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出口税造句 首页

  • 1、美国控诉中国对原材料设置出口税及出口配额。
  • 2、***谈到了解决纺织品贸易问题的各项措施,包括对纺织品征收出口税、限制纺织业和相关行业的投资以及限制纺织服装业的生产等。
  • 3、The implementation of an export tax on luxury goods can effectively curb the excessive outflow of national wealth and ensure its allocation towards the improvement of public welfare and infrastructure.
  • 4、The introduction of an export tax aims to encourage domestic consumption, foster domestic industries, and reduce the country's reliance on foreign markets.
  • 5、Levying an export tax on environmental-harming products would not only promote sustainable development but also reflect the nation's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment.
  • 6、Anexport tax on rare, culturally significant artifacts would safeguard our national heritage, prevent their exploitation, and support efforts to preserve our cultural identity.
  • 7、The collection of export taxes on intellectual property-intensive goods can further incentivize domestic innovation, boost the development of high-tech industries, and safeguard intellectual property rights.
  • 8、The introduction of an export tax on raw materials can encourage local processing and value-adding industries, promoting employment opportunities and economic diversification in the long run.
  • 9、The government's decision to levy an export tax on luxury fashion brands reflects a commitment to reducing wealth inequality, promoting sustainable consumption, and creating a more equitable society.
  • 10、By imposing an export tax on products manufactured using child labor, the government demonstrates its dedication to upholding human rights and protecting the well-being of underprivileged children worldwide.
  • 11、The imposition of an export tax on weapons and military equipment promotes international peace and security by curbing the proliferation of arms and discouraging conflicts fueled by the illicit arms trade.
  • 12、By imposing an export tax on luxury real estate, the government can address the housing affordability crisis, redirect resources towards social housing programs, and ensure fair access to housing for all citizens.
  • 13、蒙古回顾其1997年间加入世界贸易组织时,曾承诺在10年内逐步减少并取消对原山羊绒的出口税
  • 14、直接税为出口税和产品税提供了另一个方案.
  • 15、通常情况下,处于垄断地位的国家并不会直接抬高价格,它可以对这种商品征收出口税间接提价。
  • 16、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 17、过去,这受到高额出口税的限制,让人们不愿意向创新投资。
  • 18、对于中国削减总出口额度、并提高出口税的举动,日本政商领袖均表示关切。
  • 19、中国**已经让人民币加速升值,并且废除了一些出口税的减免政策。
  • 20、此外,许多国家也通过降低汇率、摒弃对农业不利的多种汇率制度、取消几乎所有出口税等措施,取消了其他形式的进口限制。
  • 21、此外国际粮食市场价格走高趋势已经逆转,近几个月来,阿根廷出口的主要农产品大豆价格持续下跌,导致阿根廷出口创汇额和农产品出口税收入下降。
  • 22、它可以帮助加强国际协调,如果所有粮食出口国都能无条件地承诺不采取出口禁令或抑制性的出口税的话。
  • 23、免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。
