- 1、我想化装舞会是比一般的派对要有意思。
- 2、他想陪她去威尼斯度周末,带不带小孩都行;或是租一间大厅来举办一场化装舞会暨晚宴。
- 3、The annual masquerade ball was a dazzling display of creativity and elegance, as guests adorned themselves in extravagant costumes, transforming into enchanting characters from fairy tales and myths.
- 4、Ina swirl of vibrant colors and intricate masks, the masquerade ball was a celebration of hidden desires and secret passions, where ordinary individuals became extraordinary in a world of fantasy and make-believe.
- 5、Asthe clock struck midnight, the grand ballroom was filled with laughter and enchantment, as the attendees reveled in the magical ambiance of the masquerade, a night where dreams and reality intertwined.
- 6、The masquerade ball was a mesmerizing affair, where the boundaries of social status and identity disappeared, allowing people to freely express themselves and explore their hidden personas, creating a tapestry of unforgettable memories.
- 7、The ballroom was transformed into a mystical wonderland, as the masquerade ball unfolded, bringing together strangers from all walks of life, united by their shared love for indulging in the fantastical and extraordinary.
- 8、With each guest donning their carefully crafted masquerade ensemble, the ballroom became a stage for self-expression and liberation, witnessing the euphoria of individuals unapologetically embracing their alter egos.
- 9、Asthe music swelled and the dancers twirled, the atmosphere of the masquerade ball crackled with a sense of liberation and enchantment, allowing even the most reserved individuals to unleash their hidden passions.
- 10、Beyond the glitz and glamour, the masquerade ball was a celebration of individuality and acceptance, where people could step out of their comfort zones and embrace their true selves, amidst a sea of anonymity.
- 11、As the moonlight cast an ethereal glow upon the masquerade ball, the guests found themselves transported to a realm of magic and enchantment, where their innermost desires danced along with them, unburdened by societal norms.
- 12、The masquerade ball was a symphony of shimmering gowns, embellished masks, and laughter resonating throughout the night, a tapestry woven with the threads of self-expression and celebration of the extraordinary.
- 13、Hidden behind their extravagant masks, the guests at the masquerade ball reveled in the thrill of unveiling their hidden identities, immersing themselves in a world where the impossible became possible, if only for one enchanted evening.
- 14、The masquerade ball was an evocative dance of shadows and secrets, where the masks not only concealed faces but also revealed the hidden depths of each person's psyche, inviting others to explore their untamed desires.
- 15、In the realm of the masquerade, societal roles and expectations vanished, allowing guests to step into their dreamlike personas, their masks becoming their only guiding compass in a daring exploration of self-discovery.
- 16、As the clock struck midnight, signaling the end of the masquerade ball, the attendees bid farewell to their temporary personas, taking with them the memories of a night that had liberated their souls and ignited their spirits.
- 17、The masquerade ball was a kaleidoscope of emotions, as individuals immersed themselves in a world where the insecurities of the everyday dissolved, replaced by a sense of empowerment and boundless possibilities.
- 18、With each masked encounter, the masquerade ball became a symphony of connections, bridging the gaps between strangers and kindling friendships that transcended the realm of the ballroom, forever bound by the shared experience of metamorphosis.
- 19、Beyond the sparkling chandeliers and opulent attire, the essence of the masquerade ball hid in the transformative power it held, allowing individuals to shed their inhibitions and fearless embrace their deepest desires.
- 20、活动网站引入阁楼,日本著名零售商2006年的万圣节化装舞会服装。
- 21、这些华丽的化装舞会和猜谜游戏,揭露了他复杂个性中的一部分。
- 22、这场化装舞会啊,真个是穷奢极侈。
- 23、圣诞节日今天到,世界各地人人笑。化装舞会快装扮,同庆圣诞到明朝。化妆面具真是妙,戴上亲朋识不了。摘下面具哈哈笑,祝福声声身边绕。圣诞快乐!
- 24、所以这就是我为什么想说意大利的化装舞会和别的不一样的原因。
- 25、第二天晚上他们要去参加一个化装舞会,娜拉届时将装扮成一个那不勒斯的渔家女,表演塔兰台拉舞。
- 26、万圣节的化装舞会,你准备好了吗?下面的也许可以作为参考。
- 27、特别引人入胜的是情人节之夜的化装舞会。这在几十年前就十分流行。参加舞会的入。
- 28、以此推测起来,参加化装舞会,扮成佐罗或猫女,都意味着触犯法律。
- 29、文明是野蛮在羔羊皮上的化装舞会。
- 30、我们要开一个化装舞会。
- 31、像劳拉一样,他习惯财富和地位,但是在化装舞会,他只是一个男人的地位。
- 32、他们拥有许多化装舞会上用的配饰,其中包括伪装品、面具、手套和头饰.
- 33、那天上午,她兴奋得什么家务活都不想做,因为晚上她要同丈夫一起参加一个化装舞会。
- 34、今晚我们有一个化装舞会,你愿意参加吗?
- 35、想为你的万圣节化装舞会吓人的气氛?
- 36、“今年圣诞节演完了以后,我就不再演了,我已经长大了,这种事不适合我了”,玫嘴巴上说,可是实际上对化装舞会她依旧像孩子一样憧憬。
- 37、他去参加化装舞会而没戴假面具。
- 38、我得想出去参加化装舞会时应穿戴的东西。
- 39、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
- 40、哦,穿着可以随便点,可不是化装舞会。
- 41、至于庆祝大典、化装舞会、琼筵盛宴、婚礼葬礼以及行刑等热闹场面,游者倒不必过分注意,但也不应视而不见。
- 42、夜幕降临,三五人成群,带着各色各样的面具,向着化装舞会场地走去,而我们的寝室买了的面具相对来说在市场中很常见一只队伍,人妖组合,也就是唐僧师徒。
- 43、万圣节前夜,为你明天的化装舞会而忙碌,特意为你邀请了开心鬼、平安鬼和幸福鬼,只要来参加舞会,你就会开心快乐、健康平安、幸福甜蜜一辈子!