- 1、他说正因为被放在了另样的环境之中,结果对现实产生了反作用。
- 2、经院哲学的大时代乃是十一世纪改革的产物,而这些改革又是对于前一个时期的颓废腐化的反作用。
- 3、The love and care I received from my parents is the most powerful antidote to the loneliness and isolation I once felt, a profound example of the positive impact of the reaction of one person's actions on another's emotions and well-being.
- 4、AsI watched the waves crashing against the shore, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the incredible force of nature and the mesmerizing reaction it provokes in me, a reminder of the reciprocal relationship between the environment and our own sense of wonder and awe.
- 5、The resounding cheers and applause from the crowd as the athlete crossed the finish line served as a vivid illustration of the tangible impact a person's hard work and dedication can have on others, fostering a sense of collective pride and inspiration that reverberates far beyond the individual.
- 6、When faced with adversity, it is often our resilience and determination that triggers an unexpected chain reaction, propelling us forward and enabling us to achieve feats we never thought possible, a striking demonstration of the transformative power of our own response to challenging circumstances.
- 7、The look of gratitude in the eyes of a rescued animal is a powerful testament to the profound impact our compassionate actions can have on the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves, illustrating the overwhelmingly positive consequences of our ability to empathize and offer help.
- 8、The profound sadness that emanates from a once vibrant community devastated by war is a haunting reminder of the destructive ripple effect that violence and conflict can have, underscoring the urgency for peaceful solutions and the importance of breaking the cycle of negative reactions.
- 9、The flowering plant, gracefully swaying in the wind, represents a beautiful symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity, where the careful cultivation and nurturing of the environment leads to an abundant harvest and the reciprocation of beauty and sustenance.
- 10、The resounding silence that engulfed the room after the powerful and thought-provoking speech emphasized the profound impact that words can have, underscoring the need for responsible and compassionate dialogue in order to foster understanding and effect positive change.
- 11、The unity and solidarity displayed by a community in the aftermath of a natural disaster showcases the resilience of the human spirit and the incredible power of collective action, serving as a testament to the ripple effect of compassion and support in times of crisis.
- 12、The fear and uncertainty that grip a nation during times of economic instability can trigger a domino effect of negative consequences, highlighting the importance of proactive and responsible financial policies in safeguarding the well-being of individuals and the stability of society as a whole.
- 13、The jubilant laughter and contagious happiness of children playing together in a park exemplify the infectious nature of joy and the transformative power of positive interactions, reminding us of the tremendous influence we have on shaping the emotional landscape of those around us.
- 14、The world-changing discoveries and inventions made by visionary individuals are often borne out of their relentless curiosity and refusal to accept the status quo, serving as a powerful testament to the catalytic effect of intellectual curiosity and the transformative power of human ingenuity.
- 15、The powerful wave of support and empathy that swept across the globe after a devastating natural disaster highlighted the interconnectedness of humanity and the incredible potential for compassion to transcend borders and unite us in times of crisis.
- 16、The profound impact of a teacher's encouragement and belief in a student's potential can set off a chain reaction of confidence and success, unlocking a world of possibilities and shaping the trajectory of their entire life.
- 17、The heartwarming sight of strangers joining together to help a struggling elderly person navigate a flight of stairs reflects the inherent goodness of humanity and the empowering effect of collective kindness, demonstrating the potential for positive change when individuals act selflessly and decisively.
- 18、The humbling experience of witnessing the strength and resilience of individuals who have overcome adversity and trauma serves as a powerful reminder of the capacity for human beings to endure and bounce back from even the most challenging circumstances, exemplifying the transformative power of the human spirit.
- 19、他突然用力推开电脑桌,转椅因为反作用力而猛地向后退去,电脑桌却纹丝不动。
- 20、前方耸立着一座拱形石桥,“小平头”猫下腰,半蹲着匀速摇动桨橹,反作用力所产生的哗哗水流推动着“贡多拉”快速过桥,引得桥上众多游客拍手鼓掌。
- 21、电磁质量是辐射反作用力变率的另一作用效果.
- 22、社会挫折理论认为,在存在社会不信任的情况下,对于挫折感强的群体进行敏感主体的宣传,相反会产生推斥力,难以达到宣传目的,甚至反作用会更大。
- 23、这里的反作用力与作用力虽然不是一个等量级,但胜在有其特殊性。
- 24、典型人物对典型环境有反作用,理由有三:1。
- 25、还有的装上喷水式推进器,通过向后喷水获得反作用力,推动坦克向前行驶。
- 26、反过来学习失败会反作用于具有新颖性的新产品的市场表现.
- 27、***并没有为了文化大*命造成的困难和反作用而挫败,他并没有想过中国人民更好的生活该是什么样子,他的“红宝书”只涉及了两个问题:怎样取得胜利以及怎样在胜利后处罚敌人。
- 28、如果这些排名影响了学生们的求学选择,或者被各大高校的高层领导们看作形象工程,那么这种排名便起了反作用,其负面效果不可谓不大。
- 29、第十一名、蔬果减肥特性:起效快,效果好,但反弹率低,无反作用。
- 30、由于涂鸦引起业主产权收入减少,投资者在该地段做生意犹疑不决,这是它的反作用的影响。
- 31、每一个天真善良的孩子都有他们自己的人生,作为老师,只能教书育人,在物质上的过度阔绰,只会起反作用,孩子困苦长大,并不只是坏事。
- 32、内服药没有反作用,任何年龄段的骨折病人都可运用。
- 33、声明还说,“过于低的银行利率可能会对某些金融市场的运作以及银行体系的借贷能力起反作用的影响。”。
- 34、通过解析鱼体受到的横向摆动流体举力、尾涡反作用力、边界层摩擦阻力和纵向附加质量力,建立快速起动的动力学模型。
- 35、当孩子被大人引导着去关心分数,关心排名时,他就会对学习本身没有兴趣了。学校方面对成绩已有足够的渲染,如果家长在推波助澜,非但对孩子将来的学习没有促进,反而起了反作用。
- 36、一个物体对另一物体施力必然会受这另一物体的反作用力.
- 37、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
- 38、药筒用竹、厚纸制成,内充火药,前端封死,后端引出导火绳,点燃后,火药燃烧产生的气体向后喷出,以气体的反作用力把火箭推向前,飞行中杀伤敌兵。
- 39、作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反.
- 40、呼和浩特市消费者协会受理投诉后,工作人员进行了调查,证实是中药店将麻黄根错配成麻黄,而前者是收汗作用,后者则是发汗作用,对治疗起了反作用。
- 41、根据牛顿的运动第三定律,作用力和反作用力是大小相等,方向相反的.
- 42、问题在于随着时间推移,一度产生了无恐惧或欣快的压力荷尔蒙和行为就具有反作用。
- 43、角色的作用与反作用到它的环境你能显示它的有意图的行为,并且得到它的思考过程。
- 44、这是生产力发展对生产关系的反作用.
- 45、还不去试试凯芙琳专业祛痘水果精髓,平安无任何反作用,纯植物制剂,很多人都在用,内调外用的都有,效果真的很好!
- 46、其实教他那个人,也是个二五眼,虽然知道了用腰发力,却不懂转胯,也不知道核心力量源自大腿,至于脚尖和地面的反作用力,那就更别提了。
- 47、机器本身没有动力车轮向前的推进是来自撞锤运动的反作用力。
- 48、但是如果需要的话,美国也能强加物价管制,可这些将会起到反作用,因为其将阻止新药的发现。
- 49、它主要通过分析大众语篇来揭示语篇中隐含的意识形态和权力关系,同时揭示语篇在控制和影响人们的意识形态的过程中所起的反作用。
- 50、现如今,亲绿作家冯光远也希望借坐牢拼选战,效果也是可想而知,大概只能博一点新闻版面罢了,玩过头了说不定还会起到反作用。