • 38、在上海的老兵我都见过,当时我和他们都住在吴淞路,而在其他地方的以前也常给我写信
  • 39、我特地写信给贵方,对于您们近来广告上登出的招聘兼职,我很感兴趣。
  • 40、只要写信,吩咐他们禁戒偶像的污秽和**,并勒死的牲畜,和血。
  • 41、雨水中出现了平原上的麦子,这些雨水中的景色有些陌生,天已黑了,下着雨,我坐在水上给你写信
  • 42、老师告诉孩子们如何写信函购一本智力测验的书.
  • 43、舞阳县莲花镇韩寨村村民韩纪栓写信,向****理报告村里小麦增产的喜讯,*理很快作出饱含深情的批示。
  • 44、蜀后主刘禅惊恐失据,感到大势已去,在主降派劝导下,派人送上皇帝的印绶,并写信到邓艾那里请降。
  • 45、你即刻写信给大伯,让他万事小心,不要单独走动,约束好族人,千万不要生出事端。
  • 46、他1996年去世,生前是名送货员,一生中不断给名人写信,以溢美之词争取签名。
  • 47、现在的人们沟通交流,不是打电话就是上网聊天,哪里还有有会写信呢。
  • 48、所以…写信,但!写了很多封信给全国广播公司告诉他们,你想霹雳游侠回来。到本西尔弗曼在NBC!
  • 49、笔友们甚至也可以跟相互写信一样相互走访.
  • 50、一个与癌症抗争的小男孩写信给上帝,感动了他的街坊四邻,也帮助周围的人看到希望。


写信 xiěxìn

写信 《写信》是印度现代诗人泰戈尔所作的一篇散文。