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  • 1、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 2、品德不是由你占领的货色决议的,偏偏是由你匮乏的东西塑造的。
  • 3、The music festival in the city square was a huge success, as thousands of enthusiastic fans occupied every inch of space, symbolizing their temporary occupation of joy and passion.
  • 4、When the unexpected snowstorm hit, the children quickly abandoned their indoor activities and rushed outside, gleefully occupying every available hill for hours of sledding and snowball fights.
  • 5、Asthe sun sets over the horizon, the tranquility of the beach is abruptly interrupted by a group of enthusiastic yoga practitioners who begin their evening session, occupying the sand and embracing the beauty of nature.
  • 6、The vibrant colors on the artist's canvas come to life, with each stroke of the brush occupying a specific space, telling a unique story that captivates the viewer's imagination.
  • 7、The intense suspense novel grips the reader from the first page, occupying their thoughts and keeping them engrossed until the final unexpected plot twist.
  • 8、When the pandemic struck, healthcare professionals worked tirelessly, risking their lives to occupy hospital beds and provide treatment for those in need, becoming the true heroes in this battle against the virus.
  • 9、The newly opened bookstore became an instant hit, with book lovers eagerly occupying the shelves, lost in the world of literature and knowledge.
  • 10、The majestic mountain range, with its soaring peaks and untouched wilderness, calls out to adventurous souls, urging them to explore and occupy its challenging trails.
  • 11、The captivating dance performance enchants the audience, with the dancers gracefully occupying the stage, expressing the depths of human emotions and experiences.
  • 12、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the café, occupying every corner and inviting passersby to take a break, enjoy a moment of tranquility, and savor the rich flavors.
  • 13、The historic castle stands proudly on the hill, its imposing architecture occupying the landscape and serving as a testament to the power and glory of a bygone era.
  • 14、The hours of dedicated studying finally paid off as she scored the highest mark in the class, occupying the top spot and proving her academic excellence.
  • 15、The street artist's intricate mural occupies an entire wall, capturing the essence of the neighborhood's culture and history, drawing both locals and tourists to admire its beauty.
  • 16、The country's stunning landscapes occupy the imagination of every traveler who sets foot upon its soil, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
  • 17、The ambitious entrepreneur tirelessly pursues her dreams, occupying her mind with innovative ideas and strategies, determined to make her mark in the business world.
  • 18、The bustling marketplace buzzes with activity as vendors compete for customers, each stall occupying a unique space, tempting passersby with their enticing goods.
  • 19、The melody of the violinist fills the concert hall, occupying the hearts of the audience and evoking a range of emotions, from joy to melancholy.
  • 20、The ancient ruins of the civilization serve as a powerful reminder of the once great empire that occupied the land, sparking curiosity and inviting exploration into the past.
  • 21、总督,帕夏在1830年被法国占领前,阿尔及尔统治者的正式称号。
  • 22、岁月沧桑了您的容颜,时间改变了您的身姿,白发占领了您的鬓角,皱纹爬上了您的额头。亲爱的父亲,今天是父亲节,愿您保重身体,健康快乐!
  • 23、事实上,就像陆军游骑兵占领一个小的半岛一样,PKMzeta分子看起来可以让他们自己自动放牧在那些被激活脑细胞之间的指状连接。
  • 24、建军节到了,短信带领祝福兄弟们向你发起猛攻,我命令它们向你发快乐枪、放幸福炮,给你输送开心的草料;它们会向你亮出吉祥的利器,永远占领你福运的高地,胜利歌声高声叫,你烦恼的老巢必端掉!
  • 25、思念的炮弹一飞冲天,快乐的战机划过长空,好运高举冲锋的旗帜,幸福向你发起猛攻。8月1日,我用祝福消灭你的烦恼,占领你的心房。
  • 26、七夕到了,你还不赶快向我认错!谁让你擅自侵犯我的内心领域,无理由占领我的思念高地,还不约我一起过七夕!
  • 27、我爱的人,我要能够占领他整个生命,他在碰见我之前,没有过去,留着空白等待我。钱钟书
  • 28、在占领敌军的桥头堡之后,我军趁热打铁,又向敌人的纵深地带挺进了。
  • 29、不管有多少艰难困苦,你们小分队也要赶在天亮前完成炸毁被敌人占领的康定桥的任务。
  • 30、人的缺点就像花园里的杂草,如果不及时清理,很快就会占领整座花园。
  • 31、像山西省化工所的聚氨酯筛板系列产品填补了国内空白,湖北中航精机开发的“手柄式板簧调角器”和“无间隙手轮式调角器”,则迅速占领了行业制高点。
  • 32、他说到他们的流离失所,受的羞辱和家园被占领时非常动情。
  • 33、我的助手中有很多人都说杜库不会出现,他的目的就是把我们引诱到这儿一网打尽,而后武力占领空间站。
  • 34、本文首先指出部分商业银行"因噎废食"的现实,在贷存比很低的情况下不去占领个人信贷市场份额。其原因就是我国商业银行开办个人信贷业务以来积累了大量的风险。
  • 35、对占领良好阵地的强大的敌人进攻是非常危险的。
  • 36、1914年至1922年的日第一次占领时期,形成了胶州路、李村路、市场路、馆陶路和聊城路一带日本商业区。
  • 37、支持者声称这它推翻了自西班牙占领后沿袭下来的数个世纪的不公正,而且保证了“白种人”这一少数群体将不能再骑在印第安人头上作威作福。
  • 38、市场缝隙领域的竞争,实际上就是中小型房地产企业之间的平等竞争,谁能抢先进入,谁就占领优势,否则就要坐失良机。
  • 39、纽约亦步亦趋地跟从着欧洲现代主义者的功能美学,城市很快就被亮闪闪的由玻璃和钢搭建成的国际风格的写字楼占领了。
  • 40、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
  • 41、联系虽然不常有,牵挂总是没忘记,圣诞节日又临近,祝福打包全给你。考虑到过几天祝福短信铺天盖地,所以我提前行动占领高地,圣诞快乐,争当第一。
  • 42、日军在自己所占领的后方地区,出乎意料地遭到抵抗,大为震惊,于是立即掉过头来,以三十六个师的兵力杀回华北,决心拔除自己后方的心腹之患。
  • 43、八一建军节,为你吹响祝福集结号:首先进行短信突击,占领友情至高点,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,向你送出诚挚问候,幸福已亮剑,好运正向你垂直降落!
  • 44、香港律政司长袁国强当日重申,“占领”行动本身是一个涉违法行为,严重扰乱香港社会秩序,强调港府会依法及依时采取适当行动。
  • 45、占领军不得不把军权和一切军事设施移交给当地**.
  • 46、尽管在被占领土上定居,是被视为违反国际法的,但在东耶路撒冷和约旦河西岸,仍定居了近50万犹太人。
  • 47、,亚历山大大帝的父亲是腓力二世,马其顿国王,他在公元前338年喀罗尼亚战役中,战胜了雅典及其同盟军,占领了希腊各城邦。
  • 48、当日行走步数最高的小伙伴将占领你的排行榜封面,想占领别人的封面,办法只有一个:多出门走走。
  • 49、对于以色列*理夏隆下令重新占领西岸八个大城镇中的七个,以色列民众都给予强烈支持。
  • 50、上午十一时,他接到消息说,被法军占领的凸角堡又夺回来了,但是巴格拉季翁公爵受了伤。


占领 zhànlǐng

占领 占领:汉字词汇 占领:关楚耀演唱的歌曲 占领:陈晓东演唱的歌曲 占领 (汉字词汇) 用武装力量取得某个地方,占领后地盘将属于自己。