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友情造句 首页

  • 1、真正的友情,无论是挑拨离间的阴风,还是天灾人祸的霹雳,无论是阴谋诡计的浓雾,还是贫困潦倒的严霜,都不能使你胆怯,都不能使你疏远,都不能使你背叛。你坚韧若高山的岩石,你连绵如长长的流水。
  • 2、自信的人能赢得友情、赢来爱情,他有一种敢爱敢恨的胆识,爱就爱个地老天荒,恨就恨个山高水长。
  • 3、Intimes of trouble, true friendship shines through as a comforting light that guides us through the darkest of storms, giving us hope and strength to carry on.
  • 4、The bond of friendship is like a delicate thread that weaves together hearts, reminding us that we are never alone in this vast and sometimes lonely world.
  • 5、Arue friend is like a mirror, reflecting our flaws and imperfections, yet loving us unconditionally and inspiring us to become better versions of ourselves.
  • 6、Friendship is a garden of beautiful memories, where every flower represents a shared joy, every tree a comforting presence, and every breeze a reminder of the cherished moments we have spent together.
  • 7、The warmth of a friend's hug can heal the deepest wounds, providing solace and reassurance that we are surrounded by love and care.
  • 8、Inthe journey of life, true friends are the pieces of a puzzle that fit seamlessly, unlocking doors to happiness, laughter, and adventures galore.
  • 9、Ariend's support is like a sturdy pillar that helps us stand tall amidst the chaos, offering a sense of security and stability in the unpredictable rollercoaster of life.
  • 10、Friendship is the sweet melody that plays in our hearts, uplifting our spirits and filling our days with joy and laughter.
  • 11、Aood friend is a treasure beyond measure, for their presence brings laughter to our sorrows, brightness to our darkest days, and love to our lonely hearts.
  • 12、The beauty of friendship lies in the shared experiences and understanding, where words are not always necessary as hearts communicate effortlessly.
  • 13、Friendship is an embrace that transcends distance and time, connecting souls and kindling a flame that burns brightly even when years have passed.
  • 14、Atrue friend stands by your side, whether you are rich or poor, successes or failures, reminding you that your worth lies not in worldly achievements but in the person you are.
  • 15、The laughter shared with a friend has the power to heal the deepest wounds, to lift the heaviest burdens, and to ignite a fire within that burns away all sadness.
  • 16、True friendship is not about being constantly present but about being there when it truly matters, lending a hand, a shoulder, or an ear to listen, no matter the distance or circumstances.
  • 17、The beauty of friendship lies in the acceptance of our flaws, the celebration of our differences, and the unwavering support in our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.
  • 18、Afriend's gentle words of encouragement can shatter the walls of self-doubt and insecurities, illuminating our path and reminding us of our own strength and potential.
  • 19、In the vast ocean of life, a true friend is the lighthouse that guides us safely to the shores of love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.
  • 20、The greatest gift of friendship is not the material possessions or grand gestures, but the comfort in knowing that someone will always be there, ready to wipe away our tears and share in our joys.
  • 21、他们两个人从小就是好朋友情同手足。
  • 22、诚就是平实、自然。文章的基础,友情的基础,都是建立在自然平实之上。
  • 23、拥有友情,就拥有了一份理解和支持;拥有友情,就拥有了一份快乐和温馨。
  • 24、谈友,君子之交,深刻之交都是不可缺少的。但是,也不乏那种用甜言蜜语搭建的友情,恰如空中楼阁般这是不安全不可靠的。
  • 25、像橡树般一寸寸成长起来的友情,要比像瓜蔓般突然蹿起来的友情更为可靠。夏洛蒂·勃朗特
  • 26、不论是多情的诗句,漂亮的文章,什么都不能代替亲密的友情
  • 27、友情是一场甘霖,是人受到心灵的滋润。
  • 28、友情即良药;我们都是彼此的医生。佩特罗尼乌斯
  • 29、感情等于天才。感受是了解的对手,正如行动是思维的抗衡。一个有天才的朋友可以通过友情、领会,和他并驾齐驱。一个常人有感情作基础,就可以比倒最伟大的艺术家。这说明女人为什么爱着一些“蠢才”。巴尔扎克
  • 30、月光下,我用繁冗拖沓的文字祭奠我的青春,纪念我死去的友情和迟到的爱情。
  • 31、是缘分将我们带到一起,是友情将我们紧紧地相连。
  • 32、即使相处的时间不多,但所谓的友情是不在乎相处的时间长短的。
  • 33、爱情里我爱你,是为了得到另一半;友情里我爱你,请不要随随便便乱说;亲情里我爱你,常常被忽略却至关重要。母亲节,记得对妈妈说声“我爱你”!
  • 34、友情是梦的编者,它在人生中绽放亮丽的青春,释放迷人的芬芳。
  • 35、友情如水,淡而长远;友情如茶,香而清纯;友情如酒,烈而沁心;友情如雨,细而连绵;友情如雪,松而亮洁。
  • 36、孩子,可怕的敌人不一定是面目狰狞的,和颜悦色、满腔热血的友情,有时也会耽误你许多宝贵的时间。傅雷
  • 37、友情与事业代表着人生的两大乐趣,而要想拥有这两大乐趣,一是要开朗,一是要勤劳。
  • 38、没有一宗友情是地久天长的。人们在你的生活里来去如流,有时,友情的过程是短暂的,有限的。索菲娅·罗兰
  • 39、友情是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根、发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。
  • 40、不论是多情的诗句,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替亲密的友情。普希金
  • 41、初恋的芬芳在于它热烈的友情
  • 42、友情放在心上,是一曲甜蜜的旋律;好朋友记在心头,是一份温馨的美丽。
  • 43、愿天下友情人,终成倦属!
  • 44、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。卢梭
  • 45、毁灭友情的方式有许多,最彻底的一种是借钱。
  • 46、友情,由时间去考验好了,千万不要由自己的失意去考验。
  • 47、生活的美来源于你对生活的热爱,友情的纯真来源于你对朋友真诚的相待。
  • 48、友情似海,可以包容你的缺点;友情似火,在寒风中给你温暖;友情如书,使你明白更多的道理;友情似阳光,照亮你人生的道路。
  • 49、不论是多情的诗名、漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替无比亲密的友情。普希金
  • 50、熏衣草传说:一株代表友情,两株代表爱情,三株代表祝福,四株代表幸福,我想给你满山满谷的熏衣草,让你拥有最美的祝福和无尽的幸福!


友情 yǒuqíng

友情 (人类情感) 友情表示“无缘之慈悲”,无缘即无条件之意。无条件之友情,即是世间超越血缘、地缘,出离家园与国家,超越骨肉血亲之爱,超越国别地域之爱,对所有人皆可平等奉献、交流无条件之友情,这即是友情的奇特之处。

