- 1、硅藻对地表石灰华沉积的生物作用,主要包括同化作用、拦截和粘结作用、结壳作用、胶结作用。
- 2、结果嗜酸乳杆菌对低胆固醇或正常水平胆固醇同化作用不明显,而对高胆固醇水平的同化作用比较明显。
- 3、The assimilative power of education enables individuals to embrace diverse cultures, broaden their horizons, and promote social harmony.
- 4、Through the assimilative power of music, people from different backgrounds can come together, express their emotions, and connect on a deeper level.
- 5、The assimilative nature of sports allows athletes to transcend boundaries and compete on an equal playing field, promoting unity and mutual respect.
- 6、Language is a powerful tool of assimilation, as it allows individuals to communicate, exchange ideas, and bridge gaps between cultures, fostering understanding and cooperation.
- 7、The assimilative effect of literature lies in its ability to transport readers to different worlds, cultures, and experiences, expanding their perspectives and fostering empathy.
- 8、Art exhibits the assimilative potential of creativity, as it breaks down cultural barriers, stimulates dialogue, and fosters understanding between individuals with diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
- 9、The assimilative power of technology can revolutionize education, connect people across continents, and provide equal opportunities for learning and growth.
- 10、The assimilative force of globalization has led to the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures, shaping a modern society characterized by diversity, interconnectivity, and progress.
- 11、The assimilative potential of cuisine is undeniable, as it brings people together, introduces new flavors and culinary traditions, and celebrates diversity through shared meals.
- 12、The assimilative power of film allows us to explore different perspectives, cultures, and realities, fostering empathy, understanding, and ultimately, global interconnectedness.
- 13、Traveling is a powerful catalyst for assimilation, as it exposes individuals to new cultures, experiences, and perspectives, broadening their minds and fostering a sense of global citizenship.
- 14、The assimilative nature of fashion can be seen in its ability to reflect cultural influences, break down barriers, and celebrate individuality, promoting inclusivity and acceptance.
- 15、The assimilative power of science unites researchers from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements for the benefit of all humanity.
- 16、The assimilative effect of social media is evident in its ability to connect individuals from all corners of the globe, fostering virtual communities and promoting cultural exchange.
- 17、The assimilative potential of architecture is showcased in its fusion of different styles, materials, and cultural elements, creating vibrant spaces that reflect and celebrate diverse identities.
- 18、The assimilative power of dance transcends language barriers, as it communicates emotions, tells stories, and unites people from different cultures through the universal language of movement.
- 19、The assimilative effect of intercultural marriages can be seen in the blending of traditions, customs, and languages, fostering cross-cultural understanding and enriching family dynamics.
- 20、The assimilative potential of humanitarian efforts is evident in their ability to provide aid and support to individuals displaced by conflicts, helping them adapt to new environments and rebuild their lives.
- 21、论文列举了一些造成语言消亡的原因,包括**的压制政策、同化作用、经济压力、移民风潮、疾病以及自然灾害等等。
- 22、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 23、氨同化作用是植物将无机氮转化成有机氮的一个重要过程.
- 24、本文用集合论语言精确表述认知同化原理,赋予知识链和知识网确切意义,并给出知识结、知识丛和同化作用强度等新定义。
- 25、生物课上,老师给我们讲解了同化作用的原理.
- 26、岩浆的起源和成分及黏度、同化作用和岩浆分异、鲍文反应序列.
- 27、如齐穗期施适量穗肥,以改善叶片‘同化作用,提高籽粒充实程度,增产潜力可进二步发挥。
- 28、氨化作用、同化作用及滤池的硝化作用是氮的主要转化形式.
- 29、间歇反应中微生物同化作用占主导地位.