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利息造句 首页

  • 1、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 2、但是人算不如天算,最终他不得不以高出国外**支付利息的利率向华尔街贷款。
  • 3、Asa young investor, I recognize the tremendous power of interest in growing my wealth steadily over time, and I am eager to explore various investment opportunities.
  • 4、Witnessing the rapid growth of compound interest over the years, I have come to appreciate the importance of patience and long-term planning in achieving financial stability.
  • 5、The bond between a borrower and a lender is strengthened by the trust that comes with the timely repayment of principal and interest.
  • 6、The interest I have developed in sustainable investing stems from my desire to contribute to a better world by supporting companies that prioritize social and environmental responsibility.
  • 7、The allure of high-yield investments may be tempting, but I understand the risks involved and prioritize the preservation of my capital over chasing quick profits.
  • 8、The interest rates set by central banks play a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape, influencing consumer spending and business investment decisions.
  • 9、Exploring the world of personal finance, I have realized the importance of diversifying my investments to minimize risk and maximize the potential for earning interest.
  • 10、The emotional bond between a lender and a borrower deepens when one recognizes that the interest paid not only benefits the lender's financial goals but also enables the borrower to achieve their dreams.
  • 11、While the allure of short-term gains can be tempting, I have learned to prioritize long-term investments that can provide compounding interest and financial security in the future.
  • 12、The interest generated by a solid retirement plan gives individuals the peace of mind to enjoy their golden years without the financial stress that can often come with aging.
  • 13、The power of compound interest cannot be underestimated; even small contributions to a retirement fund early in life can grow exponentially and provide a comfortable future.
  • 14、The appreciation I have cultivated for economic principles has made me realize that interest rates reflect the delicate balance between inflation and economic growth.
  • 15、The repayment of interest and principal on time not only benefits the lender but also strengthens the borrower's creditworthiness and financial reputation.
  • 16、Through the concept of interest, I have learned the importance of delayed gratification and disciplined saving, enabling me to achieve my financial goals more effectively.
  • 17、The interest I have in financial literacy has led me to become an advocate for teaching these essential skills in schools, empowering future generations with the tools needed for financial success.
  • 18、1月23日我给你开了一张幸福支票,可于3月21日到快乐银行提现,面额:幸福一生。利息:每天一张笑脸。密码:321。3月21日倒数日快乐。
  • 19、京华时报讯记者张淑玲老人再婚不易,再婚后本应互相扶持度过晚年,然而,再婚夫妻陈先生和张女士因琐事离婚后,昨天上午又因争夺存款利息对簿公堂。
  • 20、希腊的债务跟国民生产总值的比率已经超高了,所以欧洲的金融市场就应该向这样的国家收取更高的贷款利息,给他们带来极大的压力。
  • 21、共计借贷炎国两万万三千五百万比金币,赤水国一万万一千三百万比金币,越国三千四百百万比金币;上月浮日国还款两千万比金币,已经结清利息与本金。
  • 22、第三季非利息收入预计为10亿美元左右,高于第二季的5.61亿美元,因存款和零售银行费用方面的收入增加.
  • 23、也就是说,我将按他存款利息的两倍来收取他的贷款利息
  • 24、但是当经济恢复、利率上调之后,美联储可以通过提升支付给银行的利息让银行继续持有储备而不外借。
  • 25、待业保险基金存入银行后,按照城乡居民储蓄存款利率计息,所得利息纳入待业保险基金。
  • 26、定期存款的利息只可在存款期满时支付,而在没有相反指示之情况下,将会在存款期满时纳入本金。
  • 27、2003年4月,吴锋主动找到单位领导谈话,并交待了与卞*共同将人民币1000万元公款存入中农信公司并获取200余万元利息的事实。
  • 28、解放前他家时常放印子吃利息.
  • 29、债务还本付息率:即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率.
  • 30、但我并不太过留意它们因为利息收入和费用会因为资产负债表余额的变动而变动,而税金仅仅在企业盈利的时候才需要交纳。
  • 31、六月八日后利息增加到加币12万.
  • 32、在油气资产的使用寿命内,油气资产弃置义务采用实际利率法确定各期间应承担的利息费用。
  • 33、利息会在你的每月清单上打印出来,所以你会知道把它加进你自己的支票本中。
  • 34、不管三七二十一,还是九九八十一,平安才是唯一。年龄存进银行,健康就是利息。祝你心情永远美丽,重阳快乐!
  • 35、切勿坐耗时光,须知每时每刻都有无穷的利息;日记不足,岁计有余。
  • 36、到各地搜括财物时,“舟车之利,水陆无遗;山泽之饶,所在固护;剥削六镇,交通互市”,每年利息数以万计。
  • 37、例如存在帐户里面的钱和存款单将会支付更高的利息
  • 38、在光怪陆离的金融市场中,最离奇的事情之一要数当美国的国债增加时,债权人还要给美国支付利息
  • 39、休斯的目标是逐渐用*博生意赚来的活钱取代银行利息之类的死钱。
  • 40、第四十二条借款人应当按期归还贷款的本金和利息
  • 41、已经募集的,认股人可以按照所缴股款并加算银行同期存款利息,要求发起人返还。
  • 42、有些银行中止按揭借贷,有些则提高利息,剩余的索取额外收费或在贷款申请过程中增加保证金。
  • 43、收割和播种将九月瓜分,秋分锋利的刀刃轻轻一挥,秋天的庄稼纷纷倒下。农人把种子和汗水储蓄到秋分的账户上,等待着向来年的滚滚麦浪索要丰厚的利息
  • 44、企业向职工集资借款的利息,能否税前扣除?
  • 45、现阶段,中国经济的低速增长和居民储蓄的居高不下,以及传统经济结构的局限性,促成了利息税的开征。
  • 46、如果约定采用延期付款的方式,利息应以装货单上的日期起,据每次递减的未付余额计付。
  • 47、次贷借款人为大伤脑筋的贷款所吸引,在前两年利息率低,在贷款的其余时间急剧跳升。
  • 48、我们付给您的利息和付给本地居民储户的利息相同.
  • 49、一个没钱的人,一毛钱存到银行里,得到的利息微乎其微;可有钱的人,把1个亿存进去,利息是多少?这就是越有钱越有钱。
  • 50、可是一旦公司清算或破产,债券持有人的利息与股东相比有优先受偿权。


利息 lìxī

1、去除本金以外所增加的利钱 2、财物 3、收益 
利息 利息是指货币持有者 (债权人) 因贷出货币或货币资本而从借款人 (债务人) 手中获得的报酬。包括存款利息、贷款利息和各种债券发生的利息。在资本主义制度下,利息的源泉是雇佣工人所创造的剩余价值。利息的实质是剩余价值的一种特殊的转化形式,是利润的一部分。