- 1、这类句子例示或详述的是双数量词构式。
- 2、把面团擀成0.25厘米厚,用大饼干模印出双数数量的饼干。
- 3、Inthe enchanted forest, the moonlight dances gracefully on the twin rivers, creating a mesmerizing display of beauty and serenity.
- 4、The symphony of laughter and joy echoed through the charming village as children skipped along the cobblestone streets hand in hand, forming perfect pairs of happiness.
- 5、The delicate butterfly, with its vivid colors and graceful flight, symbolizes the duality of life - both fragile and resilient, offering a gentle reminder of the beauty and fragility of existence.
- 6、Asthe golden sun sets on the horizon, casting its vibrant hues across the sky, I am captivated by the tranquility of the landscape, feeling a deep sense of peace within myself.
- 7、The duo of talented dancers gracefully moved across the stage, their synchronized movements capturing the hearts of the audience and leaving them in awe of their skill and precision.
- 8、The twin towers, towering over the city skyline, are a testament to human ingenuity and architectural brilliance, leaving everyone in awe of their grandeur and majestic presence.
- 9、The ancient temple holds two stone statues, crafted with exquisite details, depicting siblings forever locked in an embrace, symbolizing the eternal bond and undeniable connection between twins.
- 10、The melodious harmonies of the double violin concerto filled the concert hall, evoking a kaleidoscope of emotions that touched the hearts of all in attendance, leaving a lasting and profound impact.
- 11、In the realm of literature, the pair of star-crossed lovers captivated readers' hearts as their tragic love story unfolded, reminding us of the power and intensity of passion that can end in both joy and sorrow.
- 12、The dualistic nature of time, with its ever-moving hands ticking forward and backward simultaneously, serves as a constant reminder of the preciousness and fleetingness of our existence.
- 13、The two best friends, bonded by a shared history and a deep understanding of each other's hearts, navigated the journey of life together, providing unwavering support and comfort through every twist and turn.
- 14、The twin moons gleamed brightly in the night sky, casting a soft glow on the sleeping city, as if protecting it from the darkness and creating a sense of peace and security for its inhabitants.
- 15、The timeless fable of the lion and the lamb, depicting the coexistence of strength and gentleness, teaches us the importance of embracing both aspects within ourselves and finding balance in our lives.
- 16、The synchronized swimmers, moving as one with effortless grace and precision, mesmerized the spectators with their stunning formations, showcasing the power of teamwork and collaboration.
- 17、The old oak tree, with its gnarled branches reaching out in pairs towards the sky, stands as a symbol of resilience and endurance, weathering the storms of time with grace and strength.
- 18、手机尾号是单数的朋友请注意,向左走,一直走。手机尾号是双数的朋友请注意,向右走,不回头。听到“呯”的一声响就可以啦。眼冒金星了吧。恭喜恭喜。祝你抬头见喜,发财发财。
- 19、细心的工作人员考虑到俄罗斯忌讳双数,菜品全部准备成单数。
- 20、另外,祭拜“客人”重双忌单,因此在祭拜时应摆六碗、八碗或十碗,供品也要凑成双数。
- 21、作这种弊只有在牌墙上的牌成双数时才可作,成单数是很难作的。
- 22、所以时间复杂性与双数组的大小和字母集的大小成正比。
- 23、正月初二回娘家,礼节讲究少不了:回娘家呀莫空手,送礼物呀要双数,四份礼呀最贴心;遇侄儿呀给红包,中午饭呀娘家吃,晚饭前呀。抓紧时间回婆家。
- 24、美国的总统选举每四年、在能被4除的双数年中举行一次。
- 25、每逢双数年份便举行全州性的选举,选出参议员.
- 26、双数量词构式对进入其内的概念实体有约束和压制作用。
- 27、中国人:西方人也象中国人一样,更喜欢双数么?
- 28、这是非常重要的双数组传递给示波器必须是全球性的。
- 29、双数码管直接显示实测温度和设定温度。
- 30、今年二月份开始,每个双数月的第一周主日定为福音主日,当天的讲道也会以宣讲福音为重点。