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利息率造句 首页

  • 1、技术债务就像信用卡一样,会有很高的利息率,就如同给团队留下了大量的帐务开销。
  • 2、次贷借款人为大伤脑筋的贷款所吸引,在前两年利息率低,在贷款的其余时间急剧跳升。
  • 3、Inthese times of economic uncertainty, the fluctuation in interest rates can make or break businesses, affecting their ability to grow and thrive.
  • 4、With the recent increase in interest rates, homeowners are feeling the squeeze as their mortgage payments become more burdensome, putting their budgets at risk.
  • 5、The central bank's decision to lower interest rates has injected much-needed stimulus into the economy, providing relief to struggling businesses and encouraging consumer spending.
  • 6、The success of a savings account relies not only on the amount saved, but also on the interest rate earned, as it can exponentially grow your wealth over time.
  • 7、When investing in bonds, it is important to consider not only the stated interest rate but also the creditworthiness of the issuer, as default risk can impact your returns.
  • 8、Rising interest rates often result in higher borrowing costs for businesses, reducing their ability to invest in expansion, hire new employees, or develop innovative products.
  • 9、For retirees living off their savings, low interest rates on investments can significantly impact their income, requiring them to adjust their lifestyle and spending habits.
  • 10、The decision to pursue higher education is not only influenced by personal interests but also by the cost of tuition and associated student loan interest rates, which can burden individuals for years to come.
  • 11、When considering taking out a personal loan, ensure you negotiate the best interest rate possible, as even a slight difference can translate into substantial savings over the loan's term.
  • 12、Interest rates can have a profound impact on exchange rates, influencing the competitiveness of a country's exports and imports and ultimately shaping its trade balance.
  • 13、The rising interest rates in the housing market have made it increasingly difficult for first-time homebuyers to afford their dream homes, putting homeownership out of reach for many.
  • 14、Savvy investors keep a close eye on interest rates, leveraging them to their advantage by refinancing loans, purchasing properties, or determining the best time to invest in the stock market.
  • 15、When considering different savings accounts, it is important to not only focus on the interest rate but also to understand the account's terms and conditions, as some may have hidden fees or withdrawal restrictions.
  • 16、Countries with excessively high interest rates may deter foreign investment, resulting in slower economic growth, fewer job opportunities, and increased inflationary pressures.
  • 17、The interest rate is a vital tool used by central banks to stabilize the economy, by either stimulating growth through lower rates or curbing inflation through higher rates.
  • 18、中国人民银行这个月今年第四次上调存款准备金数额,十月份也上调了利息率,这是2007年以来的首次调息。
  • 19、虽然现金垫款贷款是方便的,有些贷款也来与高利息率.
  • 20、我国传统观点认为,企业资金利润率只有大于银行利息率,负债经营才能实现盈利。
  • 21、列一个债务清单出来,包括当前余额、利息率和还款的期限。
  • 22、比如,圆周率指圆的周长与直径之比,利息率指一定时期内利息额同本金的比值,失业率指失业人口占劳动人口的比率……
  • 23、当通货膨胀率超过了税后的银行存款利息率,会刺激投机,引发今年沪深300指数大涨。
  • 24、在第6章,考虑到在人寿保险的纯保费及理论责任准备金的计算中,死亡率一般依据生命表,利息率一般采用固定利率。
  • 25、如果利息率升得太高太快,经济复苏可能胎死腹中,现今的政策挽救措施也会逐渐失去作用。
  • 26、他们根据对客户个人偿还债务能力的分析,调整其信贷收取的利息率
  • 27、部分因为发达国家的最底层利息率,国外资本正大量涌入第三世界经济体中。
  • 28、在人寿保险的纯保费及理论责任准备金的计算中,死亡率一般依据生命表,利息率一般采用固定利率。
  • 29、上街你有回头率,开心多多命中率;愿你好运不停息,滚滚就如圆周率;工作高效生产率,存款多多利息率;蹭蹭高涨幸福率,天天开心如意率!
  • 30、此外,当局还把利息率保持在低位,从而国企可以得到便宜的信贷。
  • 31、中国建设银行现在活期存款的利息率是多少?
  • 32、第一步,你需要列出所有债务清单,从最小债额到利息率,你要还的都要记录在内。
  • 33、柜台职员:如果您在我们银行贷款的话,我们将提供较低的利息率,还有……您可以从这本小册上获取详细情况。
  • 34、其实,任何大于0的数字都显得太大了,因为信用卡公司是两位数的利息率
  • 35、我在2000年夏季全球再平衡的论点的核心是已经到来的世界储蓄混合的再调整现象。我感觉美国应该作为引领者,从下行的美元压力和长期的较高利息率风险中寻找线索。
  • 36、日本的外国投资收益由于降低的股息和利息率也在紧缩。
