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  • 1、而克尔凯郭尔、舍斯托夫和卡夫卡笔下的人物在他们各自的人生之旅中所展现出的不懈与坚持,便是为提升那种必然提供了担保。
  • 2、幸福的人很少,痛苦的人很多,可是幸福的人总是那样不知检点,就像卡夫卡曾经说过的那句至理名言:”幸福的人啊,小心你们的笑声不要太大,因为你会惊醒隔壁的痛苦。“是不是可以提醒那些从别人痛苦里得到幸福的幸运儿们低调一点,仁慈一点呢?黄佟佟
  • 3、Standing at the crossroads of life, I feel like a character in a Kafkaesque nightmare, trapped in a labyrinth of an incomprehensible bureaucracy that offers no escape.
  • 4、The haunting tale of "The Metamorphosis" by Kafka serves as a poignant reminder of the alienation and isolation that can seep into our lives, slowly suffocating our humanity.
  • 5、The inherent darkness and surrealism in Kafka's stories, such as "A Hunger Artist," force us to confront our own mortality and the fleeting nature of our desires.
  • 6、InKafka's "The Castle," the protagonist's futile quest for recognition and acceptance exposes the limitations of our own desires for validation and belonging.
  • 7、Through the lens of Kafka's surreal narratives, we are invited to ponder the complex relationship between the individual and society, ultimately questioning our very place in the world.
  • 8、The disorienting landscapes and disconcerting characters in Kafka's works serve as a stark reflection of the internal struggles and existential angst that we all grapple with at some point in our lives.
  • 9、Kafka's works offer a stark reminder that our search for meaning and purpose can sometimes lead us down an eternally winding maze, where answers remain perpetually elusive.
  • 10、Kafka's portrayal of the father-son relationship in "Letter to His Father" is a raw and emotional exploration of the profound impact that parental figures can have on our sense of self.
  • 11、Through the lens of Kafka's narratives, we are confronted with the often nightmarish and absurd nature of human existence, forcing us to question the very essence of our own humanity.
  • 12、In Kafka's "In the Penal Colony," the brutal and ritualistic execution machine becomes a chilling symbol of the pervasive violence and cruelty that can lurk within seemingly civilized societies.
  • 13、The uneasy tension between the individual and the collective is a recurring theme in Kafka's works, reminding us of the delicate balance between personal autonomy and societal expectations.
  • 14、In "The Castle," Kafka's exploration of bureaucracy and the obsession for power reveals the futility and emptiness that can accompany our relentless pursuit of societal recognition.
  • 15、Through Kafka's narratives, we are reminded that the limitations and challenges we face are often self-imposed, as we construct our own psychological prisons and submit to their restrictive rules.
  • 16、Through Kafka's stories, we are invited to confront the anxiety and unease that can arise from living in a world that seems both familiar and utterly alien at the same time.
  • 17、Kafka's works challenge our preconceived notions of reality and invite us to question the very foundations of our existence, reminding us that truth is often elusive and subjective.
  • 18、德沃夏克,雅那切克,斯美塔那,哈谢克,卡夫卡,布洛德,里尔克,塞弗尔特,等等。
  • 19、所有人刚开始写作时都是站在巨人的肩膀上,我曾经受过许多作家的影响,比如卡夫卡、博尔赫斯,日本的井上靖与铃木光司。
  • 20、在卡夫卡的世界里,爱情并不存在,在一些场合它与压力的释放以及功利性的目的纠缠在一起,而在更多场合,它成了一种奢侈的记忆。格非
  • 21、我们读卡夫卡、萨特、加缪等人的作品,都可以感受到尼采的遗绪。
  • 22、似乎这种自然性是卡夫卡式的.
  • 23、卡夫卡的思想于是再次与克尔凯郭尔的交汇到了一起。
  • 24、卡夫卡的伟大之处恰恰在于,勇于跳出19世纪文学塑造纤毫毕见的典型人物的桎梏,卸下沉重的包袱,为当时的文坛贡献了19世纪不曾出现的全新元素。
  • 25、作为一名对立面的读者来说,阅读卡夫卡注定是一场永无止境的冒险,那股由死亡深渊吹上来的风逼得你不得不张开眼去凝目注视这个世界。
  • 26、清代袁枚的那首《寒夜》寒夜读书忘却眠,锦衾香尽炉无烟,美人含怒夺灯去,问郎知是几更天?就是卡夫卡最喜爱的中国古诗之一。
  • 27、世界是隐喻,田村卡夫卡君。村上春树
  • 28、结合了边缘人种学和多媒体艺术的卡夫卡国,以人种学描述,视觉表达,和行为表演来进行旅行探索。
  • 29、我受到许多作家的影响,比如卡夫卡、博尔赫斯、斯蒂芬金,日本的井上靖与铃木光司。
  • 30、他认为,作家很少能坚守这个法则,并称福楼拜和卡夫卡为“两个天生的不买胡萝卜和大萝卜的人。”。
  • 31、卡夫卡的作品尤为如此,因此不如欣然接受他的种种规则,由外而内地走近他的戏剧,由表及里地理解他的小说。
  • 32、现代价值观不能到文艺复兴的个性解放中挖掘,不能到萨特的存在主义中挑捡,不能到卡夫卡的人性异化中剪取,必须立足于社会主义的广阔背景,吸取五千年的道德精髓。让我们的明天美德随处可见,让看到别人困难却走开的人重新负起助人为乐的责任!
  • 33、卡夫卡的遗嘱是将这些全部销灭,他的同学布洛德却将它整理出版。
  • 34、卡夫卡的命运就是把各种各样的处境和挣扎化为寓言。他用清澈的风格来写污浊的梦魇……他是犹太人,但就我所知,其作品中从未出现过“犹太人”这个词。他的作品不受时间限制,或许更是永恒的。
  • 35、不过,正如现代小说同时吸收了乔伊斯与卡夫卡的风格,发展成一种更合乎常规的叙述结构一样,如今的先锋派烹饪法也是后现代主义而非现代主义的艺术。
  • 36、我们可以体味如同卡夫卡描述的那种非理性色彩的景况,个人式的、忧郁的、孤独的情绪漫衍其中。
  • 37、在这种情形之下,悖谬性思维方式在卡夫卡的头脑中也就根深蒂固了.
  • 38、其中二十六个参与者就像伊索寓言中所写一样辛勤工作,而另外二十六个则是像卡夫卡故事更加的悲观。知之小工具
  • 39、卡夫卡式风格和网络写作元素的吸收下,厚载的是中国现实煤矿故事。
