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剽窃造句 首页

  • 1、老剽窃者不死,只偷偷走开。
  • 2、盗用我的译文的‘山寨’版本达30多个,有的将我的译文改头换面张冠李戴,有的索性原样剽窃,只改窜译者署名;有些是删节本,有些是‘残缺不全’本。
  • 3、Despite the immense pressure to produce original work, some individuals choose to take the easy way out by resorting to plagiarism, willfully robbing others of their rightful recognition and betraying the fundamental values of intellectual honesty and integrity.
  • 4、Plagiarism is akin to plucking the fruits of someone else's labor without acknowledging their hard work and dedication, rendering one's own achievements hollow and devoid of authenticity.
  • 5、The relentless pursuit of academic excellence should be fueled by genuine passion and dedication, not by the desire to cut corners and claim credit for the intellectual property of others through acts of plagiarism.
  • 6、Plagiarism not only tarnishes the reputation of the offender but also threatens the very foundation of trust and mutual respect that forms the basis of any intellectual community.
  • 7、Toplagiarize is to deny oneself the opportunity for personal growth and intellectual enrichment, as genuine knowledge can only be attained through genuine effort and original thought.
  • 8、Plagiarism may offer a temporary shortcut to success, but it ultimately leads to a dead end, devoid of true personal accomplishments and the pride that comes from genuine intellectual achievement.
  • 9、Byplagiarizing the thoughts and ideas of others, one not only disregards the intellectual contributions of those before them but also perpetuates an environment that discourages the pursuit of originality and stifles creativity.
  • 10、Plagiarism is a betrayal of trust, as it deceives readers and academic institutions into believing that they are consuming or recognizing authentic and original work when, in reality, they are being misled.
  • 11、Just as a thief steals material possessions, a plagiarist steals the intellectual property of others, robbing them of the recognition and respect they deserve for their original ideas.
  • 12、Plagiarism is a cowardly act that demonstrates a lack of self-confidence and an unwillingness to take risks, as it avoids the challenge of formulating independent thoughts and instead relies on the work of others.
  • 13、Plagiarism not only disregards the accomplishments of the original author but also denies the plagiarist an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery through the exploration of their own unique perspectives and insights.
  • 14、Plagiarism is an insult to the human intellect, reducing the pursuit of knowledge to a mere game of deception and appropriating others' efforts and ideas without due respect for their intellectual labor.
  • 15、The act of plagiarism not only damages the reputation of the plagiarist but also tarnishes the credibility of any institution or organization associated with them, eroding public trust and confidence in their ability to uphold ethical standards.
  • 16、Plagiarism sabotages the interconnectedness of knowledge accumulation across generations, hindering the progress of society by preventing the free exchange of ideas and the collective advancement of human understanding.
  • 17、Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft that not only violates ethical principles but also deprives society of the diverse perspectives and original insights that contribute to the evolution of human thought and understanding.
  • 18、Plagiarism is an affront to the intellectual legacy of those who have come before us, disrespecting their contributions and undermining the significance of their ideas in shaping our understanding of the world.
  • 19、在没有把真相弄清楚之前就去领奖,这不啻是科学剽窃,而这正是我深恶痛绝的秽行。
  • 20、无需遮藏,他将研究结果发表于1684年,马上就被牛顿控告为剽窃
  • 21、我发现有个会员剽窃并抄袭了我的私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录,否则追究法律责任。
  • 22、或许听起来,这更像是从卡通片“小熊维尼”里剽窃出来的故事,但是,这只小黑熊在佛罗里达生物学家把套在踏头上至少10天的一只塑料瓶子移开之后,仍然还活着。
  • 23、剽窃者老疑自己西被偷走。
  • 24、巍巍荡荡,民无能名’,剽窃自‘翳惟总统,武岭蒋公。
  • 25、坚决和剽窃行为作斗争。
  • 26、现在某些新诗人似乎对语言就没有敏感,只能从外国诗、从文言文里去剽窃,并且画虎不成,自然很少有值得一看的了。
  • 27、另外,你可能犯了剽窃智慧财产权的错误。
  • 28、剽窃也是如此:它只是内部人员的困扰。
  • 29、不管是什么原因,盗名欺世之徒普天皆是,学术论文剽窃并非中国特有,只不过大相径庭的是有关学术当局对待这类行为的态度。
  • 30、当他的作品被被人剽窃后,他真的是气急败坏.
  • 31、如果一篇报道会到截稿日期才完成,他们可能会去剽窃。这种情况下,给他们贴上标签才算是”公平“。
  • 32、这个人竟然剽窃别人尚未发表的作品,还大言不惭地反诬别人抄袭,真是恬不知耻!
  • 33、偷一个人的主意是剽窃,偷很多人的主意就是研究。
  • 34、故意剽窃者要被带去民事法庭接受审判,并且被要求向原作者支付损失赔偿金。
  • 35、你竟然贪天之功,剽窃他人的科研成果,太不像话了!
  • 36、当他的作品被人剽窃后,他真是气急败坏.
  • 37、剽窃者总是疑心文字被人盗用。
  • 38、但一些毕业生说,他们不认为他们的做法是剽窃。因为包括作者姓名。
  • 39、甚至是波斯袄教拜火教,即波斯明教的《阿维斯托经》也从其中剽窃了大量的经义和故事。
  • 40、但如果那一切可以廉价地获取和剽窃,凭什么还会有人向你们购买同样的服务呢?
  • 41、发达国家对学术剽窃问题都是慎重对待。
  • 42、这段文章抽黄对白、璧俪珠联,大半从唐后的古典名文中剽窃而来,语言清丽,辞旨深沉,借题发挥身世之感,倒也能赚人热泪。
  • 43、姜涛称,经辨识,这本书在汉字的排列顺序上、简码字的表达形式、识别码字的表达形式上剽窃了他的作品。
  • 44、欣喜于得到智慧财产权,剽窃者制造出盗版。
  • 45、有的学校开除剽窃者一个学期,而其他的则开除一整个学年。
  • 46、偷一个人的主意是剽窃,偷很多人的主意是研究。
  • 47、今年一月,在WTO关于知识产权案件的判决中,WTO专家小组曾与中国人争论该国刑事法律在技术上是否足以威慑剽窃行为。
  • 48、嘉乐发现迈克剽窃了她文章的构思,然后写成了他自己的论文。
  • 49、作为对家长要求的回应,校董事会下令培尔顿女士提高剽窃者的分数。
  • 50、韩国没有文化,就创造,就剽窃,就明抢暗偷,我们是嫌自己文化太多,就拼命地毁;不仅如此,知道他们是在毁,我们还在说,没事,多一个不多,少一个不少。


剽窃 piāoqiè

1、抄袭[别人的思想或言词];采用[创作出的产品]而不说出其来源 2、掠夺 
剽窃 剽窃,指抄袭(别人的思想或言词);采用(创作出的产品)而不说出其来源。如:他的一本学术著作曾被厚颜无耻地剽窃,并以缩写形式发行。