- 1、就如同把螃蟹放到凉水里,“炒楼投机商”正在被慢火轻炖着,不过聪慧的玩家还是有时间逃离这个缓慢升温的“螃蟹火锅”的!
- 2、这种迁移是从小孔向大孔的单向流动,原因在于大孔具有较高的冰点,在冻融循环降温阶段先于小孔中的水冻结,而在升温阶段迟于小孔融解。
- 3、When winter arrives and the temperature drops, a cup of hot cocoa in hand brings a warm and cozy feeling, slowly warming up both your body and soul, creating a sense of comfort and relaxation.
- 4、The love between a mother and her child is like a flame that never ceases to burn, constantly creating a sense of warmth and security, which helps the child grow and thrive in a loving environment.
- 5、Asthe sun rises above the horizon, its golden rays gently kiss the earth, bringing warmth and light, revitalizing everything it touches, symbolizing a new day filled with hope and opportunities.
- 6、Inthe midst of a cold and distant world, a genuine smile and a friendly gesture can melt even the coldest hearts, creating a ripple effect of warmth and kindness that spreads throughout the community.
- 7、When faced with adversity, the unwavering support and encouragement from friends and loved ones acts as a comforting blanket, enveloping us in a cocoon of warmth, giving us the strength to face any challenges that come our way.
- 8、The heartfelt words of encouragement from a mentor can ignite a fire within us, fueling our passion and determination, pushing us to overcome obstacles and reach new heights, warming our hearts with the belief in our own capabilities.
- 9、The smell of freshly baked bread fills the kitchen, the warm and inviting aroma wafting through the house, creating a sense of comfort and nostalgia, carrying with it the memories of family gatherings and shared love.
- 10、As the seasons change, the vibrant hues of autumn leaves gradually transform the landscape, painting it with warm and earthy tones, creating a breathtaking display of nature's beauty and reminding us of the ever-changing cycles of life.
- 11、In the silence of the night, standing under a starry sky, the cold breeze caresses your face, but the sight of twinkling stars and the vastness of the universe fills you with a sense of awe and wonder, warming your soul with the realization of your place in the cosmos.
- 12、The gentle touch of a loved one's hand on your shoulder conveys a sense of comfort and reassurance, their presence creating a warm and safe space, where you can freely express your fears and doubts without judgment.
- 13、The support and understanding of a loyal friend during difficult times acts as a shield against loneliness and despair, their unwavering presence providing a source of warmth and strength, giving us the courage to keep moving forward.
- 14、The sound of waves crashing against the shore is like a lullaby, soothing and calming, creating a sense of peace and tranquility, as the rhythmic motion of the sea slowly warms up your troubled mind.
- 15、The touch of warm sand beneath your feet as you walk along the beach, the gentle caress of salty sea breeze on your skin, and the sound of seagulls in the distance creates a serene atmosphere that melts away all your worries, leaving only a feeling of contentment and relaxation.
- 16、Aheartfelt apology has the power to heal wounds and bridge gaps, melting the coldness in strained relationships, replacing it with warmth, understanding, and forgiveness, restoring the bond that was once lost.
- 17、The feeling of accomplishment that comes with achieving a long-awaited goal is like a surge of warm energy that fills your entire being, propelling you forward with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.
- 18、The sight of a rainbow after a storm is a gentle reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and a brighter future waiting, the vivid colors and radiant warmth it represents symbolizing the triumph over adversity.
- 19、海洋升温只是其中的一种。他还表示,NASA利用从太空有利位置监测地球的独特能力提供资料发送服务,给科学家提供了最佳和最及时的信息。
- 20、问题在于美国公债收益率非常低,如果经济复苏或者通货膨胀升温,美债就可能面临卖压.
- 21、与瑞郎一道作为传统避险货币的美元,未能从中东地缘紧张局势升温中受益,令人感到意外.
- 22、当今社会,我国对外文化、经济的交流和合作发展更加迅猛,“汉语热”在全球范围内日渐升温。
- 23、自动点火,风机助燃,升温快,温度高,火焰大小可自动调整。
- 24、欧洲央行总裁特里谢表示,价格稳定受到威胁.他的这番讲话令对欧洲央行可能升息的预期升温,扶助引发空头回补.
- 25、升温快,炉膛温度均匀,产品成品率高。
- 26、PTC发热材料,升温迅速自动控温,比普通发热管安全。
- 27、世界上的“汉语热”仍在不断升温。
- 28、科学家们谨慎地监测那些观测,以排除观测误差和其它影响,诸如城市的热岛效应和由于地表变化导致的局部升温。
- 29、特点:周边发热,升温快。油衡温,连续转印无色差。
- 30、介绍了利用差热分析天平,采用程序升温法对高炉喷吹煤在不同升温速率和空气流量下的燃烧性能进行的实验,分析了升温速率和空气流量对失重率和燃烧特征温度的影响。
- 31、其他的一概不在他猎杀的范围之内,所以他并不看沈万安脸色,还有一个原因就是他跟沈万安私交最近升温,私相传授很多沈万安感兴趣的东西,当然沈万安打点上从不吝啬。
- 32、青年如水,美丽的清澈,耀眼的光鲜;青年如火,热情的升温,自信的红艳;青年如歌,激昂的悠扬,朝气的婉转,青年就是不一般的让人留恋,愿你永葆青春,永享幸福,五四青年节快乐!
- 33、随着城市家庭装饰市场持续升温,建筑装饰材料的需求量亦呈上升趋势。
- 34、介绍了高温熔体黏度测试仪的组成和测试原理,分析了硅钼棒加热炉的升温特点。
- 35、相恋的每一天,都蜜一样甜;相别的每一分,都让爱升温;相伴的每一秒,都没有烦恼;相思的每一点,都铭刻心间。你在身边,抱你;你不在身边,想你。
- 36、而有了合适的防冻液,发动机可在寒冷的环境里迅速升温达着火点,达到正常的工作状态。
- 37、随着中国金花李娜在法国网球公开赛上的杰出表现,人们对中国网球网的关注度也随之升温。
- 38、在沱沱河区域,土壤升温过程比降温过程慢,但土壤的消融过程较之冻结过程要快。
- 39、再一种方法是大脚油门,把转速提上来,发动机也能很快升温。
- 40、不过天王星正在升温并溶化表面的冰层.
- 41、试验了容量瓶经升温、降温后容量的变化。
- 42、近年来,对本土知识范围的商业开发在升温,这引发了一系列的问题,如:谁有利用这些本土知识的权力?
- 43、性能与特点:全纤维炉衬重量轻、升温快、金属马弗耗气省,自动便捷,处理后的工作表面光洁、硬度均匀。
- 44、奥德臣量身定制盛行慢时尚在星城升温。
- 45、小暑又来到,升温且烦躁,编个小信息,清凉送怀抱。天热少出门,出门要趁早,勤把水来饮,盐分不能少,遇热先去汗,莫先开空调,时间不能长,可对身体好,保持身洁净,勤洗温水澡。祝你小暑开心度过,心情快乐美好。
- 46、但在过去的几年里,对女性性反应的研究骤然升温。
- 47、用示差扫描量热器,以不同的升温速率测量了它们的热行为.
- 48、今天是“升单”节,“升级清单”送给你,千万笑纳别客气。幸福升高了,好运升级了,爱情升温了,事业升迁了,钞票生仔了,笑容升值了,因为今天是圣诞节,烦恼生气了,离你远去了。祝你圣诞快乐!
- 49、春来了,天亮了,思念升温了,问候发芽了,祝福开花了。我代表田里的青娃、山里的蝴蝶、水里的鱼儿、树上的鸟儿、园里的花儿,祝老友你笑容如春天般温暖,像花儿一样绽放!早安!
- 50、两人臭味相投,一拍即合,感情急速升温,好得跟亲哥俩一般。