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出奇制胜造句 首页

  • 1、山贼一般都需要先埋伏,以做到出奇制胜
  • 2、不管你是双节棍,还是单节棍;还是能够出奇制胜的好棍;不管是你有人爱,还是没人爱;过得快乐就是朋友的爱。愿你玩得开心,过得舒心!光棍节快乐!
  • 3、Inthe fiercely competitive business world, small startups can often outshine industry giants by adopting innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies, demonstrating the mantra "thinking outside the box" is the ultimate game-changer.
  • 4、When confronted with a difficult situation, rather than succumbing to defeat, he utilized his creative thinking and unique problem-solving skills, leaving everyone astounded by his ability to turn the tables and achieve a triumphant outcome.
  • 5、Asa renowned inventor, Thomas Edison exemplified the concept of "winning through innovation" by constantly pushing boundaries and introducing ground-breaking inventions that revolutionized the world, proving that one's creativity can lead to unparalleled success.
  • 6、Inthe face of adversity, great leaders have often utilized their exceptional leadership skills, strategic thinking, and ability to make unpredictable moves to outmaneuver their opponents, leading their teams to victory, and cementing their legacy as true victors.
  • 7、Rather than adhering to the traditional methods of problem-solving, the brilliant mathematician applied his unconventional theories and groundbreaking approaches, solving complex puzzles and proving that sometimes the key to winning lies in breaking the mold of conventional wisdom.
  • 8、During the intense debate, she strategically employed unexpected arguments and counterpoints, catching her opponents off guard and demonstrating that the power of persuasion often lies in surprising and unconventional tactics.
  • 9、The brilliant chef captivated the taste buds of diners by blending unique flavors and unexpected ingredients, proving that in the realm of culinary art, "surprising your palate" is the ultimate path to gastronomic victory.
  • 10、When confronted with a difficult project, the resourceful team leader rallied the members, encouraging them to embrace unconventional methods and think outside the box, ultimately achieving a resounding victory that showcased the power of "creativity conquering all challenges".
  • 11、In the face of budget constraints, the imaginative event planner implemented unique and cost-effective solutions, dazzling attendees with a remarkable experience that illustrated how "innovation outshines limitations" when it comes to organizing successful events.
  • 12、The renowned chess player, known for his unconventional moves, strategized beyond his opponents' expectations, leaving them befuddled and awestruck, and highlighting the notion that "surprising your enemy" is a surefire way to claim victory.
  • 13、In the realm of fashion design, the rule-breaking designer stood out by infusing avant-garde elements and unexpected silhouettes into their collections, proudly showcasing how "innovation in style" can lead to groundbreaking trends and industry recognition.
  • 14、The resilient athlete, facing a formidable opponent, summoned his utmost strength and unleashed an unexpected technique, securing a remarkable win that reminded us all that "unpredictability is the key to surpassing one's limits".
  • 15、Through their groundbreaking research on cancer treatment, scientists utilized unconventional methodologies and unexpected discoveries, rewriting the rules of medicine and proving that "innovation saves lives" in the battle against diseases.
  • 16、The visionary entrepreneur, against all odds, defied industry norms and introduced a groundbreaking product that revolutionized the market, becoming a living example of how "redefining the status quo" can lead to unprecedented success and market dominance.
  • 17、这就是董的高明之处,用你们的话说就是出奇制胜
  • 18、这次球赛,我队战略出奇制胜,终于赢得冠军。
  • 19、下午的时候,他只是占据了出奇制胜的优势,并不代表他能稳赢陆盘。
  • 20、奔雷拳,静若狡兔动若奔雷,讲究的是迅捷快速,出奇制胜,用来阴人很不错,韦昊挺满意,照单全收。
  • 21、组建‘神剑’就是要有出奇制胜的效果,所以人不在多在精!
  • 22、‘圣’字代表高成就;万圣节到了;我祝你智慧超凡入圣,事业出奇制胜圣,光彩引人入胜圣,财富不可胜圣数,万事百战百胜圣;美了吧你?祝你万圣节快乐无比!
  • 23、幻星雨双目之中带着几分的期许,毕竟秦易在通脏境就能够对决宁无双不败,可见秦易必然有出奇制胜的绝招。
  • 24、长老们对此事颇有分歧,有一半同意,因为楚家这几年的经济情况每况愈下,不出险招,难以出奇制胜
  • 25、风云盟子弟武功本来未必高过这些士兵许多,但是天时地利人和无一不全,以逸待劳,出奇制胜,当真如滚汤沃雪,猛虎扑羊,突厥士卒未及全力抵御,已经死于刀枪之下。
  • 26、另外就是自己的法器也让对方意外,这就是出奇制胜的道理。
  • 27、因为奇门遁甲是一种时空交替的磁场表现,以前封建时代皇室用以来遣兵调将出奇制胜
  • 28、姚苌一生长于谋略,善于用兵,多谋善断,指挥作战机智灵活,临战常因势定策,出奇制胜
  • 29、要在同行竞争中头角崢嶸,得想法子出奇制胜才行。
  • 30、这位投手是我们的王牌,且看我们明天如何出奇制胜吧!
  • 31、毛*席在《论持久战》中例举的‘八公山上,草木皆兵’、‘声东击西’等方法,都是造成敌之错觉和不意从而出奇制胜的范例。
  • 32、谢振大哥,去跟霸猫他们进行血斗,难道不用制订计划吗?我们就这样走了,计划不都没有了吗?我们应该用计谋,这样减少损失,而且还可以出奇制胜
  • 33、今天,不管你是双节棍还是单节棍,能够出奇制胜的都是好棍;不管是你有人爱还是没人爱,过得快乐就是朋友爱的.祝你玩得开心,过得舒心!光棍节快乐!
  • 34、要使如此大胆的行动得以取胜,需要蒙蔽敌军,“兵不厌诈,出奇制胜”。大仲马
  • 35、主公自随主公以来虽有大战,但皆是必胜之战,像今次这般,以少胜多,以寡敌众,出奇制胜,还是第一次,也是我第一次领教师父,汉家猛虎,之威势,名不虚传啊。
  • 36、墨衣男子给凌逍的感觉,就好像面对记忆中的先天高手,一静一动,不露丝毫破绽,凌逍只能出奇制胜
  • 37、其实这也不算意外,只能说高宇是别出心裁,出奇制胜
  • 38、非是足智多谋的人,无法出奇制胜而顺利成功。
  • 39、他判断敌情准确,计划战斗周密,长于出奇制胜,就连敌人也不得不佩服他的神机妙算。
  • 40、写文章必须精益求精,出奇制胜
  • 41、军长常说,在政治上我们要过硬,在军事上我们要出奇制胜
  • 42、其间他与日伪周旋,多次闯进敌巢,出奇制胜,屡建战功,威震日照城。
  • 43、光棍节到了,不管你是双节棍还是单节棍,能够出奇制胜的都是好棍;不管是你有人爱的还是没人爱的,过得快乐就是朋友爱的。祝你玩得开心,过得舒心。
  • 44、的知县,判案经常独出心裁,打破常规,出奇制胜
  • 45、不过傲天,那个神通你最好留作自己的底牌,不到万不得已的时候最好不要使用,如此就可以在危险的时候起到出奇制胜的效果!
  • 46、就算其中王志地轻敌占了一部分,但毫无疑问,占了最大部分的,绝对是姬萌的出奇制胜
  • 47、创业者智慧:不拘一格,出奇制胜
  • 48、奇门遁甲的现代功能及运用因为奇门遁甲是一种时空交替的磁场表现,以前封建时代皇室用以来遣兵调将出奇制胜
  • 49、尖刀连如神兵天降,出奇制胜,迅速攻占了敌军指挥部。
  • 50、这场战争敌众我寡,想要打赢,得出奇制胜


出奇制胜 chū qí zhì shèng

唐 陆贽《论替换李楚琳》:“楚琳卒伍凡材,厮养贱品,因时扰攘,得肆猖狂,非有陷坚殪敌之雄,出奇制胜之略。”

