- 1、接到这样一张奇特的字条,史密斯医生自然很生气,于是便给鲜花店打电话询问怎么回事。
- 2、正如你所知道的,史密斯博士因其在国际会计领域的突出成绩而闻名于世。
- 3、Smith, with his unwavering determination and perseverance, overcame countless obstacles to achieve his dream of becoming a renowned surgeon.
- 4、The Smith family, bound by their unconditional love and support for one another, stood strong in the face of adversity and came out even stronger in the end.
- 5、Asthe architect of change, Smith revolutionized the way we think about sustainability and paved the path towards a greener, more eco-friendly future.
- 6、With his undeniable charisma and infectious passion for music, Smith captivated audiences around the world, leaving a lasting impact on the music industry.
- 7、Smith's profound words of wisdom and thought-provoking ideas continue to inspire and motivate individuals to strive for greatness and never settle for mediocrity.
- 8、After years of dedicated research and extensive experimentation, Smith discovered a groundbreaking cure for a deadly disease, saving countless lives in the process.
- 9、The heart-wrenching tale of love and loss in Smith's novel struck a chord with readers worldwide, leaving them emotionally moved and lost in a sea of emotions.
- 10、With her unwavering trust and belief in Smith's abilities, Mrs. Smith became his biggest supporter and played a crucial role in his success story.
- 11、Through his poignant performances and captivating stage presence, Smith effortlessly transported audiences into different realities, eliciting powerful emotions and inspiring introspection.
- 12、Smith's captivating documentary shed light on the harsh reality of poverty and inspired viewers to take action, sparking a global movement to combat inequality.
- 13、Smith's philanthropic efforts and selfless acts of kindness have touched the lives of countless individuals, reminding us of the power of compassion and the importance of giving back.
- 14、The Smiths' picturesque farmhouse nestled in the serene countryside served as their sanctuary, a place where they could escape the chaos of everyday life and find solace in nature.
- 15、With his infectious laughter and warm smile, Smith brightened the lives of those around him and brought joy to even the darkest of days.
- 16、Smith's resilience and ability to bounce back from failure inspired those around him to never give up, reminding them that setbacks are just stepping stones to success.
- 17、打扰一下,我想和史密斯先生订个约会。他的日程还能给我安排吗?
- 18、堪萨斯有好几个严重事故处理小组,自由纪念医院的牧师史蒂夫史密斯告诉我们。
- 19、“对于一个邀请别人去孩子生日派对的母亲来说,寄送从Target买来的生日邀请卡已远不足够,”史密斯接着说,“现在你必须自己亲手做个十层的蛋糕。”。
- 20、谈及他不同凡响的热情是怎样步步发展起来时史密斯先生说:'在他还是小孩的时候这种不同凡响的热情就成了他成长的一部分他无法摆脱.在一开始我就爱上了这些可爱的汽车并且随着年龄的增长我对车的爱有增无减在我进入青春期的时候我第一次有了跟车这种热情.
- 21、网站发现,这两位有可能在2012年美国总统大选中交锋的政界人士都和史密斯先生有血缘关系。史密斯是一位新教牧师,也是马塞诸塞州的早期定居者。
- 22、不过布兰丹?史密斯写道,工会组织与其努力保留过时的生产“油老虎”的工作,其实更应考虑具有光明前途的“绿领”工作。
- 23、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
- 24、史密斯夫妇过去常常去火奴鲁鲁度过暑假,投宿在山脚下的一个小旅馆里。
- 25、我们少收了史密斯先生的钱,只得给他寄去一张借条索要欠款.
- 26、史密斯在这场比赛中有两次接发球得分。
- 27、史密斯我行我素,拒不执行命令。
- 28、在出口部工作不力时,史密斯把它管了起来,并且干得十分成功。
- 29、史密斯一掌权就企图开历史的倒车,复辟到中世纪去.
- 30、史密斯先生故意刁难,就是不肯照章办事。
- 31、昨天史密斯教授作了一次关于国际形式的演讲。
- 32、史密斯先生听我说到他女儿在学校品行不良时,一脸的怒容.
- 33、加州帕沙地那友谊浸信教会的本堂牧师鲁休斯史密斯谈到,这位流行音乐之王已经前往天国会见万王之王了。
- 34、史密斯尽可能详尽的描述了美国上流人士经常光顾的典型度假地点,从马撒的葡萄园到长岛的汉普顿,并解答了滑雪和日光浴方面的疑问。
- 35、史密斯说:“你看到他盖帽儿,就想问问他是怎么盖的,因为他没那么高大。
- 36、史密斯先生,你知道,我们报的是FOB净价.
- 37、妮佛?史密斯,加州大学圣地牙哥分校的海洋生态学家,认为海藻体内的萜烯并不是全球珊瑚减少的唯一原因。
- 38、“很难去制造钠含量少的食物因为空间站没有冷冻室,”史密斯说,“盐是一种很好的防腐剂,并且一般来说它们会使食物口感更好”。
- 39、为了和邻居叫劲,史密斯太太买了一个比他们的更大更贵的明朝花瓶。
- 40、随着经济的复苏,那些更为传统的金融服务业务比如并购咨询行业将重新焕发活力,史密斯表示。
- 41、起初,史密斯导演买了两个座位,但想改乘较早时间的航班是却发现只剩一个空座了。
- 42、伦敦警署联盟长官彼得史密斯说他对必须等待的候补者表示同情,但是他表示那是不幸的状况。
- 43、史密斯学院的货币管理课程是关注于大型金融机构组织,在今年的注册人数中,报这个课程的人数急剧上升。
- 44、顺便问一下,不知贵方与一家人造纤维厂的史密斯先生是否有接触。
- 45、汤姆以牺牲打于史密斯进占三垒.
- 46、一个横冲直闯的司机把史密斯车挤到沟里去了.
- 47、史密斯先生是位优秀的声乐家。
- 48、作为无辜车主,史密斯有权要求归还她的汽车,但是,芝加哥市可能需要长达6个月的时间举行听证会,以决定如何处置这辆被扣押的汽车。
- 49、史密斯先生不擅长最后打出王牌。
- 50、我的祖国,我为你歌唱,为这片自由可爱的土地歌唱。史密斯。