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出口成章造句 首页

  • 1、作文时要先在心里酝酿成熟了,才能出口成章
  • 2、那时候我真是才华横溢,出口成章,滔滔不绝,而且合辙押韵。
  • 3、Itwas a moment of pure joy and relief when the protagonist, after years of struggles and setbacks, finally stood on the stage of the international conference and presented his groundbreaking research, his speech flowing effortlessly, his words eloquently weaving together to form a coherent and persuasive argument - truly an example of "出口成章".
  • 4、The novel, with its exquisite prose and meticulously crafted plot, effortlessly guides readers through a web of emotions, each scene ending with a perfectly constructed sentence that leaves us craving for more, showcasing the author's ability to "出口成章".
  • 5、The young poet, with a notebook full of heartfelt verses and emotions that ran deep, mesmerized the audience as she recited her poems on the dimly lit stage, each word carefully chosen, each line seamlessly flowing into the next - the essence of "出口成章".
  • 6、The talented chef, with years of training and a deep understanding of flavors, expertly blended a myriad of ingredients together, creating a dish that not only delighted the taste buds but also visually captured the essence of the cuisine - a true example of "出口成章".
  • 7、Asthe orchestra prepared for their grand performance, the conductor, with his unwavering passion and precise gestures, led the musicians through a symphony that swept the audience off their feet, their music effortlessly "出口成章".
  • 8、The talented dancer, with each step and movement fluidly choreographed, took the stage and entranced the audience with her graceful presence, her body a vessel for expressing the depth of human emotions - a true embodiment of "出口成章".
  • 9、Inhis powerful speech, the charismatic leader seamlessly wove together historical anecdotes, personal experiences, and compelling arguments, captivating the audience and inspiring them to take action - a true demonstration of "出口成章".
  • 10、The eloquent journalist effortlessly crafted an investigative report that exposed the truth, uncovering layers of corruption and deceit, his words flowing like a river, leaving readers in awe of his ability to "出口成章".
  • 11、The stand-up comedian, with his razor-sharp wit and impeccable timing, had the audience roaring with laughter as he effortlessly delivered punchline after punchline, perfectly formed and beautifully executed - the epitome of "出口成章".
  • 12、The architect, with an innate understanding of space and aesthetics, designed a building that seamlessly blended into its surroundings, the lines and shapes forming a harmonious whole - a true example of "出口成章".
  • 13、The skilled negotiator, with their ability to read people and respond with precision, effortlessly mediated between conflicting parties, finding common ground and reaching agreements that "出口成章".
  • 14、The captivating storyteller, with their vivid descriptions and compelling characters, painted a world that readers could immerse themselves in, each chapter ending with a cliffhanger that left them hungry for more - truly showcasing the art of "出口成章".
  • 15、The visionary entrepreneur, with their clear vision and persuasive communication skills, presented their innovative business idea to potential investors, their pitch so convincing that it left them in awe of the entrepreneur's ability to "出口成章".
  • 16、The sommelier, with their extensive knowledge of wines and a palate honed through years of experience, effortlessly guided diners through a journey of flavors, each glass of wine perfectly matched to the dish - an unrivaled example of "出口成章".
  • 17、The talented photographer, with an eye for detail and a knack for capturing emotions, effortlessly framed each shot, every click of the camera producing an image that "出口成章".
  • 18、The inspiring motivational speaker, with their compelling personal story and authentic passion, moved the audience to tears and ignited a fire within them, their words resonating deep within each person's soul - a true testament to "出口成章".
  • 19、这位教授在上课时,常旁征博引,出口成章,深受好评。
  • 20、文人就是文人,出口成章,他意思是蔡邕是旷世逸才,并且熟识两汉的事,应该让他继续修史,以为一代大典。
  • 21、你只知他出口成章,却不知他十年寒窗,勤学苦练的过程。
  • 22、铁保珊拈须沉吟:这是元朝人的诗么?金冬心真是捷才!出口成章,不动声色。
  • 23、你想出口成章,就得多读书,还要经常练习演讲。
  • 24、这个小女孩虽只有五岁,却能背诵数十篇唐宋诗文,说起话来也出口成章,令人嘖嘖称奇。
  • 25、呵呵谁也不是生来就力能扛鼎,出口成章,只要肯学总有机会,那我问你,你想不想学武呢?
  • 26、这无疑告诉我们,教师只有平时注意学习和积累各种知识,丰富和充实自己,未雨绸缪,有了浓厚的功底,在课堂上才能出口成章,左右逢源,得心应手。
  • 27、以前曾经说过,宁中则自小就爱慕师兄岳不群,最主要的一个原因就是岳不群文武双全,出口成章,在一众武夫之中显得与众不同矫矫不群。
  • 28、环山鬼道应该是红姐的伤心地,康乐宫绝对能引起红姐的心底伤,不过为了调查取证,我只能这么做!红姐顿了一下:“不愧是大学生,出口成章,诗情画意!”。
  • 29、旧时神童妙对连珠翻检历代对联故事,发现一些名人从小就是出口成章的妙对神童。
  • 30、只是随着身为保正的父亲学过些文字、粗通文墨的他,怎有出口成章、甚至窥测科考天机之才?心底满腹疑云的徐勿天,此刻联想起“醉风”。
  • 31、她演讲时从来不用讲稿,却能出口成章,语惊四座。
  • 32、纪晓岚是个出口成章的才子。
  • 33、他没事的,他能出口成章
  • 34、他满腹经伦,出口成章
  • 35、养成看书的习惯,在与别人交往的过程中,谈吐与修养是最能征服别人的。喜欢看书的女孩,她一定是沉静且有着很好的心态,一定是出口成章且优雅知性的女人。
  • 36、周老师满腹经纶,出口成章,擅长博古论今,上课的时候更是娓娓动听,栩栩如生,还有周老师一笔好字,书写的板书字迹钢劲有力,挥洒自如,赢得了同学们的信任。
  • 37、被誉为全校作文最好的我丝毫不畏惧任何挑衅,可我却怕你,只是因为你敢爱敢恨,出口成章,这便是我最敬佩你的理由。
  • 38、不学就会是天才,做事完美是人才,出口成章是口才,一事无成是庸才,女人要的是身材,人人想的是钱财,418誓要发日,我祝你早早发大财!
  • 39、裙裾飘飘女生到,眼前一亮疑女神。笑容满面腮边红,乌发垂肩更妖娆。唇红齿白令人羡,莺声燕语惹人怜。出口成章博学广,无数英雄竞折腰。女生节到了,愿你永远青春靓丽!
  • 40、中国队辩手实力平均,个个能言善辩、口齿伶俐、反应灵敏、即使无卡在手,也能滔滔不绝,而且出口成章
  • 41、一个人,如果能够出口成章,滔滔不绝,语重心长又能催人奋发,就不仅展示了他深厚的文化功底,更体现了他高尚的品德素养。
  • 42、这所学校一直非常注重学生口语表达能力的培养,因而有不少学生都能出口成章
  • 43、让孩子出口成章的经典成语故事。
  • 44、我曾想成为一名出色的作家,出口成章,作品万人翻阅,读后意犹未尽。
  • 45、丙书香门弟,有家学,从小爱思考,博览群书,出口成章,属于人见人爱的小才子。
  • 46、文学侍从之臣,听说是封赏之事,纷纷贺喜,举杯庆祝,更有喜欢卖弄才学之人,已经是出口成章,颂扬蜀王军威军功。
  • 47、没想到无痕竟然如此博学多才,出口成章!真是后生可畏啊!我就是想看看你的病情如何。
  • 48、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 49、最近迷上编信息,主要归功指客籍,悬赏论坛送金币,绞尽脑汁把题思,废寝忘食找主题,同事聊天我提议,出口成章有奖励,招邪中魔我被疑,只因已成指客迷!
  • 50、辩论竞赛双方出口成章,针锋相对,真是有点相持不下了。


出口成章 chū kǒu chéng zhāng

西汉 司马迁《史记 滑稽列传褚少孙论》引北魏 崔浩曰:“言出口成章,词不穷竭,若滑稽之吐酒。”
