- 1、还有那些孩子早已熟睡、自己却辗转反侧的人父人母,他们夜不能寐,想着如何还清房贷、如何支付医药费以及给孩子存下大学经费。
- 2、他是上古之神,是三界最清贵的存在,也是她辗转反侧的心魔,是爱别离,是求不得。九鹭非香
- 3、Standing on the mountaintop, I could feel a sense of awe and wonder as I admired the majestic landscape before me, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
- 4、Asthe sun set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the tranquil ocean, I couldn't help but be reminded of the peacefulness and serenity that can be found in nature, so different from the chaos of city living.
- 5、The old, worn-out book that I discovered in the dusty corner of the library held within its pages a treasure trove of knowledge, opening my mind to new perspectives and challenging my preconceived notions.
- 6、The symphony orchestra filled the concert hall with their harmonious melodies, transporting me to a realm of pure bliss and escapism, a sharp contrast to the cacophony of the outside world.
- 7、Within the chaotic city streets, I stumbled upon a hidden oasis - a lush, green park filled with vibrant flowers and chirping birds - a stark juxtaposition to the concrete jungle that surrounded it.
- 8、The deafening silence that hung in the air after the final note of the piano recital left me in a state of contemplation, appreciating the power of sound and the beauty of silence, a stark reminder of the importance of stillness in our lives.
- 9、The delicate fragrance of freshly bloomed roses filled the air, enveloping me in a sense of tranquility and beauty, a world away from the struggles and hardships we often face.
- 10、The cool, refreshing breeze gently brushed against my skin as I strolled along the empty beach, the sound of crashing waves providing a comforting backdrop, a welcome escape from the noise and stress of everyday life.
- 11、The intricate dance of the fireflies illuminated the night sky, captivating my attention and filling me with a childlike sense of wonder and joy, a magical experience unlike any other.
- 12、The solitary figure on the park bench, lost in their own thoughts, reminded me of the importance of self-reflection and introspection in our fast-paced, busy lives, a stark contrast to the constant distractions and noise that surround us.
- 13、The delicate threads of a spider's web, glistening in the morning dew, served as a reminder of the intricate beauty and interconnectedness of life, a stark contrast to the superficiality and detachment often prevalent in our modern world.
- 14、The radiant smile on an elderly couple's faces as they walked hand in hand down the street served as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and companionship, a stark contrast to the transient relationships we often encounter.
- 15、The melodies of a street musician's guitar reverberated through the city square, captivating the strangers who gathered around, creating a sense of unity and connection, a stark reminder of the power of music to bridge divides.
- 16、The vibrant colors and geometric patterns of traditional Moroccan tiles adorned the walls of the ancient palace, creating a mesmerizing visual feast and a testament to the timeless beauty of art and design, a stark contrast to the minimalist aesthetics of modern architecture.
- 17、The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeated the cozy café, providing a comforting haven in which to escape from the outside world and indulge in peaceful solitude, a stark contrast to the constant noise and distractions of our digital age.
- 18、为了设计新的教学方案,王老师一连几夜辗转反侧,难以入眠。
- 19、想起今晚皇宫之行,红梅女激情难抑,展转反侧,难以入睡。
- 20、如隔三秋,是因为有人正在思念;长夜漫漫,是因为有人在想念;展转反侧,是因为有人在品味孤独;孤枕难眠,是因为有人在数绵羊,爱就两个字:晚安。
- 21、萧倩躺在床上转辗反侧,不知道为什么老睡不着,偶尔想想自己和萧遥在一起的日子,脸上露出满意的微笑。
- 22、这几天我寝食难安,辗转反侧,日思夜想苦思冥的想着如何改革锦衣卫的各项弊端。
- 23、小马晚上心绪不宁,辗转反侧,老是睡不着。
- 24、我们爱过笑过痛过被时间击溃过,命运带着不怀好意的幽默,我还记得,你拼了命的抱着我又放我摔落,爱无反顾各自陌路,我爱你爱我理由多脆弱,越是求之不得,那伤口越是辗转反侧,罪过最是诱惑,真叫人不疯不活。姚贝娜
- 25、江湖中声名狼藉的东方媚儿,多少人因为她妻离子散,她从不拒绝任何男人的邀请,却都是浅尝辄止,越是求之不得,就越让人寤寐思服,辗转反侧。
- 26、没吃过的东西总是被我们幻想成最美味的,没试过的事儿一定是我们心里头最值得期待的,没得到的爱人一定是我们为之辗转反侧的。得不到的永远是最美的,其实是病。我们总是羡慕着别人车窗里的风景,总是怠慢了我们手边既得的宿命。
- 27、之后,二人栖栖惶惶,在石床上辗转反侧,眼中带泪,思念阿紫。
- 28、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 29、他不愿意让任何人知道,每一个辗转反侧的夜晚,每当他有一丁点的睡意,那些他清醒时被强制扼杀的思念,就会冲破他这时稍微薄弱的意志,咆哮着在他心上奔走呼号:明珠,我想你。长着翅膀的大灰狼
- 30、好在上次的教训给他太深刻了,在转辗反侧了一番后,他便咬紧牙关,下定决心,认准了陈大勇这位财神爷,跟着一路走到黑。
- 31、或是里面呼吸不畅,过一段时间就露出嘴来呼吸一下宿舍的新鲜的‘魔兽空气’,或有时又侧着睡,有时躺着睡,都显得频率特别的均匀,只是有点快,展转反侧难以入睡。
- 32、新年来的前夕,一向一黏枕头就睡的我,居然碾转反侧睡不着。
- 33、你是否要我辗转反侧不成寐,用你的影子来玩弄我的视野?莎士比亚
- 34、黑暗中,袁念荞展转反侧,尽是睡不着。
- 35、这一夜,没有了雨晴的喁喁细语,没有了雨晴的盈手相握,慕容云躺在床上,辗转反侧,难以入眠。
- 36、想着这些王挺就转辗反侧,无法入眠。
- 37、彻夜辗转反侧,黎明前我在窗户的卡嗒声中醒来。
- 38、能攻心,则反侧自消,从古知兵非好战;不审势,即宽严皆误,后来治蜀要深思。清-赵藩“攻心联”,能攻心,则反侧自消,从古知兵非好辩;不审势,即褒贬皆误,后来治学要深思。易中天。赵藩
- 39、啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦……,为你唱这首歌没有什么风格,它仅仅代表着我希望你快乐,为你辗转反侧为你放弃世界有何不可,夏末秋凉里带一点温热有换季的颜色,啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦……
- 40、朱思错有择床习惯,别人睡意绵绵的时候,朱思错辗转反侧。
- 41、三伏长夜漫漫,高温蒸煮思念,辗转反侧难眠,欲发短信畅言,又恐扰君梦魇,外出乘凉池边,听取蛙鸣一片,愿君夜夜安眠,美梦连篇浮现!
- 42、数数儿、数山羊都无济于事,辗转反侧,难以安眠。
- 43、我在睡袋上辗转反侧、忧心如焚。
- 44、任何一段失恋后孤独的时光,如果没有让你长大,那你就浪费了那些辗转反侧的夜晚,难熬窒息的情绪给你带来的苦难。当有一天,你再度面临相同的境况,你只会变得越发的糟糕。
- 45、为了解决这件事,他辗转反侧,不能入睡。
- 46、那个追求幸福的小士兵,正一个人独自辗转反侧地睡在新房子里。
- 47、点燃爱的烛火,为你做一只扑火的飞蛾;一团无法扑灭的爱火,让我辗转反侧;宁愿为你放弃世界,哪怕是折翼而落;爱你已无可救药,一生一世都无法断割!
- 48、我好像生病一样在狰狞的现实与可怕的噩梦之间辗转反侧。
- 49、新年来的前夕,一向一黏枕头就睡的我,居然辗转反侧睡不着。
- 50、每次想起姨夫卷缩着身体,挤在那小小的沙发上转辗反侧,萧文心里就不是滋味。