- 1、在约翰尼斯堡酒吧门外南非球迷看着电视广播,巴西与葡萄牙之间的世界杯比赛,南非。
- 2、人们目前有点心灰意冷是千真万确的,但这表明南非失败了吗?
- 3、Stepping onto the wild plains of South Africa, I am overwhelmed with the raw beauty of the landscape and the vibrant energy of its people.
- 4、Asthe sun sets over the golden beaches of South Africa, I am reminded of the profound impact this diverse country has had on my soul.
- 5、Embarking on a safari adventure in South Africa, I am filled with anticipation and awe as I witness the majestic elephants roam freely in their natural habitat.
- 6、Inthe heart of Cape Town, I am captivated by the vibrant colors and rich history that intertwine to create a tapestry of culture and identity unique to South Africa.
- 7、The rhythmic beats of traditional African music fill the air, transporting me to a place where joy and unity celebrate the rich heritage of South Africa's people.
- 8、Exploring the breathtaking landscapes of South Africa's national parks, I am humbled by the sheer magnitude of nature's wonders that this country is blessed with.
- 9、Walking through the buzzing streets of Johannesburg, I am inspired by the resilience and determination of the South African people, who have overcome adversity with grace and strength.
- 10、Tasting the flavors of South African cuisine, I am delighted by the fusion of indigenous ingredients and diverse culinary traditions that reflect the melting pot of cultures found within this country.
- 11、The vibrant townships of South Africa are a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people, who have turned adversity into strength, creating close-knit communities of hope and resilience.
- 12、Gazing at the star-studded African sky from the vast plains of South Africa, I am reminded of the infinite possibilities that await those who dare to dream.
- 13、The awe-inspiring presence of Table Mountain in Cape Town leaves me breathless, reminding me of the majesty and power of nature that exists within South Africa's borders.
- 14、The deep-rooted traditions and rituals of South Africa's indigenous tribes fill me with a sense of reverence and respect for a culture that has stood the test of time.
- 15、Walking in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela, I am reminded of the unyielding courage and unwavering determination that can shape the course of history.
- 16、The vibrant markets of South Africa are a treasure trove of unique crafts and authentic experiences, allowing me to immerse myself in the rich tapestry of this country's artistic expression.
- 17、Dancing to the infectious rhythms of South African music, I am transported to a place where joy transcends language and unites people from all walks of life.
- 18、The breathtaking landscapes of South Africa's wine regions offer a serene escape, where I can indulge in the flavors of the vineyards and drink in the beauty of nature.
- 19、The rolling savannahs of South Africa's game reserves echo with the sounds of lions roaring and zebras grazing, reminding me of the incredible biodiversity that this country holds.
- 20、Exploring the historical sites of South Africa, I am confronted with the country's complex past and reminded of the importance of acknowledging and learning from our shared history.
- 21、但是就在板球世界杯一个月之前,南非也被告知他们是最好的,可是他们连前六都没进。
- 22、两人所执教的球队曾在南美赛区世预赛上两次交手,两人最终各胜一场,虽然巴拉圭在南非比智利多走了一轮。
- 23、据预测,世界排名第一的巴西队在南非世界盃上恐怕无缘冠军,因为与他们的主要竞争对手相比,巴西队晋级决赛的道路更为艰难。
- 24、除了增加**财政投入外,南非企业等社会各界和国际组织也给予南非大量资金支持。
- 25、尽管南非现任总统选择西装作为“官服”,但还是有不少南非政治人物钟情于曼德拉式外套。
- 26、据南非气象部门介绍,这股冷空气从本周初就开始影响南非南部的西开普省,然后向东北入侵南非内陆和东部沿海,以及莱索托和斯威士兰。
- 27、2008年,研究人员在南非的山洞中发现了赭石混合工具,两个可能用于调漆和储存的鲍鱼壳,除此之外他们还发现了赭石,骨头,炭笔和石锤。
- 28、预测帝“保罗”。章鱼保罗在睡梦中安然离世,死于自己水族馆的家中。保罗因准确预测今年的南非世界杯赛果而一举成名。
- 29、在今年的名单上,毛里求斯再次被列为撒哈拉以南非洲地区治国最有方的国家.
- 30、他们要求执政党南非国民大会党放弃这些计划的措施。
- 31、南非中部是贫瘠的山区王国莱索托.
- 32、西班牙队将在周日进行的南非世界杯决赛中与荷兰队一决雌雄。
- 33、自从英德大战和阿墨大战各发生了一次明显错判后,“黑哨”就成了南非世界杯最热门的话题。
- 34、在赢得2010年比赛主办权之后,南非**投入巨大努力来建设需要的设施。
- 35、南非埃及军官住房实行社会化、商品化,由于住房政策优惠,军官自有住房比例较高。
- 36、2010年6月16日,2010年世界杯乌拉圭小组赛第二场对阵南非,弗兰远射攻入一记漂亮进球首开纪录。
- 37、这些明日之星来自南非、亚洲、欧洲和非洲,他们也许曾经只是绿茵看客呢。
- 38、来自靴型半岛的消息表示,就在意大利国家队昨天被淘汰出南非世界杯的当天,蓝衣军团中后卫博努奇的未来也终于水落石出。
- 39、一位来自南非的橄榄球运动员和一位来自洛杉矶的职业篮球运动员,他们都是超级明星。
- 40、撒哈拉以南非洲的发展中国家五价轮状病毒疫苗对严重轮状病毒肠胃炎的婴儿的功效:一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验。
- 41、南非名将游出的26秒74的让飞利浦.弗兰萨.达.席尔瓦先前26秒89的成绩黯然失色.
- 42、“银鹰”是南非空军的特技飞行表演队,在全国巡回演出中展示其精确的队形和特技表演。
- 43、俄罗斯提出主办二十国集团2013年峰会,巴西、印度、中国和南非对俄方提议表示欢迎和赞赏。
- 44、南非队巴西籍老帅佩雷拉超越塞尔维亚神奇教练米卢蒂诺维奇,成为唯一一名6次率队征战世界杯的主教练.
- 45、辽阔的非洲稀树草原,溪流边的灌木丛中,以及多岩石地带,都是南非蟒经常出没的地方.
- 46、伊顿小学10岁的孩子们是南非使馆认养的。他们在听伊卜拉辛.拉苏尔大使讲述南非的生活情况。
- 47、英国一名主教近日专门为征战南非世界杯的英格兰队撰写了一段特殊的祈祷文,希望上帝能保佑他们找回状态。
- 48、当他们们看到**公告,他们就在南非建立一些事业。靠著利润,他们在辛巴威买了一些资产。
- 49、脑膜炎球菌病的最高负担发生在撒哈拉以南非洲,这里被称为“脑膜炎地带”。
- 50、2010年世界杯的开幕战是东道主南非队对美洲劲旅墨西哥队,你支持哪只球队?