- 1、但是中国人民银行顾问樊纲在英文中国日报上撰文说,人民币币值的任何调整决不能损害中国关键的出口贸易。
- 2、经营范围为从事阀门水暖配件产品进出口贸易与市场研发。
- 3、The booming export trade has transformed our small town into a prosperous economic hub, creating jobs and improving the standard of living for our community.
- 4、Through export trade, our local manufacturers have gained international recognition and now compete on a global scale, showcasing the quality and innovation of our products.
- 5、The export trade has opened up new avenues of growth and opportunity for our country, enabling us to tap into foreign markets and diversify our economy.
- 6、Despite facing numerous challenges, our exporters have managed to navigate through the complexities of international trade, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
- 7、The export trade has not only boosted our country's GDP but also strengthened bilateral relationships with other nations, fostering a sense of cooperation and mutual understanding.
- 8、Byexporting our goods, we not only promote economic growth but also distribute our culture and values to the rest of the world, fostering global connections and cultural exchange.
- 9、The export trade has sparked an entrepreneurial spirit among our youth, inspiring them to innovate, collaborate, and create products that can compete on the international stage.
- 10、Export trade plays a pivotal role in poverty alleviation, empowering small-scale farmers and artisans by providing them access to global markets, increasing their income and improving their livelihoods.
- 11、Our government's support for export trade, through policies and incentives, has propelled our nation to become a key player in the global marketplace, driving economic prosperity for all.
- 12、Through export trade, we have been able to reduce our trade deficit, attracting foreign investment and strengthening our currency, ensuring the stability and growth of our economy.
- 13、The export trade has spurred technological advancements and innovation, as businesses strive to develop cutting-edge products that meet the demands of global consumers, positioning us as industry leaders.
- 14、The export trade fosters international cooperation, as countries work together to establish fair trade agreements and eliminate barriers, promoting a more inclusive and equitable global economy.
- 15、The export trade empowers women entrepreneurs, providing them with opportunities to showcase their talents and skills, breaking barriers and challenging gender stereotypes in the business world.
- 16、In the face of protectionist policies, the export trade serves as a powerful tool to promote free trade and advocate for open markets, driving economic growth and shared prosperity.
- 17、Export trade has transformed our traditional manufacturing industry, driving innovation and encouraging the adoption of advanced technologies, enhancing our competitiveness in the global market.
- 18、Through export trade, we have cultivated a reputation for reliability and excellence, establishing long-term partnerships with customers around the world, based on mutual trust and respect.
- 19、您对出口贸易的程序很熟悉吗?
- 20、中国东北地区与日本、韩国邻近,是一个重要的开放地区,进出口贸易量很大。
- 21、贸易型的主要是一些进出口贸易公司、进出口公司等。
- 22、而香港海产品进出口贸易商会人士认为,拒吃鱼翅无法实现保护鲨鱼的目的,因为欧美拥有庞大的鱼肉市场,他们依旧会捕鲨,拒吃鱼翅只会造成鱼鳍的浪费。
- 23、例如,柬埔寨采取了依托对外贸易的经济发展模式,其经济很大程度上依赖服装出口,该国与美国签订了一项关于服装出口贸易的协议。
- 24、有点怀疑的是出口贸易型的制造业公司,与资源行业没有联系,目前正面临着艰难的情况。
- 25、公司主营宠物产品、园艺产品、农产品、非金属矿产品。我们集中力量开展自主产品开发,在稳定的出口贸易中,适时推出符合国际市场需求的自主产品。
- 26、其主要缺点是在各种产品的使用上没有区分本国产品和进口产品等,在进出口贸易数额较大时由此计算的完全能耗、单位最终需求的完全增加值等将严重失真。
- 27、天成模具材料公司创立于2003年,主要从事模具钢材进出口贸易。
- 28、简而言之,王国斌和濮德培的研究发现是可靠的,因为“价格数据通常确定基于定性信息的出口贸易规模。”。
- 29、暪去年,我国进出口贸易总值已达到平衡。
- 30、在二季度,GDP增加量的全部甚至更多,都出自进出口贸易增长的贡献。
- 31、决定浮动英镑的汇率,因为固定汇率不利于出口贸易.
- 32、过去中国对交易会口译,公司文件翻译,进出口贸易的相关翻译人员的需求量都很大,薪水也相当可观。
- 33、问题的关键是我们出口贸易方面太差.
- 34、在校期间我掌握了商务英语的基本知识,以及熟练地掌握了出口贸易流程、信用证使用程序以及跟单流程等外贸知识。
- 35、如何改变“捡了芝麻丢了西瓜”的进出口贸易局面。
- 36、FDI不仅直接或间接地影响了母国的进出口贸易规模、结构和流向,而且在很大程度上带动了母国出口市场范围的扩大。
- 37、当时,但当时大家都知道要“庄敬自强,处变不惊”,齐心建设*弯,专心发展出口贸易。
- 38、汇丰还对迎宪焦化集团焦化厂进行了技术改造,建设成为全国最大的铸造焦生产出口贸易基地,那将使曹建军离煤炭大亨的梦想更近了一步。
- 39、贸易技术壁垒对世界贸易产生重大影响。它对中国的出口贸易也是一个严峻的挑战。
- 40、张掖市临风进出口贸易有限公司经营范围广泛,涉及日用百货、五金交电、建筑材料等。
- 41、这个国家富产石油,但随着近年来经济的增长,大多说海湾国家都不仅仅依靠石油而且还有进出口贸易。
- 42、目前,选择出口贸易应收款和预期知识产权转让收入,作为主要资产进行证券化具有一定的可行性。
- 43、中国“入世”已进入倒计时,实践证明只有通过出口贸易结构的优化与升级才能在国际市场中获得竞争力,科技兴贸是我国成为贸易强国的必由之路。
- 44、????????该公司经营范围为钢铁、生铁、铁矿粉、化工产品、普通机械设备、五金交电、日用杂品的销售以及进出口贸易。
- 45、兴泰行和其他行商在作为当时进出口贸易之大宗的茶叶贸易和棉花贸易中,由于种种不利因素,也难以取得利润,反而遭受重大损失。
- 46、中日两国相互间出口贸易的依存度和竞争力状况,对进一步改善中日贸易有着深远的影响。
- 47、计划经济时期遗留下来的广大国内企业的外贸业务由少数进出口公司包办代替的进出口贸易经营许可制,在改革开放向纵深发展的今天,仍在我国继续推行着。
- 48、统保单对出口贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的办法,特别适合于分不同的时间出口的一批类似货物,如,当被保险方根据独家代理协议书向国外的进口方供货,或在国外委任了销售代表,设立分支机构时用之。
- 49、在联立方程中,各因素对商品进出口贸易、中国投资和中国经济增长的影响是通过各种弹性反映的.
- 50、目前,中国经济总量居世界第六,进出口贸易总额居世界第四.