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农业国造句 首页

  • 1、从经济社会和文化方面看,大多数发展中国家都是农业国.
  • 2、恰恰又暗合农业国情的退耕还林策略,亦庄亦谐,相得益彰。
  • 3、Asa thriving agricultural nation, our fields stretch as far as the eye can see, painting a picturesque landscape and providing abundant food for the nation.
  • 4、Inthis flourishing agricultural country, the hardworking farmers cultivate the land with unwavering dedication, ensuring a bountiful harvest year after year.
  • 5、The heartbeat of our agricultural nation lies in the tireless efforts of our farmers, whose sweat and toil sculpt fields of gold and nurture a nation.
  • 6、The agricultural tapestry of our nation is interwoven with the wisdom and knowledge passed down by generations of farmers, creating a legacy that sustains us all.
  • 7、Every sunrise brings new hope and possibilities to our agricultural nation, as the sun's warm rays embrace the lush green fields and fill the air with the scent of growth.
  • 8、Asan agricultural country, our roots are firmly planted in the soil, connecting us to both the land and our collective destiny as a nation.
  • 9、Inthis agricultural haven, the rhythms of nature dictate the lives of our farmers, who work in harmony with the seasons, shaping the agricultural landscape with their hands and hearts.
  • 10、The fields of our agricultural nation stand as a testament to the resilience and strength of our farmers, who weather storms, droughts, and challenges, emerging victorious each time.
  • 11、Asan agricultural country, we are entrusted with the sacred duty to sustainably nurture the land, preserving its fertility for future generations and contributing to the greater global food security.
  • 12、The soul of our agricultural nation resides in the spirit of community that binds our farmers together, as they share knowledge, lend a helping hand, and celebrate the joy of a successful harvest.
  • 13、In this vibrant agricultural country, the symphony of rural life unfolds, with farmers as the maestros, conducting the marvelous performance of growth, from seed to table.
  • 14、The fields of our agricultural nation are not just a source of sustenance, but also a canvas of artistry, showcasing the meticulous care and craftsmanship of our farmers.
  • 15、As an agricultural country, the innate connection between humans and nature is beautifully depicted in the daily rituals of our farmers, who rely on the earth's generosity and give back with gratitude and respect.
  • 16、In the heartland of our agricultural nation, the simplicity of rural life intertwines with a profound sense of purpose and responsibility, as farmers tirelessly feed the ever-growing population.
  • 17、The agrarian spirit runs deep in our agricultural country, nurturing a sense of humility, gratitude, and interconnectedness with nature that guides our path towards a sustainable future.
  • 18、The agricultural heritage of our nation is not merely a relic of the past, but a potent force that propels us towards innovation, sustainability, and a more inclusive future for all.
  • 19、In this agricultural paradise, farmers are the unsung heroes, whose selfless dedication and unwavering commitment ensure the nation's food security and its continued prosperity.
  • 20、The mosaic of crops that adorn our agricultural nation showcases the diversity of cultures, traditions, and culinary delights that blossom from the land, enriching our collective identity.
  • 21、从经济的原则上说,农业国家是不能达到“富裕”的,事实上比较富裕的国家大都是工业国家。
  • 22、社会经济极待恢复柬埔寨是一个农业国.
  • 23、1971年的孟加拉是个依赖外援的农业国,人**炸,没有任何基础设施。
  • 24、新西兰是一个重要的农业国。养牛场大都在北岛。养羊场则在多丘陵的南岛。
  • 25、我国脱胎于半殖民地、半封建的农业国.
  • 26、肯尼亚是一个矿产资源贫乏的农业国.
  • 27、国土资源量有限,耕地良田勿乱占。十三亿人农业国,以食为天国泰安。工业农业齐发展,合理开发荒岭山。粮食基础是保障,工业突飞大厦建。全国土地日:开发闲地建乐园,珍惜土地丰产。
  • 28、他们决心把落后的农业国变为先进的工业国.
  • 29、不过这时候的德兰士瓦共和国已经靠兰德金矿赚得盆满钵满,羽翼已经强壮丰满,不再是当年那个穷得叮当响、靠拣食英国和澳大利亚羊毛商余沥为生的农业国了。
  • 30、发展经济学在第二次世界大战后兴起,知之小工具整理主要研究贫困落后的农业国家或发展中国家如何实现工业化的问题。
  • 31、该国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国.

