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厄运造句 首页

  • 1、蛇年到,吉祥临,好运排队将你等;锣鼓响,鞭炮鸣,厄运远离不登门;灯笼亮,对联贴,幸福生活挡不住。祝你蛇年事事顺,欢天喜地每一天!
  • 2、谁若想在厄运时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。萨迪
  • 3、Despite his efforts and talent, Mark was plagued by constant misfortune throughout his life, as if a dark cloud of bad luck followed him relentlessly wherever he went.
  • 4、The weight of misfortune crushed her spirit, leaving Sarah feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, unable to see a way out of the endless cycle of disappointment.
  • 5、The universe seemed to conspire against him, throwing one calamity after another in his path, creating an unending series of setbacks and hardships.
  • 6、Her life had become a never-ending parade of adversity, with each challenge more daunting than the last, leaving her feeling trapped in a perpetual state of bad luck.
  • 7、Asif cursed by fate, John's existence seemed to revolve around a series of unfortunate events, leaving him wondering if he would ever experience true happiness.
  • 8、With every shattered dream and missed opportunity, Nicole's belief in luck faded away, replaced by a haunting belief in the inevitability of misfortune.
  • 9、The shadow of misfortune loomed over their family, casting a dark cloud that engulfed their lives, leaving them to question if they were destined to endure a lifetime of suffering.
  • 10、Itfelt as if life had a twisted sense of humor, constantly playing tricks on him, turning every hopeful situation into a debacle of epic proportions.
  • 11、Inthe face of unyielding misfortune, Suzanne's resilience began to waver, and the constant stream of bad luck threatened to break her spirit completely.
  • 12、The relentless string of misfortune tested his resolve, pushing him to the brink of despair, but deep down he refused to let his circumstances define his worth.
  • 13、Like a magnet attracting disaster, Sarah's luck seemed to repel any semblance of good fortune, leaving her with a sinking feeling of helplessness and frustration.
  • 14、The thread of misfortune woven into his life's tapestry seemed unbreakable, as each tragic event melded seamlessly into the next, leaving him to question if happiness was merely an illusion.
  • 15、Misfortune had become an unwelcome companion on his journey, clinging to him like a dark shadow, obscuring any possibility of joy or contentment.
  • 16、The crushing weight of misfortune bore down on him, leaving him feeling suffocated and drained, unable to escape the perpetual cycle of bad luck.
  • 17、The hand of misfortune seemed to play a relentless game of roulette with her life, spinning the wheel and delivering blow after blow, leaving her battered and bruised.
  • 18、Each new day brought with it a fresh wave of misfortune, leaving her to navigate treacherous waters, desperately searching for a glimpse of light amidst the darkness.
  • 19、Misfortune had etched its mark upon her soul, leaving scars that served as a constant reminder of the hardships she had endured and the strength she had summoned to survive.
  • 20、希望是厄运的忠实的姐妹。普希金
  • 21、带根牢牢地植根于旧的斯堪的纳维亚金属遗留乐队组合成自己独特的音景的死亡,黑色,厄运金属的沉重,甚至暗示。
  • 22、我是你贴身的健康护卫,扫走你所有的烦恼忧愁,清除你所有的污秽杂念,消灭你所有的霉运厄运。国际护士节,祝你一生平安快乐!
  • 23、愿我惦念的人离不祥之人言希千万里之遥,生生不见,岁岁平安。远离带给她一切厄运苦难的人。只要岁岁平安,即使……生生不见。By言希。书海沧生
  • 24、女友携款前脚走烧伤厄运接踵至,烧伤。
  • 25、人在逆境里比在顺境里更能坚持不屈。遭厄运时比交好运时更容易保全身心。
  • 26、遭遇了此厄运,她本来是要远走高飞的,却在落难后才遇见了心仪的对象安吉尔。
  • 27、如果你必须失去,但愿是忧愁;如果你必须遗忘,但愿是烦恼;如果你必须错过,但愿是厄运;如果可以永远,但愿伴随你的是平安、健康、快乐!
  • 28、厄运在同一条路上漫游,时而降临于这个人,时而降临于另一个人。
  • 29、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 30、怜悯是一个人遭受厄运而引起的,恐惧是这个遭受厄运的人与我们相似而引起的。亚里士多德
  • 31、命运无常,天机难测,天机门修炼的秘法虽然能够窥测天机,但泄露天机也同样要面临天机所降下厄运和灾难的惩罚。
  • 32、长留列仙在上,弟子花千骨,命格异数,厄运缠身,生是不祥之人,承蒙尊上不弃,悉心教导,收我为徒。弟子定会堂堂正正,无愧天地,无愧长留,无愧尊上。今后生为尊生,死为尊死。绝不违抗半句师命。天地为证!fresh果果
  • 33、对,没错,上学就是我们儿童的厄运,但是,如果你想,你像海伦女士一样,变盲哑聋,你认为学习还是一件苦恼的事情吗?没错,只要努力刻苦的学习,这样你会感到学习很好。
  • 34、扒掉面具,扒掉伪装,扒掉虚情,扒掉假意,扒掉浮躁,扒掉厄运,扒掉娇气,扒掉软弱、扒掉烦恼,扒掉忧愁。“扒衣节”愿你扒掉一切不如意,焕然一新、刚柔并济,向快乐出发。
  • 35、当我们谈论死亡时,我们在害怕什么,是什么带给我们不幸、悲痛、厄运,我们害怕直面悲伤,无常的命运看起来总是不公,我们恐惧的是将失去的。
  • 36、一节“的食利者的安乐死”,笔者对债券持有人厄运在二十世纪在欧洲和南美,特别是阿根廷为重点。
  • 37、“5”论天涯,“5”论海角,愿你幸福报到痛苦消;“5”论眼前,“5”论天边,愿你烦恼消失快乐伴;“5”论现在,“5”论未来,愿你厄运溜走好运代。5月5,双5日,双5合十你幸福,十全十。
  • 38、我没有跟任何人说这件事,最难受的不是头上和胳膊上的擦伤,也不是愤怒和委屈,是自憎的感觉——厄运中的人多有一种对自己的怨憎,任务是自我的某种残破才招致了某种命运。柴静
  • 39、交好运时要谨慎,遭厄运时要忍耐。
  • 40、突如其来的厄运使他变得一蹶不振。
  • 41、愿团圆搭上佳节的快车道,让幸福与你热烈拥抱,让厄运给你乖乖让道,让全家天天欢笑,让命运对你格外关照,元宵节就快到了,提前祝你节日快乐逍遥!
  • 42、每个人都要学会坚强,不要哭泣。遭遇厄运是,不必伤心,因为伤心不是解决问题的关键,关键在于找出方法学会坚强的面对困难。
  • 43、只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。
  • 44、打开快乐雨伞,遮挡痛苦雨点。穿上幸运雨衣,躲避厄运雨丝。套上幸福雨裤,绕开烦恼雨路。踩着平安雨鞋,踏平郁闷坎坷。愿你雨天心情好,快乐无烦恼!
  • 45、轻视任何厄运,嘲笑任何逆境;看轻任何困难,忽略任何表扬;接受每一次批评,重视每一个对手;尊重每一个朋友,把握每一次机遇。
  • 46、快乐鹿,吉祥撬,把福运好运都送到;如意袜,幸福帽,把霉运厄运都赶跑;温馨信,真诚心,愿我祝福都成真。祝你圣诞快乐!
  • 47、现在,这个晚生了两千年的天才即已陷入厄运的怪圈,开始用他那半神半人的手勾勒自己命运的轨迹。埃米尔·路德维希
  • 48、至于整个景区的布局以及各个庙宇的、亭台、石桥以及雕塑的象征意义,在我看来,都暗示着对自然的敬畏。哪怕是对自然最轻微的冒犯,无论是有意的还是无意的,都会给其拥有者带来厄运和死亡。段义孚
  • 49、点燃复活节火焰,让厄运在圣火里惊颤,让烦恼在圣火里熬煎,让困难在圣火里软瘫,让美好的希望在圣火中重燃,祝福复活节快乐平安!
  • 50、好的运气令人羡慕,而战胜厄运则更令人惊叹。弗兰西斯·培根