- 1、作者盛焰介绍,制作镜画首先要在纸上绘制画样,然后将画样复印在镜子反面,经过雕刻、着色等工艺完成。
- 2、然后好好嘲笑我一番,再把我当反面教材。
- 3、Inthe pitch darkness, where hope had vanished, her heart began to sink deeper into despair, as if there was no way out of the suffocating darkness.
- 4、Despite his impeccable academic record, his arrogance and lack of empathy towards others alienated him from forming meaningful relationships.
- 5、The sound of silence resonated in the courtroom, as the accused's unremorseful eyes pierced through the broken hearts of the victim's family, leaving them shattered and defeated.
- 6、Asthe storm clouds loomed overhead, casting a grim shadow over the once vibrant city, the air grew heavy with sorrow, reflecting the collective despair of its inhabitants.
- 7、The withered flowers in her trembling hands symbolized the absence of love and affection in her abandoned marriage, leaving her feeling utterly alone and unwanted.
- 8、The abandoned playground, once filled with the laughter and joy of children, now stood as a haunting reminder of their absence, its swings hanging motionless and lifeless.
- 9、The bitter taste of betrayal seeped through her veins, as she realized that the person she had trusted the most had been using her all along.
- 10、The once bustling street, now deserted and devoid of life, told the tragic tale of a town ravaged by economic decline and neglect.
- 11、The laughter that once filled their cozy home was replaced by the deafening silence of their broken relationship, leaving them feeling like strangers in their own house.
- 12、With every passing day, her dreams seemed to crumble before her eyes, like a delicate sandcastle washed away by the harsh tides of reality.
- 13、The cruel hands of time relentlessly ticked away, with each passing moment bringing her closer to the realization that her once cherished memories were now slipping away into the abyss of forgetfulness.
- 14、The once radiant smile on her face had faded into a mere facade, concealing the pain and sorrow that threatened to consume her from within.
- 15、Asymphony of discordant notes filled the air, resonating with the chaos and confusion that had overtaken their once harmonious relationship.
- 16、In the midst of the bustling crowd, she felt an overwhelming sense of isolation, as if she was an invisible presence in a world that had turned its back on her.
- 17、The road ahead seemed endless and arduous, as she trudged through a barren wasteland of shattered dreams and unfulfilled ambitions.
- 18、The vibrant colors that once adorned her artwork had turned into a monotonous palette of gray, mirroring her dwindling passion for the hobby that used to bring her so much joy.
- 19、The once close-knit community had become fragmented and divided, with suspicion and animosity poisoning the bonds that once held them together.
- 20、“文化大*命”时期的电影,主人公一定是“高大全”的英雄人物,反面角色则是胡汉三、南霸天、黄世仁那样,从长相上就能看得出来。
- 21、正面为冲绳首里城,反面为紫式部的源氏物语手绘卷部分。
- 22、二我局的编译人员通过这项工作,直接阅读到一批一般人接触不到的国际共运史上被认为是反面人物的著作,从而培养了一些国内知名的专家。
- 23、本质上,孙殿英永远脱不掉反面人物的帽子.
- 24、缺标:正常开机,正反面无标签,主要是气压和掉标问题导致这种问题产生.
- 25、如果一个人掷出四个正面,他向前移动四格,然后轮到下一个人;如果他掷出四个反面,再掷一次。
- 26、在他死后的明末特别是万历时期所掀起的反张浪潮中,攻击者“寻弊索瑕,以功为罪”,使其成为反面典型。
- 27、而上九爻处于高危之位,却不能与时变通急流勇退,这必然会导致它由盛转衰,从而走向自己的反面。
- 28、该院组织干警收看警示教育片《贪图欲海无归途》,真正“把自己摆进去”,对“不严不实”的危害予以警醒,让反面典型充分发挥正面作用。
- 29、假期没出去游玩的话无聊吗?抛硬币玩吧,正面就上网,反面就睡觉,竖起就考虑加班,倾斜就真的申请加班,摔粉碎了就申请国庆长假继续加班,如果摔出两枚--那就天天摔,赚大钱!
- 30、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
- 31、研究常压等离子射流处理对羊毛织物正反面染色性的影响,从而探索常压等离子射流刻蚀在织物中的渗透性。
- 32、要抓几个这方面的反面典型来进行深入解剖,杀鸡给猴看,以儆效尤。
- 33、别的地方是一块反面的镜子。旅行者能够看到他自己拥有的是何等的少,而他从未曾拥有和永远不会拥有的是何等的多。卡尔维诺
- 34、然而,上述最早开建的三大街坊宿舍楼尚未全部建完,这些“民族的形式,社会主义的内容”的样板,在“反浪费”时又成了反面样板。
- 35、希望在日常司法实践中,能少些公捕公判等反面镜鉴,多些关乎百姓福祉和尊严的具体而微的法治细节。
- 36、在剧中,海陆饰演的张晓君和张迪饰演的刘嘉佑可谓是一对苦命鸳鸯,原本相爱的两人却因为众多反面角色的挑拨而相互误会产生隔阂,令一大批观众恨得牙痒痒。
- 37、一些分析人士认为,在全国都在严抓食品安全和质量问题时,重庆有关部门想将沃尔玛树立为反面典型。在中国,食品安全和质量仍然是个主要问题。
- 38、用好“新关联”这部反面教材钟声在“棱镜门”和中国之间胡拉乱扯,无异于在中美关系的晴空布下一块新的阴云。
- 39、梦境美是现实的反面。
- 40、本软件包含了世界170余个国家的纸币票样和货币单位,包括纸币正反面图片和国家名称、首都名称的中英文对照。
- 41、红楼是婚姻的反面教材,谈恋爱千万别去单位找。后果你懂得。
- 42、诸葛亮的反面“诸葛暗”;关云长的反面“关云短”;张飞的反面“张跑”;徐晃的反面“徐稳”;黄盖叹息道:我黄盖变成了绿盖,这不是让我当乌龟啊!
- 43、相比之下的反面角色则反差很大,常常是奇形怪状,贼眉鼠眼,阴阳怪气。
- 44、我愿做一个反面教材,教育他人,警示后人。
- 45、其实,要比那些演惯了正面角色的演员遇到更多的考验,也要付出更多的努力,因为每个反面角色都是独一无二的存在。
- 46、决策的反面,是不做任何决策。
- 47、爱的反面不是恨,而是闹心。李宫俊
- 48、《中华民族将奋起保护长江,为世界可持续发展做出贡献》,反面文章正面做。
- 49、好听的话谁都爱听,它能给人自豪自尊自信,而赞美正是让人获得心的满足。听到别人的反面意见,背后来的意见,这时要特别注意冷静。与人同行,不要走得太快,不要离得太近,给别人一些进退的空间。
- 50、有时反面谐音会积存雄伟的能量,令乐曲不能不绝,这时们或举枪自裁或投河自尽。