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  • 1、我现在隔着一英里就能闻到指责者的气味。我会朝另反方向不是慢慢走开而是迅速跑得远远的。
  • 2、当拖动本清扫车时,清扫轮鼓上的清扫刷反方向转动,将垃圾扫入垃圾斗。
  • 3、Despite the hardships and setbacks, she never let go of her dreams and continued to pursue her passion for art with unwavering determination.
  • 4、The unexpected defeat only fueled his desire to train harder, as he believed that failure was merely a stepping stone towards success.
  • 5、The harsh criticism from her peers only served to strengthen her resolve to prove them wrong and showcase her true talents.
  • 6、Despite the daunting challenges ahead, he remained hopeful and optimistic, firmly believing that every obstacle presented an opportunity for growth.
  • 7、The lack of support from friends and family didn't deter her from her chosen path; instead, it ignited a fire within her to prove she could achieve success on her own terms.
  • 8、The world may see him as an underdog, but he sees each setback as a chance to rise above expectations and prove his worth.
  • 9、The constant rejection and disappointment only motivated her to work harder, fueled by the belief that every "no" brought her one step closer to a resounding "yes."
  • 10、While others ridiculed her unconventional ideas, she thrived on the thrill of breaking boundaries and challenging societal norms.
  • 11、Heembraced failure as an integral part of the learning process, firmly believing that without it, true growth and success were impossible to attain.
  • 12、Despite society's expectations and pressures, she embraced her uniqueness and refused to conform, firmly believing that individuality was a strength, not a weakness.
  • 13、The fear of judgement and criticism didn't stop him from expressing his authentic self, as he understood that true happiness could only be found in embracing one's true identity.
  • 14、She refused to let her past define her future and used her experiences as a catalyst for personal growth and resilience.
  • 15、The suffocating conformity of societal norms only fueled his determination to chart his own path and create a life filled with purpose.
  • 16、She defied the notion that success was solely defined by material wealth, choosing instead to prioritize happiness and personal fulfillment above all else.
  • 17、While others were quick to judge, labeling him as a failure, he remained steadfast in his belief that success could be found in the journey, rather than just the destination.
  • 18、The constant naysayers and doubters only served to strengthen her resolve and push her to prove them wrong, as she understood that their opinions held no weight in determining her self-worth.
  • 19、Despite the odds stacked against him, he refused to succumb to self-doubt and instead focused on honing his skills, fully aware that talent alone was not enough without relentless hard work.
  • 20、The setbacks and heartaches he endured only made him more compassionate and empathetic, as he understood the value of resilience and the power of a kind heart.
  • 21、While others sought validation from external sources, she found solace in the beauty of self-acceptance and learned to love herself unconditionally, flaws and all.
  • 22、首先,拿两把扳手,一把扳住水管接口部分,另一把扳住龙头的丝扣,两把扳手向相反方向用力,拧下龙头。
  • 23、我所谓冒认不可能错误性,是说担任?代?替?他?人判定那个问题,而没有允许他人听一听相反方面所能说出的东西。
  • 24、由于守门员最后总是要选择一个方向,然后门迭塔就顺势踢出反方向。
  • 25、写作一部小说是要创造一个我们在生活里或在世界里无法找到的中心,并且将之隐藏在景观之中——和我们的读者玩一种虚构的对弈游戏。阅读一部小说就是反方向执行同样的行为。置于作家和读者之间唯一的东西就是小说文本,仿佛是一个赏心悦目的棋盘。每一位读者都自己的方式将文本具象化,在任何自己喜欢的地方找寻中心。奥尔罕·帕慕克
  • 26、当反方得意洋洋的时候小明从容不迫地反驳说:好的书能提高自己的知识,即使是不好的书,只要从批评的角度来看也能从中得到知识!
  • 27、当激波以倾斜的方式在磁云的本体中传播时,磁云的本体和激波的远日点同时发生朝向相反方向的偏转。
  • 28、你可以引经据典去支持正方或者反方的观点,但话说回来,我还总是会站在支持艺术自由的一方。
  • 29、他滚了一圈,一个鲤鱼打挺跳了起来,撒丫子就朝反方向跑去。
  • 30、没有人的人生能够完美的按照自己想要的走下去,就像被线牵着走的人偶也可能因为枢纽的错误而往你所希望的方向的反方向走去。黑心苹果
  • 31、评委刘春晓认为这场比赛“双方水平接近,辩得十分精彩,且正方时间把控精准,反方则在个人风采以及脱稿能力上更胜一筹”。
  • 32、谈到正面差别待遇,我们反方从不否认女性需要正面差别待遇。
  • 33、这名橄榄球员为了迷惑对方球员而突然朝反方向急跑.
  • 34、正反方向元件在动作速度和灵敏度上相互配合,使保护在发电机内部故障时具有高灵敏度,外部故障时具有很高的安全性。
  • 35、这时,只要触碰其中的一块比萨饼,电脑上的图像就会像按了键盘上的翻页键一样,跳转为另一张图像,若触碰另一张比萨饼,则向相反方向翻页。
  • 36、侯明杰称,之所以如此设定,是因为以往大家看谍战剧,总是嫌反方太弱智,为了配合正方的英明神武,反方总是会莫名其妙掉链子。
  • 37、所以反方一辩的陈词中,漏洞历历可数。
  • 38、将右手放置于左耳后侧完骨处,左手放置于左肩的肩井处,缓缓地拉伸脖子,反方向亦然。
  • 39、你却不想懂,只往反方向走。林俊杰
  • 40、角度2是角度1的反方向动作,从你的左侧斜到你的右侧,划过对手异侧的身体。
  • 41、两架战斗机从相反方向进入空城后,赵团长充分利用白云、阳光隐蔽自己,争取先发现敌机,以便攻其不备,先发制人。
  • 42、任何聪明的傻瓜都可以让事情更大、更复杂、更激烈。要往反方向发展需要一丝天分以及许多勇气。
  • 43、由于该区内材料产生了巨大的单向反弹力,迫使已处于半熔化状态的表面材料向压力相反方向即无约束的自由表面流动,从而使磨屑形成。
  • 44、小扰动方法不能使用于中性线的区域内,在这个区域出现一个与小扰动漂移运动相反方向的运动。
  • 45、随便吐出了一个名字后,卫庄头也不回的离开,赤练冲着卫庄的反方向走去,只是在那一刹那,经营的泪珠飘向空中。
  • 46、于当时先生饮多了酒,加上“起潜为余谈之甚晰,皆凿凿可据”,他留住几日后便往相反方向去了。
  • 47、资本主义经济增长与剩余价值率、剩余价值积累率呈同向变动,与资本有机构成呈反方向变动。
  • 48、一位目击者说当时这名少年绕过大门走上轨道时看到一辆火车开近,却没有注意到从相反方向驶来的另外一辆火车。
  • 49、你们在看什么?你们跑反方向了!
  • 50、马体几乎保持正直,只有项部稍稍向前进的反方向曲绕,因此骑手刚好能看到内方的马眼和鼻孔。


反方 fǎnfāng

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