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右手造句 首页

  • 1、还是左手闪灯,右手相机,但是越拍越过瘾!
  • 2、事实上,这股流行趋势可以追溯回到2003年的9月,当时钻石巨鳄戴比尔斯公司在全美掀起了一场名为“全世界的女性,抬起你们的右手”的声势浩大的广告宣传活动。
  • 3、When I lost my way in the dark forest, I held my right hand tight, seeking comfort and guidance in its warmth.
  • 4、Asa pianist, my right hand dances gracefully over the keys, expressing emotions that words fail to convey.
  • 5、With his right hand, the surgeon skillfully performed the delicate operation, saving a young life and giving hope to a worried family.
  • 6、Seated in the passenger seat, I reached out my right hand to hold my friend's, offering reassurance during a terrifying roller coaster ride.
  • 7、The prince extended his right hand to the beggar, showing kindness and compassion to someone dismissed by society.
  • 8、After a long day's work, the artist patiently held his brush with his right hand, capturing the beauty of sunset on the canvas.
  • 9、When I fell from my bike, my sister's right hand swiftly grabbed mine, pulling me up and showering me with sisterly love and care.
  • 10、Asa teacher, I often raise my right hand to point out the way, guiding my students towards knowledge and enlightenment.
  • 11、The athlete's right hand firmly grasped the baton, passing it with precision to the next runner, symbolizing unity and teamwork.
  • 12、Gently holding his newborn daughter with his right hand, the father felt an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility wash over him.
  • 13、The explorer's right hand clenched tightly around the camera, capturing fleeting moments of adventure and turning them into timeless memories.
  • 14、With his right hand firmly gripping the steering wheel, the driver navigated through the treacherous storm, ensuring the safety of his passengers.
  • 15、When the little girl lost her way in the crowded fairground, a kind stranger offered his right hand, guiding her back to her worried parents.
  • 16、Standing at the altar, the bride clasped her right hand with her groom's, vowing eternal love and commitment in the presence of their loved ones.
  • 17、In the midst of chaos and conflict, the mediator extended his right hand, encouraging dialogue and seeking a peaceful resolution.
  • 18、With her right hand holding onto her dreams and aspirations, the young entrepreneur fearlessly embarked on her journey to success.
  • 19、The therapist's right hand gently caressed the patient's back, providing comfort and solace in times of pain and sadness.
  • 20、Winter's frost lingered on my right hand as I reached out to touch the delicate snowflake, marveling at nature's intricate beauty.
  • 21、林东嘴上说着,右手按下了证书预览按钮.
  • 22、她平时胆子最小,这会儿她皱着眉毛,咧着嘴巴,一脸要哭的样子,右手紧紧地扣着左臂,还没等医生走过来,就吓得连连往后退。
  • 23、从大年初四开始,他就发现自己眼睛干涩发红、肿胀酸痒,还不停流眼泪,甚至发展到右手不停痉挛,控制不住地抖。
  • 24、森田学长反复说着对不起对不起,下次再去别的地方时会留下可视电话的,他用很认真的表情这样保证道,然后我们两人拉着手回了家,无法祈祷自己幸福的我,却向漂浮在夜空的月亮祈祷这个拥有温暖右手的人得到幸福。
  • 25、我左手拿着书包,我右手拿着水瓶,掂量着哪个重.
  • 26、时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手过目不忘的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。
  • 27、只要钓索给撑紧着,我的右手就能握住它,他想.
  • 28、勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。
  • 29、时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手是过目不忘的萤火,右手是十年一个漫长的打坐。
  • 30、最新的研究结果证实,左撇子男人不光在进行网球等体育运动比使用右手的男人占优势,他们的赚钱能力也更胜一筹。
  • 31、你,不曾发觉,你总是用右手,牵着我,但是心却跳动,在左边,你和我之间,的遥远,永远隔着亲切,爱少的可怜。杨丞琳
  • 32、按您生辰八字,国庆定能发横财。吹个爆炸发型,穿件补丁衣裳,右手拿木棍,左手拿碗,沿街而行嘴里念念有词:行行好吧!
  • 33、简简单单四个字,左手握着大把大把钞票右手握着我心爱人的手,钱是今生钱是迩我钱是左右钱是感受钱是心情但钱不是永恒,爱是今生爱是迩我爱在左右爱要感受爱要迁就但它可以长存,清楚自己在做什么,我就没输过,我想那就一定会,没人在乎无所谓。
  • 34、于是拉着他的右手,扶他起来,他的脚和踝子骨,立刻健壮了。
  • 35、菩萨给我的,是右手交给左手,我给众生的是左手交给右手,不管是左手还是右手,都是我自己的手,一样美,一样好,一样痛,一样苦难,流着一样的血。林清玄
  • 36、左右交替:右侧肢体和左侧肢体做交替运动。如果平时右手干活,有机会就活动左手,不仅使左右肢体全面发展,还能使左右大脑半球全面发展。
  • 37、劳动是幸福的左手,节约是幸福的右手
  • 38、左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到:我爱你。
  • 39、我常想象着如梵志般见佛,只不过右手持“成”,左手持“败”。想我放下成败,放下外六尘、内六根、中六识之时,成功之花必已在心间绽放。
  • 40、他看着止安把奖状卷着拿在右手中,对台下粲然一笑,六月的骄阳仿佛也为之暗淡。辛夷坞
  • 41、他右手腕上仍然挽着那圈电线。
  • 42、右手多做些事不会怪罪左手偷懒,嘴巴一天到晚吃东西、亲吻、说话,似乎好事都是它一个占光了知之小工具,可是屁股不会抱怨老天不公平。
  • 43、他把活件拿在左手中,用右手对它做工.
  • 44、他仰卧着,牙关紧闭,右手紧握着拳头放在胸口上.
  • 45、我想知道你是用哪一只手握钢笔或铅笔……左手还是右手
  • 46、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 47、于汝之右手,在被诅咒的命运抵达终点为止,遥远银河中的蛇夫座寄宿于我身,诉说请求吧!吞食吧!以其毒蛇之牙。
  • 48、我看到你右手食指被乳钵柄摩出老茧的地方了。
  • 49、冉阿让解去吊着右手的黑领带,去掉包手的布,把大拇指露出来给马吕斯看。
  • 50、那太阳左手拿着一个七彩画板,右手握长长的画笔,在天空的大画布上,一抹,又一抹,浓墨重彩的演奏出黎明的乐章。


右手 yòushǒu

1、右边的手 2、右首 
右手 右手:词语概念 右手:漫画作者笔名 右手:知名吧主 右手:郑淑妃演唱歌曲 右手 (词语概念) 右手,1.右边的手。 2.右首;右边。 3.比喻得力的助手。4.右手卡。

