- 1、陆青麒被他的哭声搅得愁肠百结,连忙细语劝解,好不容易才把他的眼泪劝住。
- 2、劝解是无用的,或者说言语是无用的,当一个人陷入深深的自责当中,黎承睿觉得自己没法再重复“一切都过去了”,“一切都会好起来”这种废话。他能住的,就是抱紧林翊,用尽力气地抱住他。吴沉水
- 3、Inmoments of anger and frustration, it is important to take a step back, breathe, and engage in heartfelt conversations that promote understanding and empathy. Remember, listening is the key to peaceful resolutions.
- 4、When faced with conflicts in relationships, it is wise to replace harsh words with kind gestures, for forgiveness and compassion are the bridges that mend broken hearts.
- 5、Life presents us with many challenges, but instead of dwelling on the negative, let us choose to empower ourselves and others with words of encouragement and support.
- 6、When disagreements arise, let us refrain from attacking each other's character, but rather focus on finding common ground and nurturing a sense of harmony and unity.
- 7、Ina world filled with differences and opposing viewpoints, it is crucial to approach discussions with an open mind, respecting diverse opinions, and seeking consensus rather than dominance.
- 8、When the heaviness of life weighs us down, it is necessary to remember that it is okay to ask for help and seek guidance from trusted friends and family who can offer valuable guidance and support.
- 9、The path to reconciliation begins with recognizing our own faults and shortcomings, for it is in acknowledging our mistakes that we pave the way for healing, growth, and resolution.
- 10、During turbulent times, it is vital to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being. Taking time to rest, reflect, and engage in activities that bring joy and tranquility is essential for maintaining inner peace and resilience.
- 11、Let us lead by example and be the change we wish to see in the world. By promoting understanding, empathy, and kindness, we can inspire others to follow suit and create a ripple effect of positivity.
- 12、When confronted with arguments and disputes, let us resist the urge to respond with aggression. Instead, choose to diffuse tension through calm and respectful dialogue, fostering an environment of compassion and cooperation.
- 13、We must remember that everyone's journey is unique and different. Rather than imposing our opinions onto others, let us provide guidance and encouragement, allowing them to discover their own path and learn from their experiences.
- 14、In the face of adversity, it is easy to lose hope and become disheartened. However, let us remember that every setback is an opportunity for growth and personal development. With perseverance and determination, we can overcome any obstacle.
- 15、As we navigate through life, we will encounter people who may have hurt us deeply. It is essential to find the strength to forgive, not forgetting the past, but releasing the burden of anger and resentment for our own peace of mind.
- 16、In times of intense emotions, it is crucial to engage in self-reflection and introspection. By understanding our own triggers and biases, we can communicate more effectively, fostering understanding and empathy.
- 17、Let us remember that mistakes are part of being human. Instead of dwelling on regrets, focus on learning from them and using those experiences to guide future decisions and actions.
- 18、When faced with criticism, it is important to approach it with an open mind, embracing it as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement rather than becoming defensive and closed off.
- 19、In moments of doubt and uncertainty, seek solace in the support of loved ones and trusted mentors. Surround yourself with positive influences that nurture your dreams and aspirations, helping you find your own path.
- 20、As we work towards our goals, let us not become discouraged by setbacks or failures. Embrace them as valuable lessons and stepping stones towards success, for perseverance and resilience pave the road to achievement.
- 21、当下洞府里乱了分寸,纷纷乱嚷,七言八语,有附和的,有劝解的,有说听子况示下的,有说现定夺的好,闹得乱麻一团。
- 22、忠言逆耳虚心听,甜言蜜语分辨听,安慰劝解用心听,建议提醒真心听,热情号召动心听,祝福心愿诚心听。3.3爱耳日,祝你听进八方情意,享受幸福人生。
- 23、同学之间发生争执时,我们要耐心劝解,决不能坐山观虎斗。
- 24、围观者起哄,劝解者在当事人面前何尝不是另一种起哄。
- 25、性质虽严重,但穷究下去毫无作用,低声劝解,耶律海牙咧嘴苦笑,“回去吧,不然阿不思公主会担心的。
- 26、我有些纳闷儿这师徒关系为什么这么僵,但是他们在气头上我也不敢多问,只好过去劝解师父,让他消消气。
- 27、据了解,曾经因为家庭琐事,王某几次在大街上公然追着婆婆乱骂,甚至想出手打婆婆,几次均被邻居拦住,经过周围人劝解才罢休。
- 28、师徒在菩萨的劝解下,各弃成见,言归于好。
- 29、经过父母的劝解后,他不再怨天尤人,改以积极的态度来面对困难。
- 30、李丽瞟一眼不知道什么时候进来的王磊,翘嘴努努大门,王磊心领神会,对郭小玉和郑同方再次劝解之后就告辞离开。
- 31、众人正在劝解琼花,突然沈旭、秦奇、诗泉闻听此事急忙前来探视。
- 32、荣母坐在书桌的对面,怜悯地看着自己的儿子,伴着书桌上的烛花爆裂声,开口劝解。
- 33、直到3名老人婉言劝解并帮忙道歉,两人才悻悻然离去。
- 34、就连上来劝解其保持冷静的巴萨官员,居然也被拉波尔塔不耐烦地一手甩开,接着一个人拂袖而去。
- 35、经同事反复劝解,她的情绪才好了一些.
- 36、痴鸳知道清倌人吃醋,必然深自忌讳,不可劝解的,只用百计千方,逗引翠芬顽笑。
- 37、针对这种情况,冯妙娟一方面不断与劳动者进行心与心的沟通,劝解,说服、教育,同时向该劳动者承诺如三天内单位不支付其工资,由她本人先行代垫。
- 38、可欣因为挽救不了一个幼童的性命而自责,文强想尽办法劝解,可欣终释然。
- 39、长子就生气不肯进去,他父亲遂出来劝解他.
- 40、是我的无知,把你的好心,当成了驴肝肺;是我的鲁莽,把你的劝解,当成了乌鸦嘴;是我的邪念,把你的唠叨,当成了狗叫吠;忏悔节,愿你大人大量,恕我诸多无罪,祝你快乐相随知之小工具,美好。
- 41、?更温柔地为“战争”灭火的方式是扮演劝解者,说春晚只是娱乐,反歧视不要太“玻璃心”。
- 42、假如一个人陷入了里面,用诗歌和祷告来劝解神性,你也会被推进去。
- 43、萧何曹参看这么哭下去也不是事,正要劝解,却听牢门打开,两位县吏带着十几个衙役进来,县令要开堂问案了。
- 44、????笨口拙舌的悟真大师见张剑锋已经悲痛到不能自拔于是赶忙不伦不类地劝解了一番。
- 45、是以后来几日,老汉夫妇轮番上阵,百般抚慰,方才将敏儿劝解了过来。
- 46、程英自幼懂事,心思细腻,看出姨母、姨父面带愁容,长吁短叹,不知该怎么劝解,只能乖乖的静坐一旁。
- 47、并对上前劝解者称“谁扶我起来谁就付工钱”。
- 48、听完老师的劝解,我的心里感到十分舒展。
- 49、马跳乌江,霸王自刎,小将也要捐生,是乌江的亭长劝解下来,小将这才乘舟逃回江东,隐姓埋名,悄悄地把霸王枪给传了下来。
- 50、宋江火急赶来,喝了阮小七,教他剥了违禁衣服,自与王、赵二人赔话劝解。