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利他主义造句 首页

  • 1、社会上存在着明确的社会机制来促进利他主义,例如:对处罚的恐惧,对声誉的建立,公平的概念,和来自由宗教或权威人物的谆谆教诲等等。
  • 2、中国几千年的*制制度,推崇的都是“国家至上”“社会至上”的集体主义价值观,利他主义,个*权利不可剥夺、财产私有的观念被铲除得几乎一干二净源自知之小工具。
  • 3、Inthe face of adversity, true altruism emerges as a guiding force, reminding us to lend a helping hand to those in need without seeking personal gain or recognition.
  • 4、Altruism is a timeless virtue that teaches us the power of selflessness and compels us to put others' needs before our own, nurturing a sense of compassion and empathy within our communities.
  • 5、The beauty of altruism lies not only in the act of giving, but in the profound impact it has on the receiver, filling their hearts with hope and reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.
  • 6、Altruism is the collective heartbeat of humanity, connecting us in a web of kindness and reminding us that no act of compassion is too small to make a difference.
  • 7、Byembracing a philosophy of altruism, we create a ripple effect of goodness, inspiring others to believe in the power of selflessness and fostering a culture of empathy and support.
  • 8、Altruism transcends borders, languages, and cultural differences, reminding us that our shared humanity should always guide our actions towards the greater good.
  • 9、Through selfless acts of kindness, altruism becomes a beacon of hope in a world often overshadowed by darkness, reminding us of the transformative power of compassion.
  • 10、Altruism teaches us that true fulfillment lies not in personal achievements, but in the impact we make on the lives of others, leaving a lasting legacy of love and generosity.
  • 11、Ina society driven by individualism, practicing altruism becomes an act of rebellion, challenging the status quo and reminding us that the well-being of others should always be a priority.
  • 12、Altruism is a mirror that reflects the beauty of our souls, reminding us of our innate capacity for goodness and inspiring us to use it to uplift those around us.
  • 13、Altruism is the antidote to a world plagued by selfishness and greed, reminding us to prioritize the well-being of others and restore faith in the inherent goodness of humanity.
  • 14、The power of altruism lies not only in its impact on the recipient, but also in the transformation it brings within the giver, expanding their hearts and nurturing a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  • 15、When altruism guides our actions, we become agents of change, a force that can inspire others to join in the pursuit of a more compassionate and just world.
  • 16、Altruism is a reflection of our interconnectedness, reminding us that our own well-being is intertwined with the well-being of others, and that true happiness can only be found in a world where everyone thrives.
  • 17、Altruism is not defined by the grand gestures, but by the daily acts of kindness and empathy that we extend towards others, enriching their lives and strengthening the fabric of our communities.
  • 18、In a world filled with division and conflict, altruism becomes the bridge that connects us, reminding us of our shared humanity and our responsibility to care for one another.
  • 19、Altruism challenges us to rise above self-interest and embrace a broader perspective, where the happiness and well-being of others become as important as our own.
  • 20、Altruism is a beacon of hope in times of despair, reminding us that even in the darkest of circumstances, the light of compassion can guide us towards a better tomorrow.
  • 21、为何有奇异能力,就得为他人豁出性命?这种极端性的利他主义,我认为也是一种精神障碍。都敏俊
  • 22、个明显的利他性行为表面看去似乎不管可能性何其小使利他主义者有较大的可能死亡,而受益者有较大的可能生存下来。更仔细地观察一下,我们常常会发现明显的利他性行为实际上是伪装起来的自私行为。理查德·道金斯
  • 23、他说:“并非所有的利他行为都来自有宗教信仰的人;毫无疑问太多无神论者同样是利他主义者。”。
  • 24、人类是利己主义和利他主义的混和体,但通常而言,相互帮助比勾心斗角让人感觉更好。
  • 25、有些人想到人类“最高贵”的品质,其中包括协作、利他主义、爱国主义、领士战斗中的英勇等到,都是战争的遗传成果。
  • 26、人类表现出的利他主义行为可以很好地为这一点提供准确的线索,从而使人类的利他行为和两性选择之间产生了联系。
  • 27、本文拟对这一领域中的互惠利他主义的博弈论模型及其形而上学预设进行哲学分析,以引玉之砖,促进国内哲学界对于动物行为学进展及其哲学问题的关注。
  • 28、我们以及其他一切动物都是各自基因创造的机器。成功基因的一个突出特性就是无情的自私性。在某些特殊的情况下,也会滋长一种有限的利他主义。理查德·道金斯
  • 29、古代中国之所以伟大,是因为她不但有光辉灿烂的物质文化成就,而且坚守和平交往、厚往薄来、利他主义等“王道”理念。
  • 30、沙发冲浪者视自己为一个部落的成员。不像在酒吧里面邂逅的两个人,他们在利他主义的前提下相遇。
  • 31、设计师被利他主义所驱动起的热望,忘我精神和对改良社会的义务并非普遍的动机。
  • 32、这看似是利他主义走得太远了,简直就是在扔钱。但德国人知道他们有着巨大的国内市场以及成功的经营之道。
  • 33、托尔斯泰的思想也许是最高尚的哲学,最伟大的利他主义,不过这种思想对生活来说却不适用。有成千累万的事例表明人们必须用侮辱来回报侮辱,不能不这样回报。到处都得有为个人的神圣权利的奋斗;如果不要这种奋斗,那就是不道德。契诃夫
  • 34、似乎短暂的电流交变便可以让一个人从一个极端走向另一个极端,刚刚还笃信人不为己天诛地灭,时隔不久却布道任何有悖于利他主义的都应罪无可赦。
  • 35、“人类表现出的利他主义行为可以很好地为这一点提供准确的线索,从而使人类的利他行为和两性选择之间产生了联系。”利他行为是否是两性选择发展的结果呢?