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  • 1、他反驳说,为了揭示真相并为了挽回损失,我们必须保持相反的立场。
  • 2、哎呀呀,我还以为白珉老奴才,拿出勇气反驳了。
  • 3、Contrary to popular belief, technology does not dehumanize our society; it actually enhances our communication and connections with others, allowing us to express ourselves and share our experiences on a global scale.
  • 4、While some may argue that money is the root of all evil, it is important to acknowledge that it is not money itself, but rather how we choose to use it, that determines its impact on our lives and society.
  • 5、Itis unjust to generalize an entire group of people based on the actions of a few individuals; we must judge each person on their own merits and not let stereotypes cloud our judgment.
  • 6、Despite the claims that social media isolates us, it actually provides a platform for meaningful connections and allows us to reach out and engage with people who share similar interests and experiences.
  • 7、Contrary to popular belief, video games can actually enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and promote teamwork and social interactions among players.
  • 8、While it is true that fast food restaurants offer convenience and affordability, it is important to recognize the detrimental effects they have on our health and well-being in the long run.
  • 9、The argument that climate change is a natural occurrence dismisses the overwhelming scientific evidence that human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions, are primarily responsible for the rapid changes in our global climate.
  • 10、Contrary to popular belief, immigrants are not a burden on society; they contribute to the economy through their labor, innovation, and entrepreneurship, enriching our cultural diversity in the process.
  • 11、The assertion that violent movies and video games directly cause real-life aggression overlooks the complex interplay of various factors, such as individual predispositions and social influences, in shaping human behavior.
  • 12、It is unjust to blame victims for their misfortunes; instead, we should focus on addressing the root causes of societal issues and providing them with the support and resources necessary to overcome their challenges.
  • 13、The idea that women are inherently less capable in leadership roles is not only unfounded but also undermines their potential and perpetuates gender inequality in the professional sphere.
  • 14、The notion that alternative medicine is superior to evidence-based medicine disregards the rigorous scientific research and testing that ensures the safety and efficacy of conventional medical treatments.
  • 15、The argument that raising the minimum wage leads to job loss ignores the positive effects it has on reducing income inequality, stimulating consumer spending, and improving the overall well-being of low-wage workers.
  • 16、It is irrational to dismiss scientific theories, such as evolution or climate change, based on personal beliefs or religious convictions; scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence and rigorous testing, not personal opinions.
  • 17、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
  • 18、有些话不是听上去有道理,就真的有道理了,一旦被人绕进去你就输了。所以这种时候应该考虑的,不是用什么方法反驳对方,而是用什么动作直接揍死丫的好么。但对晋王我还是不能用这种简单粗暴的方法,主要还是因为我现在打不过他。羽小飞
  • 19、被揭疮疤,周俪当即气急败坏地欲反驳,却又做贼心虚理屈词穷地说。
  • 20、或许,你会反驳我,说有一个住在木桶里的哲学家第欧根尼,即犬儒学派的代表人物,他就是两千多年前过着简朴生活、获得“简单的快乐”的人。
  • 21、罗马教会业已反驳此说法,然而,这个故事已挥之不去。
  • 22、情人节,一对小夫妻吵架。妻子哭着嚷道:“算我瞎了眼!就是嫁给魔鬼,也比嫁给你强!”丈夫马上反驳:“这不可能!近亲结婚是被禁止的!”。
  • 23、你会反驳说,现实不一定非有趣不可。我的答复是,现实可以不承担有趣的义务,但不能不让人作出假设。博尔赫斯
  • 24、有一次丘吉尔对阿斯特子爵夫人说,议会里有一位女性就喜欢他在洗澡时闯了进去;对此她反驳说,你还没帅到要担心这种事的地步。
  • 25、就在此人急急巴巴想要反驳的时候,场中再次传来的更为厉害的惊呼声。
  • 26、反驳者:你也不能控制整个局势。
  • 27、利令智昏,众人何尝看不出吴铭的这点小心思,正想出言反驳,却被吴凡阻止。
  • 28、陈孝正艰难地反驳,"妈,你跟爸爸感情那么好,你应该知道有些人一辈子只能遇到一个。"。
  • 29、王镇坐在人群中见那木立杨对师傅口出不逊,本欲起身反驳,转念一想:不知这老儿是何来历,还是先静观其变的好,是以忍了下来。
  • 30、常元磊顿时勃然作色,实在没想到没用的堂弟竟敢反驳他。
  • 31、朱厚照说得振振有词,众大臣这会儿虽然没有不识趣地去反驳,但是很多人都心存疑惑。
  • 32、安祺拉虽然惊讶,但还是忍不住反驳道,“超魔兽使还没有人能达到,以前有个一级神进行尝试,结果反被召来的超魔兽给吃了。
  • 33、“这样的公子舒夜?你去问问,只怕没有一个人认识”,“只要我认识就好!”沙曼华第一次大声反驳祭司,“别人怎么看他关我什么事,只要我认识他就好!”。沧月
  • 34、我果断的缺心眼儿的反驳他,我又没来过!完了,这会没有利用价值了,要死了,还不赖,死在自家祖坟里。
  • 35、面对诬陷,不要反驳,不要申诉。不要企图与诬陷者对话,不要企图让旁观者怜悯。没有阴影的高楼,一定还未曾建造;没有藤缠的大树,一定还气节未到。余秋雨
  • 36、“你再重一点,我就废了。”叶天宇撇撇嘴,“女人家怎么能动手动脚呢?一点都不文雅。”,温静忍不住反驳,“我动手动脚还是你教的。”,叶天宇装模作样地叹息,“老子后悔了。”。安知晓
  • 37、梅林右手伸得直直的,食指指着嘴角挂着轻蔑笑容的沈雷,被人一连串的明嘲暗讽,却一时间不知道怎么反驳,羞恼成怒却无处发泄,一张小白脸,憋得通红。
  • 38、更糟的是,他们会在全国各地参加讲习会,宣扬如何有效地投掷铜板,并且反驳持怀疑态度的教授说,“如果这是不可能的事,为什么会有我们这215个人呢?”。
  • 39、反驳,但他知道自己说不过徐慧,所以想了一下还是算了,安慰自己好男不跟女斗。
  • 40、对此,普莱特纳十分自信予以反驳:“想知道埃里森先生何出此言并不需要吃什么药”。
  • 41、孙大钱一听,不敢反驳,因为对方说得有道理啊,但怎么就觉得这有点漫天要价的意思呢,只能赔笑了,继续往王家别墅开去。
  • 42、雅虎,微软和古狗均反驳说中国的互联网用户拥有更多的机会访问讯息的渠道,正是因为他们在中国营运,尽管他们采用一些折衷手段。
  • 43、淡写轻描的一句话,却似乎充满着毋庸置疑的信心,让龙丹无从反驳
  • 44、我胸有成竹地站了起来反驳林雅琪:“世界名人培根说过:‘史鉴使人明智,诗歌使人巧慧……’这不足以说明开卷有益吗?人欲成才,士欲济世,务必开卷读书。”。
  • 45、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 46、对客户的异议自己无法回答时,绝不可敷衍、欺瞒或故意乱反驳。必须尽可能答复,若不得要领,就必须尽快请示领导,给客户最快捷、满意、正确的答案。客户永远无小事。
  • 47、在我的研究中,立论和反驳都十分容易,因为我只是在回答自己,而不是真正的对手。
  • 48、吴凡虽觉她的话牵强附会,尽是歪理,一时却也说不出话来反驳
  • 49、只要一个人仍然能够学习,仍然能够培养新习惯,仍然能够忍耐反驳,他都还算年轻。
  • 50、先人也很可怜,引用他们的很多话,很多时候不是因为尊敬他们,而是凑巧他们和自己想的一样,利用一下这些话,去反驳或者批评一个和自己想的不一样的人罢了。


反驳 fǎnbó

反驳 反驳,指提出反对的理由辩驳;反对;犹言对立,矛盾。语出《后汉书·文苑传下·赵壹》:“伊五帝之不同礼, 三王亦又不同乐,数极自然变化,非是故相反驳。”
