

  • 1、周二晚上,高盛国际公司副*席格里菲斯勋爵声称,高薪是一个值得付出的代价。
  • 2、特纳勋爵的论点可能并非所有方面都正确,不过我不明白他征收交易税的想法为何会引起如此大的争议。
  • 3、Ina world of fantasies and dreams, the mere mention of the word "baron" brings forth images of majestic castles and tales of love and chivalry, enveloping us in a whirlwind of enchantment and wonder.
  • 4、The noble title of "baron" evokes a sense of timeless elegance, reminding us of the opulence and grandeur that once characterized the aristocratic courts of old.
  • 5、Asthe gentle wind dances through the ancient oak trees, the baron, with his well-groomed mustache and distinguished air, effortlessly commands the attention and admiration of all who behold him.
  • 6、Through his unwavering dedication to philanthropy and his tireless efforts to uplift those in need, the baron emerges as a beacon of light in a world shrouded by darkness and despair.
  • 7、Behind the lavish parties and extravagant banquets, the baron carries the weight of his ancestors' legacy, striving to honor their name and preserve their traditions.
  • 8、Intimes of crisis and adversity, the baron remains steadfast and resolute, leading his people with wisdom and courage, ensuring their safety and well-being.
  • 9、The baron's noble lineage and distinguished upbringing have shaped him into a man of impeccable manners and refined tastes, captivating hearts with his charisma and charm.
  • 10、Behind closed doors, the baron immerses himself in introspection, seeking solace in the embrace of literature and art, finding inspiration in the stories of great men and women who came before him.
  • 11、As the moon casts its ethereal glow upon the baron's estate, the nights are filled with whispers of whispered yearnings and unspoken desires, painting a picture of clandestine romance and forbidden love.
  • 12、The baron's opulent wardrobe, adorned with silk and velvet, is a testament to his status and prestige, attracting admiration and envy from all who witness his impeccable fashion sense.
  • 13、With a gentle touch and a compassionate heart, the baron reaches out to those in need, bringing light to their darkest moments and offering them a glimmer of hope amidst their pain.
  • 14、The baron's stately mannerisms, polished by years of aristocratic upbringing, command respect and admiration from all who cross his path, leaving a lasting impression on their hearts and minds.
  • 15、As the sun sets over the sprawling countryside, the baron surveys his lands with a sense of pride and responsibility, knowing that he is entrusted with the preservation of their beauty and legacy.
  • 16、Beyond the glitz and glamour of his extravagant lifestyle, the baron cherishes moments of solitude, finding peace in the serenity of nature and the whispers of the wind.
  • 17、With a kind heart and a generous spirit, the baron opens his doors to the less fortunate, offering them a warm meal and a safe shelter, proving that true nobility lies not in titles, but in compassion.
  • 18、As the symphony swells with triumphant melodies, the baron stands at the center of the orchestra, conducting the elegant dance of notes and harmonies with precision and grace, elevating the souls of all who listen.
  • 19、吉尔贝勋爵平静地露出了不满的情绪,审视着瓢泼大雨,黑压压的浓云,郁郁葱葱的夏令树木.
  • 20、“有机农业”的称谓起源于1940年,当时的英国作家兼奥林匹克运动员诺斯伯纳勋爵协助发起了这项活动。
  • 21、拜伦勋爵进入圣三一学院学习并且开始写他早期的讽刺诗与诗歌。
  • 22、生活在豪勋爵岛上的现代鲣鸟拥有更长的翅膀,眼睛是棕褐色的,不同于历史上短翅黄眼的样本。
  • 23、特莱斯曼勋爵竟指责申办对手俄罗斯和西班牙私下有舞弊行为。
  • 24、在出城镇6英里的地方,博思韦尔勋爵带着一支队伍在那里迎候我.
  • 25、他又说,他“乐观”地认为,新上任的运输部部长阿多尼斯勋爵会准许“赛格威”上路行驶的。
  • 26、他在埃克尔斯福德的时候,就不胜翘企地想演男爵,雷文肖勋爵每次朗诵台词都使他感到嫉妒,他不得不跑到自己房里也从头到尾朗诵一遍。
  • 27、雷文从来是勋爵的心腹,两人一唱一和,由正面与侧翼分别施压,对马硕形成包夹态势,以骇人听闻的暴力摧折对手的士气。
  • 28、19世纪英国政治家贝尔福勋爵指出,民主的最佳状况是“人民从根本上团结为一体,偶尔的拌嘴并不会使他们之间产生嫌隙”。
  • 29、此次探险之前,他得到了卡那封勋爵的资助.卡那封勋爵是英国人,他对埃及非常感兴趣.
  • 30、亨利勋爵伸手摊脚地躺在沙发椅上,笑着。
  • 31、贝里斯虽可称为一个国家,但Achcroft勋爵远近驰名的财富却高出该国中央银行的总资产六倍之多。
  • 32、在他春风得意的日子里,布莱克勋爵通过其控制的报纸,对外树立了一个直率且权威的形象,不仅为他获得了荣誉,也使他成为保守派中的重要人物。
  • 33、今天下午,代表利物浦队董事会出庭发言的格拉比内勋爵将希克斯和吉列的达拉斯禁令称为“古怪的、荒谬的和不公正的”。
  • 34、当时,张伯伦和保守党其他领袖决定推举拥护绥靖政策的哈利法克斯勋爵作为首相候选人。
  • 35、赫特福德院的华莱士收藏馆,是由赫特福德勋爵和他的同母异父兄弟理查德?华莱士爵士共同兴创的。
  • 36、清朝的两广官员对英国国王都不放在眼里,称他大人或勋爵实在抬举了他,鄙称“律”恰如其分。
  • 37、曼德尔森勋爵热烈欢迎刘大使来英履新。
  • 38、他们有他们的命令,就好象维达勋爵有他自己的任务.
  • 39、凯伦初到肯尼亚时的婚礼,贝莉尔的轻狂和纵情,德拉米亚勋爵臭名昭著的无数“**”欢宴。
  • 40、然而,卡那封勋爵事件的调查专家都认为墓室中的有毒物质和他的死并无关系。
  • 41、父亲拉道尔夫勋爵曾任英财政大臣.
  • 42、布里顿,纳撒尼尔和布朗勋爵,艾迪生图记“植物区系的北美国,加拿大和英国的占领”由C。斯克里布纳的儿子,1913年出版。
  • 43、第二天,博思韦尔勋爵来帮助我.
  • 44、而且偏巧就在那个时候,鲍勃的职位得到了提升,他在庆祝宴上酒后失言,承诺请六王爷帮忙,为费怡子女保留勋爵的爵位。
  • 45、图坦卡蒙墓被正式挖开后不到两周,卡那封勋爵的脸就被蚊子叮了一口。
  • 46、要说这魏孤影吧,虽说不是什么名臣勋爵家的贵介公子,仅仅是魏司徒家的两个家仆于九年前在路上拣回的一个孤儿而已。
  • 47、祁勋爵说着长臂一伸,抓住了许翩翩的小手,不容分说地按到自己胸口,一脸认真地望着她,幽幽道:“我的心跳你感觉到了吗?”。
  • 48、牛津大学的校长彭定康勋爵说:“这是牛津大学百年难得的机遇。
  • 49、费里布里奇勋爵怒气冲天,要采用高压手段.
  • 50、英国驻美大使哈利法克斯勋爵发回一封电。


勋爵 xūnjué

勋爵 勋爵,至少有两种含义:中国勋爵;英国勋爵。 中国勋爵:勋爵是指朝廷依臣僚功勋大小而赐予的爵位,有俸禄而无实职。 英国勋爵(lord;tille conferned for meritorious service):本意是指朝廷赐予臣僚的爵位,引申为对男性英国贵族的一种敬称。




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