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双向造句 首页

  • 1、实验结果表明,这种双向电泳法能快速而准确地测定种子蛋白质的亚基结构。
  • 2、文化交流是双向性的。
  • 3、Toestablish a healthy and harmonious relationship, it is important for both partners to maintain open and honest communication, creating a strong and sustainable bond that is truly two-way.
  • 4、The beauty of friendship lies in the mutual understanding and support, where both individuals invest time and effort into cultivating a deep connection that enriches their lives in endless ways.
  • 5、Auccessful collaboration requires a dual commitment from all team members, as they actively engage in productive dialogue, valuing each other's opinions and expertise to achieve shared goals.
  • 6、True love flourishes when both partners continuously strive to meet each other's needs, investing in emotional intimacy and showing unwavering support through both joys and challenges.
  • 7、Education should be a two-way process, where teachers not only impart knowledge but also encourage students to actively participate in discussions, fostering a stimulating and engaging learning environment.
  • 8、Effective leadership involves listening attentively to the ideas and concerns of the team, encouraging a culture of open communication that empowers individuals to contribute their unique talents and perspectives.
  • 9、Ina healthy parent-child relationship, it is crucial for parents to provide guidance and discipline, while simultaneously allowing their children to express their thoughts and emotions, fostering a strong and dynamic bond.
  • 10、Successful negotiations require both parties to actively listen, understand each other's perspectives, and find common ground, creating a win-win outcome that satisfies both sides.
  • 11、Economic growth can only be sustained when there is a two-way flow of investments and trade between countries, fostering mutually beneficial relationships that promote global prosperity.
  • 12、Ahealthy work-life balance requires a dual commitment from employers and employees, ensuring that productivity and personal well-being are equally prioritized, leading to increased job satisfaction and overall happiness.
  • 13、Successful mentoring relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, as mentors guide and support their mentees, while also learning from their unique perspectives and experiences.
  • 14、Democracy thrives when there is a two-way flow of ideas between citizens and their elected representatives, allowing for active participation, feedback, and accountability, ultimately leading to a more inclusive and transparent governance.
  • 15、Effective conflict resolution involves creating an environment where all parties can express their grievances, actively listen to each other's concerns, and collaborate to find a mutually acceptable solution that promotes unity and understanding.
  • 16、Astrong and loving family bond requires both parents and children to invest in nurturing relationships, showing unconditional love, support, and understanding, ultimately creating a safe and harmonious home environment.
  • 17、Innovation and progress are driven by the exchange of ideas and knowledge, where individuals and organizations actively engage in collaborative efforts, inspiring creativity, and pushing boundaries two-way.
  • 18、Cultural exchange plays a vital role in fostering global understanding and appreciation, as individuals from different backgrounds engage in a two-way dialogue, celebrating diversity and promoting harmonious coexistence.
  • 19、To effectively address climate change, it is crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to engage in a two-way conversation, sharing knowledge, taking action, and collectively working towards sustainable solutions.
  • 20、Effective teamwork requires a two-way flow of trust and respect, where each team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique skills and perspectives, leading to increased productivity and success.
  • 21、结论:桂枝汤及其提取物对体温具有双向调节作用。
  • 22、单黄线在双向双车道的道路上,跟双黄线的作用是一样的。
  • 23、内胆用8号拉头,绿色布条,使用加强型塑料双向双面拉链。
  • 24、安装者可以为面板配置双向无线,网络通讯,蜂窝通讯和拨号通讯。
  • 25、染料锥虫蓝对卵黄囊的胞饮作用具有明显的双向作用。
  • 26、海萍对刚出生不久的女儿冉冉:"奶粉要进口的,尿布要名牌的。进出都要钱,你整个儿一双向收费,比中国移动还狠啊!"。
  • 27、采用涡流测振仪位移挡双向测量取平均值作为实际热位移值,可提高测量主轴热位移的精度。
  • 28、随着车辆保有量的增加,内环线的通行服务水平由于其双向4个车道的限制,越来越不适应交通流量增长的需要。
  • 29、该声明随后对这一有争议性的乐器提出明确的批评。“足球的魅力在于它是绿茵场和看台上双向的感情交流,公众可以全方位地向球员传达自己的感情。
  • 30、采用双向电泳技术,对浙江乐清无花纹和有花纹文蛤外套膜的全蛋白进行了研究,并利用质谱和软件对差异蛋白进行了分析。
  • 31、等我发了财,我就把所有厕所都包了,让你随便拉,咱还经营实行双向收费,长得不漂亮的统统不让进,憋死他!到时就请你看门!哈哈,要发日快乐!
  • 32、剧团部门负责人实行民主推选、剧团聘任;职工实行竞争上岗、双向选择,在岗人员由73人精减为42人;工资实行结构、分级加浮动,按劳取酬。
  • 33、目前单幅双向通车的安全设施均已到位,同时开始对险情边坡护面墙进行卸载放缓处理。
  • 34、我们须知,抗疫工程需要双向的配合。
  • 35、目的建立并优化人胰液蛋白质组的双向凝胶电泳分离方法.
  • 36、家庭教育是一种平等的双向、互动教育。平等的前提下是家长可以指引孩子的教育,也可以是孩子纠正家长的教育,还可以是"和平探讨"出"真理"的共同进步的教育。
  • 37、目的优化大鼠皮质双向电泳样品制备方法,初步建立双向电泳条件,提高电泳分辨率和重复性。
  • 38、选取1040名北京市小六、初二和高一学生,探讨青少年与最亲密同性友伴的相似性,及性别组合、年级组合和单双向选择对最亲密同性友伴相似性的影响。
  • 39、军队医院在“双向代职”工作中起着关键作用.
  • 40、随着社会主义市场经济的建立与完善,国家对高校毕业生就业由“统包统分”转向“自主择业”、“双向选择”。
  • 41、高校老乡会是高校中客观存在的非正式群体,对高校整体工作,特别是学生工作具有双向作用。
  • 42、无捻粗纱布是由直接无捻粗纱织成的一种片状平纹双向织物.
  • 43、烟台运盛石油机械配件有限公司创建于1997年,目前是国内生产双向保护抽油杆接箍的最大企业之一。
  • 44、由于智能仪表和其他设备的出现,这些企业和家庭将来可以和动能化的植物双向交流。
  • 45、应当十分重视农村文化的严峻现状,准确把握农村文化的科学内涵,有效展开农村文化“人化”和“化人”的双向过程。
  • 46、依赖双向电泳的杂交检测单元,配备该检测单元的传感器芯片,和杂交检测的方法。
  • 47、卡扎菲武装搅乱了所有的通讯联系。我们能与外界联系的只剩下一些双向卫星电话了。
  • 48、真正实现了双向通信,根据情况,大型机代码既可以是服务器,也可以是客户端。
  • 49、大桥全长1,172米,桥宽30.35米,桥上设有双向六车道,两边还各有一条宽两米的人行道。
  • 50、从文献查阅来看,目前对车辆路径规划问题的研究大都集中于单向的物流配送,而对集货业务和配货业务同时存在的双向物流的研究还很不成熟。