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占有权造句 首页

  • 1、但是换个角度进行思考,人们进行不同的标签,这样使信息聚合起来,也给用户创造了利它主义的氛围,在这种氛围中每个人都不对信息有占有权
  • 2、贵族那颜们受封之后,也就获得了对草牧场的长期占有权和经营权。
  • 3、The possessive nature of an individual's obsession with material possessions stems from a deep-rooted fear of inadequacy, as they mistakenly believe that accumulating more objects will somehow make them feel whole and enough – yet true contentment can only be found by liberating oneself from the burden of excessive possessions and embracing the beauty of simplicity.
  • 4、Itis a tragic irony that in the pursuit of power, some leaders are driven by an insatiable need to clasp onto authority and control, blinded by their fear of losing their grip on power, ultimately failing to recognize that true leadership lies in selflessness, collaboration, and empowering others.
  • 5、History has shown us time and time again that the premise of colonialism is built upon the belief that one nation has the right to claim ownership over another, disregarding the inherent rights and dignity of the people being colonized – a stark reminder that the desire for possessive power can lead to devastating consequences and the erosion of humanity.
  • 6、True friendship transcends the need for possessiveness; it nourishes and enlightens our lives, fostering an environment where individuals can authentically be themselves without fear of judgment or control, cherishing each other's unique qualities and celebrating their personal growth.
  • 7、Possessiveness in art and creativity stifles innovation and obstructs the collective imagination – art should be a shared experience, a medium through which diverse perspectives merge and intersect, creating a tapestry of insight and inspiration, rather than a tool for personal gain or control.
  • 8、The possessive desire for validation and recognition often masks an underlying insecurity, as it hinges upon the belief that we are only worthy if acknowledged by others – a liberating realization comes when we embrace our inherent value and appreciate our accomplishments for ourselves, free from the shackles of external validation.
  • 9、The allure of fame often disguises the possessive chains that come with it, as individuals become owned by the public's insatiable hunger for every intimate detail of their lives – genuine success lies in maintaining autonomy and balance, ensuring personal happiness doesn't become a mere possession of others.
  • 10、The possessive need to maintain control over every aspect of our lives blinds us to the serendipitous beauty that unfolds when we surrender to the spontaneity of the universe, embracing the unknown with open arms and trusting in the flow of life's currents.
  • 11、The possessive grip of ego prevents the expansion of consciousness, trapping us in a world of illusion where separateness and superiority dominate – true enlightenment begins when we release our attachment to the self and embrace a collective consciousness that cherishes unity and compassion.
  • 12、The possessive obsession with youthfulness and external beauty denies the wisdom and depth that only time can bring – true beauty emanates from within, where authenticity and self-acceptance outshine temporary physical appearances.
  • 13、Possessiveness over intellectual property hinders the collective progress of humanity, as knowledge must be freely shared and built upon to create a better world – the true power of intellect lies in its ability to transcend boundaries, fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • 14、The possessive grip of past regrets and resentments prevents us from fully embracing the present moment and growing into our future potential – liberation comes when we release the chains of the past and embrace the transformative power that forgiveness and self-compassion offer.
  • 15、地主为土地所有者;农户可以拥有土地占有权和使用权;也可以只有占有权,即当“二地主”,二地主再把土地租给其他农户耕种使用。
  • 16、这是一种对草牧场占有权和经营权的垄断。
  • 17、根据需要和行政能力来增加土地占用安全性的方法,它的目的就是要提供合法的土地占有权摒弃且改善公共服务。
  • 18、在分析提单物权性的基础上,试图得出提单代表的物权是指提单持有人对提单项下货物的占有权的结论。
  • 19、在产权交换时,各行为主体享有受益权,并通过占有权获得权利。
  • 20、这说明了一个较为普遍的观点,即可以通过第三人实现占有权的有效解除。
  • 21、一直到蒯因自然化认识论的提出,弗雷格的反心理主义思想都在逻辑学领域占有权威地位。
  • 22、在河边拥有土地的多数人在有生之年都对土地有占有权;但他们除了可以把土地卖给**之外不允许卖给任何人。而且他们一旦死去,只有**才有权收购。
  • 23、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 24、所有权和占有权的矛盾是社会主义国有企业的主要矛盾。
  • 25、因此,世袭占有只不过是对土地占有权和使用权的长期垄断,这种垄断并未导致真正私有制的产生。
  • 26、然而,西班牙和美国之间争夺马尼拉的战斗成为一场闹剧,他们寻求把菲律宾排除在对马尼拉的最终占有权外。
  • 27、此外,关于占有的修正,增订了占有权利推定之例外规定;修正动产善意取得制度等。
  • 28、有关占有权主张的预决已依据民事诉讼法第415.46条被送达。
  • 29、批评家指责国际足联夺取了大多数的利润,包括全部免税的转播以及市场占有权
  • 30、并且指出占有制度中占有与占有权可以并存,这体现了法律对占有不同层次的保护。
  • 31、占有权是指对货物的保有或控制。
  • 32、遗产继承制度给予了妇女更多的财产占有权和财产的处置权,它是罗马妇女参与社会财产分配的另一种形式。
  • 33、占有权:它是对房屋的实际控制权,通常由房产所有人来行使。
