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  • 1、演员盖丽丽反悔以房还债,盖丽丽。
  • 2、北京晨报讯记者何欣男子通过网络结识**女,交易后男子反悔不支付嫖资,**女恼羞成怒报了警,谎称现金被盗想要追回嫖资。
  • 3、Iill forever regret not taking that opportunity to study abroad, as it could have broadened my horizons and opened doors to new experiences and knowledge.
  • 4、She desperately wanted to go back in time and undo the hurtful words she said, realizing too late the damage she had caused to their friendship.
  • 5、Ashe watched her walk away, he felt a deep sense of remorse for pushing her away and letting fear control his actions, as she was the love of his life.
  • 6、The weight of his decision to quit his stable job and pursue his passion now lay heavy on his shoulders, as doubts and regrets started to creep in.
  • 7、With tears streaming down her face, she wished she could take back the decision to betray her best friend, now realizing the irreparable damage it had caused to their bond.
  • 8、The aging man looked back on his life with immense regret, wishing he had spent more time with his children instead of chasing material success.
  • 9、Every time she gazed at her wedding ring, she was reminded of the promise she had broken, and her heart filled with regret for betraying the person who loved her unconditionally.
  • 10、Seeing the consequences of his reckless actions unfold, he wished he could turn back the clock and undo the decisions that had led him down this destructive path.
  • 11、Asthe years passed and her health deteriorated, she deeply regretted neglecting her physical well-being and not prioritizing self-care.
  • 12、He bitterly regretted not standing up for his beliefs when he had the chance, realizing too late the impact it could have had on shaping a better future for those who came after him.
  • 13、The scattered pieces of the destroyed pottery lay before her, a painful reminder of her impulsive actions and a lesson in the importance of thinking before acting.
  • 14、Looking at the crumbling relationship before her, she wished she could rewind time and make the effort to communicate and understand rather than letting misunderstandings and resentment build.
  • 15、The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slipped through his fingers, and now he was left with a heavy heart and a future filled with what-ifs and regrets.
  • 16、The remorse in his eyes spoke volumes as he realized the irreversible damage he had caused to the environment, wishing he could take back his reckless and thoughtless actions.
  • 17、Standing at their grave, she wished she could apologize one last time for all the pain she had caused and let them know how deeply she regretted not cherishing them when they were alive.
  • 18、Apang of regret washed over him as he watched her walk down the aisle, realizing he had let his fear of commitment ruin his chance at happiness.
  • 19、As the consequences of his unethical actions came to light, he desperately wished he could reverse time and erase all evidence of his wrongdoing, aware of the irreparable damage he had caused to others.
  • 20、有官媒保媒,就是县衙作保;纵使汤家日后反悔讨个穷村姑做当家媳妇,官府也不会坐视不理的。
  • 21、既然签了约就不能反悔了,他可不是一个言而不信的人。
  • 22、贤臣只为民情,绝无反悔之处,只知为官与民除害,诚谓事君能致身,快乐而无怨。
  • 23、本来朋友答应好好的可以说算是铁板钉钉的事情了,到现在突然之间反悔了。
  • 24、第九十一条调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方反悔的,人民法院应当及时判决。
  • 25、对不起一句短短的话里含有多么多的意思呢:悲伤和伤痕、误会和反省、反悔和何解,无法理解的感情混合在一起。所以,安力荃金相信没办法用短短的一句话来表达心意。
  • 26、恩朕金口御言,话说出口绝不反悔,你回丞相府等着接圣旨吧。
  • 27、我最宝贝的两具女体都融掉了,你也没机会反悔了。
  • 28、李旭今日既然许诺了大伙分帐,将来当着孙九的面儿,即便是反悔,也会拿出一部分来虚应故事。
  • 29、一小我私家因为看到另外一种糊口方法更有重大的意义,只经过半小时的考虑就宁愿丢弃一生一事业前途,这才需要很强的本性呢,冒然走出这一步,以后永不反悔,那需要的本性就更多了。
  • 30、何夏害怕毕老反悔,快速折身进入堂屋,借助微弱的灯光不停的忙碌,坚韧着意念,一夫当关,万夫莫开的劲头,苦心竭力。
  • 31、但乞饶命,情愿追随大仙,执鞭随镫,如有反悔,地灭天诛!
  • 32、你答应过我,要陪我看遍世间美景,你答应过我,要让你我名字流芳千古,你答应过我,要同我一起去碧落黄泉,如果是你,如果是你……你答应过的,一定不会反悔吧……沧海遗墨
  • 33、经过游说,黄一飞、陈国坤、林子聪等师兄弟都已经答应剃光头,可临剃头前的关键时刻,周星驰却反悔不肯剃,周星驰反悔后,黄一飞等人也就得以解脱。
  • 34、赵王设宴谢公子,想献五座城给他,公子自谦婉谢,一直到罢宴,赵王反悔了,也就不再提此事。
  • 35、在调解书签收前当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。
  • 36、喜欢的人喜不喜欢你,这个谜题从十几岁开始,或许要用一生来回答;即使得到了答案也只是暂时的斩钉截铁会被收回,信誓旦旦会被背叛,不屑一顾也会被反悔
  • 37、诚信是什么?活泼好动的孩子说诚信是两根纤小的手指,拉过钩儿就永不反悔;风华正茂的小伙子说诚信是一张精致的信用卡,是不能透支的诺言;耄耋之年的老人说诚信是一本厚厚的日记,是一张不容背叛的人生契约。
  • 38、男人在发誓的时候都是真的觉得自己一定不会违背承诺,而在反悔的时候也都是真的觉得自己不能做到。所以不要太过于执着这种没办法衡量坚贞与对错的东西,它的存在只能证明,在说出来的那一刻彼此曾经真诚过。九夜茴
  • 39、三合会党,反清复明,日月可鉴,永不反悔
  • 40、我们早已有言在先,你怎么可以反悔呢?
  • 41、如果能反悔,谁不愿意做偶尔对他笑一笑的同窗,谁又愿意这样见不得人地喜欢他。我再傻,也知道有一首歌唱着“友谊天长地久。”。书海沧生
  • 42、何欣男子通过网络结识**女,交易后男子反悔不支付嫖资,**女恼羞成怒报了警,谎称现金被盗想要追回嫖资。
  • 43、从外表上看,女人做事情犹犹豫豫的,但那只是在买东西或选择穿什么衣服的时候,在面临人生的重大决定时,她们比你想象的要大胆果断。当然,她们在作决定之前也会陷入深深的苦恼,但一旦决定了就不会再反悔
  • 44、转卖购房指标后反悔怕对方不退抡刀砍人,杨某。
  • 45、我告诉她们要另类、具有冒险精神,但是在将自己交给相机前,你一定要忖度再三,因为一旦决定了就无法再挽回,而你往往很快就会反悔
  • 46、如果杉山元不逼迫近卫文磨反悔调停,如果当时的南满株式会社在东北探到了石油,不偷袭珍珠港,今日历史早已改写。
  • 47、调解不成或者调解书送达前,一方当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。
  • 48、我王军有生之年决不做任何伤天害理之事,而且今生今世听从岳老大的吩咐决不反悔,如有违背叫我王家绝子绝孙。
  • 49、咱们的合同还墨迹未干,怎么你就反悔了,这行吗?
  • 50、为了表示双方的诚心,不会反悔,你我折箭为誓!


反悔 fǎnhuǐ

反悔 反悔,指收回自己说出口的话(一般指说过的话,做过的事,有时还指物品),一言为实,决不反悔。简单说就是后悔的意思。
